Flutter windows app help small business to manage their orders and employees with many of features will be useful in your business like printing and export excel files .
You can manage orders, employees, customers, products, payments and payouts in their current business.
Features will be added in the future (Check CHANGELOG.md file) .
You can install the app by setup in the root project 💖 .
DO you need see more ?
Implement Fluent Design concept (fluent_ui package)
Use Isar Database to create database and make all operations for it
Implement SOLID principles
Clear architecture (Domain Driven Design)
Clear Code (has Documentation)
MVVM Design Pattern
MVI Design Pattern by bloc package
Bloc State Management
Mapper Layer (convert model to dto object)
Supporting using online/offline concept
Data Flow like this : Page -> ViewModel -> UseCase -> Repository -> (online/offline) DataSource -> Box (Like payment box) -> Get data !!!
Powerful services (Routing, Dependance injection, Dio, encryption, internet connection, screen sizer)
Support multi themes (Dark,Light)
Support multi colors (All supported fluent design)
Support multi languages (support english and arabic right now)
Use custom font
Saving files as pdf,svg and xlsx in custom folder (existed in downloads folder)
Export barcodes
Export reports (Products,orders)
Export excel files
Using lottie animations
Window Manager for all screens
- Create Debts screen
- Use some charts
- Use Notifications
- Improve the performance