- #12502 Recalculate order adjustments total after adjustment is added or remo… (@kayue, @SirDomin, @TheMilek)
- #15128 [Docs] Sylius Plus installation guide update (@Rafikooo)
- #15148 Fix rendering admin creation form with errors (@jakubtobiasz, @NoResponseMate)
- #15162 Abstracts out ShopBasedCartContext::reset to an interface (@palttamas, @jakubtobiasz)
- #15178 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #15184 Cover the order item units based tax calculation strategy with scenarios (@GSadee)
- #15185 Avoid displaying taxon names inside of autocomplete in different locales than the store (@TheMilek)
- #15186 Add a conflict for doctrine/orm:2.15.4 (@GSadee)
- #15187 [Order] Extract payments removal from OrderPaymentProcessor (@NoResponseMate)
- #15191 Readme banner refresh (@kulczy)
- #15195 Fix percentage discount's decimal rounding issue (@TheMilek)
- #15197 Add a conflict for doctrine/orm 2.15.2 and higher (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15200 [Docs] Update order processing info (@NoResponseMate)
- #15202 Update catalog_promotions.rst (@zairigimad)
- #15204 Resolve comments from #15195 (@TheMilek)
- #15205 [Maintenance] Remove depractions from OrderPaymentProcessor (@NoResponseMate)
- #15207 [Behat] Fix minor mistake in names of scenarios for receiving discount according to promotions priorities (@GSadee)
- #15213 Allow installing doctrine/orm 2.15.* (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15214 Fix configuring amount for catalog promotions fixed discount actions (@TheMilek)
- #15217 Fix cart styles after coupon form submission failure (@shochdoerfer)
- #12555 Fix misleading signing in the admin panel feature description (@Mateuszry)
- #13824 Calculate tax with decimal precision and distribute proportionally across order items (@vvasiloi, @GSadee, @TheMilek)
- #15014 Change prority for custom ChannelContext (@l-vo)
- #15037 [Docs] add image to entity via one-to-one association (@vvasiloi)
- #15059 Upgrade PHPStan to level 5 (@lruozzi9)
- #15064 [Orders][API] Validate endpoints (@Rafikooo)
- #15065 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions[@bot])
- #15069 [Psalm] CacheableSupportsMethodInterface in the deprecation list (@Rafikooo)
- #15075 Add a conflict for doctrine/orm:2.15.2 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15076 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions[@bot])
- #15079 Upgrade PHPStan to level 6 (@lruozzi9)
- #15086 [Fixture] Improve LazyOption performance (@NoResponseMate)
- #15088 [Promotion] Ignore coupon based promotions when when processing an order with no coupon (@NoResponseMate)
- #15101 [Maintenance] Launch of
Sylius Sp. z o.o.
copyright owner across project files (@Rafikooo) - #15110 Include children taxons while executing InForTaxonsScopeVariantChecker (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15116 Ignore ApiPlatform\Core\Api\IriConverterInterface DeprecatedClass Psalm error (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15118 Fix CI (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15130 Add conflict to symfony/validator 5.4.25, 6.2.12 and 6.3.1 (@TheMilek)
- #15137 [Maintenance] Improve ProportionalIntegerDistributor to keep original index (@NoResponseMate)
- #15139 Fix "Show product in the shop page" button (@mamazu, @jakubtobiasz, @GSadee)
- #15145 [Bunnyshell] Adjust the workflows for Fork PRs (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15147 [Behat] Minor improvements for accessing shop product page scenarios (@GSadee)
- #15154 Add a conflict for "stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle": "1.8.0" (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15157 [Issue 15151] - Check manager before refreshing object (@ulinskas)
- #15161 [API] Product filter no longer crashes when using multiple taxons (@palttamas)
- #15165 [API] Fix CommandDenormalizer ignoring custom property names (@NoResponseMate)
- #15170 Prevent placing an order with a disabled shipping method (@jakubtobiasz)
- #12344 [Product][Association] Fix attaching association with numeric code (@hatem20)
- #13438 Replace http with https in static URLs (@vvasiloi)
- #13864 fix message of the length constraint on email (@james2001)
- #14918 [Tasks] Improve Robo task (@Rafikooo)
- #14920 [Admin][Shipment] fix english word and add shipment state in admin show shipment (@BastienGoze)
- #14923 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions[@bot])
- #14925 [Migrations] Sylius-Standard installation fix (@Rafikooo)
- #14926 [API] API Platform's default exception mappings (@Rafikooo)
- #14929 Add conflict for doctrine/orm:2.14.2 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14932 [Admin][Promotion] Remove leftover rules after their assigned product gets deleted (@NoResponseMate)
