🔭I'm currently working on Mobile Apps Development Skills
👫I'm looking to collaborate on Flutter Projects
🌱I'm currently learning Flutter & Dart
☁️Ask me about app dev & more
⚡Fun Fact I'm just a experienced newbie
🔭I'm currently working on Mobile Apps Development Skills
👫I'm looking to collaborate on Flutter Projects
🌱I'm currently learning Flutter & Dart
☁️Ask me about app dev & more
⚡Fun Fact I'm just a experienced newbie
This is Youtube Tutorial on how to setup Cloudflare Worker + NextJs in a monorepo with Neon as DB and Drizzle as ORM and finally deploying everything on your cloudflare
TypeScript 2
Expense tracker app created with help of udemy course section 4. Though all the source code doesnt match the same as this code is only referenced to the udemy section not copied
Dart 1
building a flutter app with Multiple screens, navigation bar etc
Dart 1
This peoject is build under the guidance of udemy flutter course
Dart 1