Expense tracker app created with help of udemy course section 4 + 5 + 6
This app was created for educational and learning purposes it has all the basics a flutter beginner will needs in it journey. With that said it also has docs commenting explaining the hard and important concept of Flutter & Dart with that it also gives you an idea of how the data is passed in the flutter app
- First Fork this repo
- Create a branch(better if you name it same as your new_feature name) and checkout it
- Make your desired changes
- Commit and push
- Wait for your Pull request to get merged
- lib
- |
- |--main.dart -> Holds the main Structure and body of the app
- |
- |--widgets/
|--adaptive_flat_button.dart -> Holds the common flat button for both platforms used in new_transaction file
|--chart_bar.dart -> Holds the chart bar with additional information about amount spend and weekdays
|--chart.dart -> Generates 7 chat_bar dynamically based on weekdays available
|--new_transaction.dart -> Adds a new transaction to the transaction list
|--transaction_item.dart -> holds the card which displays the single transaction
|--transaction_list.dart -> Responsible for dynamically generating transaaction lists via constructor of transacitem
- |--models/
|--chartDetails.dart -> Holds the model/skeleton of what to be added in our chart
|--transaction.dart -> Holds the skeleton of each transaction
- Compose UI from built-in and custom Widgets
- Custom Widgets are also composed from built-in and other custom Widgets
- Style and configure via arguments
- Use the Docs & IDE support!
- Styling & Layout options are very different: EdgeInsets.all(), BoxDecoration(), enums, .... Docs + IDE support help you
- Often, there's more than one Widget or option to get the job done
- Define a Global theme for colors and text to then tap into it from anywhere in the app via Theme.of(context)
- Built-in Widgets use theme settings automatically
- Lift state up and use stateful Widgets only when needed
- Pass functions references and data around
- Adjust the UI to your logic