- #14935 [DX] Do not hardcode order state in order processors (@Zales0123)
- #14938 Revert "Add conflict for doctrine/orm:2.14.2" (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14940 default shipping methods order by position (@ehibes)
- #14941 Fix build (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14953 Update BuildTestApp actions within workflows (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14956 [Shop] Add request matching to LocaleStrippingRouter (@NoResponseMate)
- #14957 Ignore push event on upmerge (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14961 [API] Remove invalid enum value from ProductImage resource (@NoResponseMate)
- #14962 [ApiBundle][Maintenance] Remove conflict with
(@Rafikooo) - #14967 [GRID] Avoid double label translation on date filter (@Prometee)
- #14971 Fix the press enter cause attribute deletion (@zangra-dev)
- #14973 [UI][Swagger] Update link to API Introduction section (@coldic3)
- #14974 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions[@bot])
- #14977 [Promotion] Fix price range filter to also consider configuration with only max (@NoResponseMate)
- #14991 [Unstable][Maintenance] Fix DisablingApiTest on unstable symfony (@NoResponseMate)
- #15006 Fix adding more than one product attribute at once (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15010 Lower the sylius.context.locale tag priority on RequestHeaderBasedLocalContext (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15018 Upgrade PHPStan to level 4 (@lruozzi9)
- #15022 [Admin] Fix inability of sorting promotion coupons and catalog promotions (@NoResponseMate)
- #15024 [Behat][Api] Make sure taxon iri is in right section (@NoResponseMate)
- #15025 Added: Implementation of getShippingUnitTotal (@NoResponseMate)
- #15031 [Behat] Minor fixes in scenarios and contexts (@coldic3)
- #15034 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions[@bot])
- #15038 [Fix][Migrations] Wrong abstract class extended (@Rafikooo)
- #15048 Add php-http/message-factory as a dev dependency to fix tests (@jakubtobiasz)
- #15050 [Fix][Installer] Install Sylius 1.12 with PostgreSQL (@Rafikooo)
- #15052 Revert "[CS][DX] Refactor" (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14825 Update sylius-chart.js (@xXNoceboXx)
- #14892 Improve testing unstable dependencies in CI (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14897 [Channel] Add "order by" to the "find by" methods (@coldic3)
- #14902 [Order] Prevent paying with a disabled method (@NoResponseMate)
- #14905 [Conflict] Add conflict with symfony/framework-bundle:6.2.8 (@Rafikooo)
- #14910 Change the ApiPlatform Mapping prepend path (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14912 [Maintenance][CI] Allow manually dispatching unstable workflow (@NoResponseMate)
- #14914 [Orders][API] OrderItem removal validation (@Rafikooo)
- #11121 Fixed: Calculator at TaxRate fixtures (@igormukhingmailcom)
- #13582 [Documentation] Fix overwriting templates path (@goncziakos)
- #14763 [Documentation][Cookbook] Add Vue Storefront installation guide (@bitbager)
- #14826 Fix order by composite keys in OrderByIdentifierSqlWalker (@coldic3)
- #14835 [Docs] Add warning to skip redundant routes on Plus installation (@coldic3)
- #14838 [Fix] Take care of no session available in cart storage (@NoResponseMate)
- #14839 [Documentation][Plus] Update version of Plus (@GSadee)
- #14841 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14842 Remove ApiPlatform 2.6.x from CI (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14847 Remove merge conflict comment (@SebLours)
- #14849 Fix a wrong function name in the AuthenticationSuccessListenerSpec (@dawkaa)
- #14850 [Order] Fix partially refunded payement preventing order to still be … (@BorbagUskada)
- #14853 [Docs] Add guide on how to add another implementation of UnitRefundInterface (@coldic3)
- #14855 Add selecting only Behat scenarios with @javascript tag for JS-based CI (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14857 Fix LogicException in form validation (@jurv)
- #14859 [Order] Ensure correct item in
event (@NoResponseMate) - #14865 Fix calculating cart after trying to add more product than in stock (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14869 Typo in fixtures.rst (@alexandre-castelain)
- #14870 There's no canton in Belgium, it's provinces (@alexandre-castelain)
- #14880 [Locale][API] Additional locale code validation (@NoResponseMate)
- #14884 fix:
encore prod
retrocompat (@maxperei) - #14886 Add var/log content to artifacts on pipeline fail (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14887 [Admin][ProductVariant] Switched list rendering from base locale to current (@NoResponseMate)
- #14891 Fix dependency security vulerability for enshrined/svg-sanitize package ()
