Please visit this link to request a project/reagents. Reagents will be allocated on first come/first serve basis and alignment with one health theme.
Do not send any samples to lab without first discussing project with Jordan. Please follow these guidelines when shipping samples. Note: all extracted samples must be sent in full-skirt 96 well plates. Samples to be extracted must be sent in screw top cryovials. A separate sheet with the sample layout is required to protect against damage to labels during shipping.
Protocol 1: Extraction of gDNA using DNeasy PowerSoil QIAcube HT
Protocol 1A: Alternate protocol: Extraction of gDNA using DNeasy PowerSoil Individual Columns
Protocol 2: Extraction of total RNA using RNeasy QIAcube HT
Protocol 1: Primary PCR
Protocol 2: Indexing PCR
Protocol 3: Pooling
Protocol 4: Size selection and cleanup
Under construction
Protocol 1: Scaled Illumina DNA Prep (flex)
Protocol 2: QC + Normalization with iSeq
Protocol 1: VLP enrichment by CsCl gradient
Protocol 2: QIAamp MinElute Viral DNA extraction
Protocol 3: Scaled xGen ssDNA and low input DNA library prep
Protocol 1: Library QC By Tapestation D1000
Protocol 2: Library Quantification by NebNext qPCR
Protocol 3: Loading P1 600 cycle kits on NextSeq 2000