- #12752 [ADR] Strategy for resource internationalization in API (@lchrusciel)
- #13044 [Maintenance] Added promotion form theme override in UPGRADE-1.9.md (@SVillette)
- #13313 [Behat] add scenario for disabled admin (@SirDomin)
- #13913 [Architecture] Ensure HTTP errors are not dispatched in command handlers (@lchrusciel)
- #14026 [Minor] Typo fixes and small code improvement (@lchrusciel, @jakubtobiasz)
- #14055 Fix channel color in fixture (@iKsSs)
- #14531 Update sylius_plus_installation.rst (@oallain)
- #14561 [DOCS] Sylius components attribute (@arti0090)
- #14758 [API] Priorities in data transformers (@Zales0123)
- #14761 fix(layout): removed admin-layout__topbar height (@UlrichHP)
- #14784 [Documentation] Update Sylius versions in release cycle (@GSadee)
- #14785 Remove scheduled full build (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14789 Fix product attribute value normalizer (@loic425)
- #14792 Add adjusting shop regex section to disabling-localised-urls.rst (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14797 [API] Prepend configuration with API Platform mapping (@GSadee)
- #14800 Fix being unable to pick up latest non-empty cart started in shop and continued in API (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14801 Add a missing orders prefix to routes in Admin Panel (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14802 Update versions in the "Submitting a Patch" doc (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14803 Logout Admin User after being disabled (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14804 Fix CI (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14805 Remove possibility to add Stripe as a payment method when package is missing (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14808 Fix url in links (@jaceksieja)
- #14813 [Shop] Fix displaying discount on list view when original price is lower than current (@NoResponseMate)
- #14818 Improve SEO ()
- #14820 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14824 [Orders][API] Change cart item delete HTTP response code to 204 (@Rafikooo)
- #12996 Remove sylius.model.shop_billing_data.class (@vvasiloi)
- #13448 Remove wrong trailing space in test attribute (@mmenozzi)
- #13835 chore: Replace NBSP by Space in doc (@sad270)
- #14122 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (master) (@SyliusBot)
- #14174 [Admin] Fix 500 error when showing cart in admin panel (@lchrusciel)
- #14381 [Maintenance] Note behat changes due to Mailer usage (@NoResponseMate)
- #14416 [Product] Fixed product attribute translations #11570 (@NoResponseMate)
- #14556 Hide "View in your store" widget in case ShopBundle disabled (@diimpp)
- #14562 Update embedding products snippet in documentation (@qhayat)
- #14576 Fix notInRangeMessage usage for a few Range validations (@diimpp, @GSadee)
- #14577 Product taxon position don't affect parent taxon - API (@everwhatever)
- #14667 [Maintenance][CI] Remove github actions deprecations (@NoResponseMate)
- #14716 [Messenger] Use parameters in the configuration (@Rafikooo)
- #14717 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #14719 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #14721 Added forgotten import to docblock. (@kkevindev)
- #14722 [User] Allow configuring
tracking frequency (@NoResponseMate) - #14730 [UI][DX] Extract form collection event handlers to the separate module (@coldic3)
- #14731 [Fix] Request stack with null request (@Prometee)
- #14733 Update generating-invoice-after-payment.rst (@cwa-cc)
- #14735 Refactor not to use RequestStack::getMasterRequest() (@GSadee)
- #14736 Updated UPGRADE-1.11.md to add a BC Break on channel # (@devantoine)
- #14739 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #14740 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #14745 Fix static analysis after upmerge (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14746 Optimize jeans_04.svg size (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14749 Port of Sylius 1.13 CI to Sylius 1.12 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14751 Fix applying catalog promotions when there is no applied promotions and price differ from original price (@TheMilek)
- #14752 Fix workflows file extensions after downmerge (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14753 Fix typo in notify-about-build-status workflow job (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14755 [Maintenance][ApiBundle] Move test app into
dir (@NoResponseMate) - #14762 Add missing interface to OrderIntegrityChecker (@Zales0123)
- #14767 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #14768 [CS][DX] Refactor
- #14770 Fix typo in notify-about-build-status workflow job (@GSadee)
- #14772 [Maintenance][ApiBundle] Update test app config (@NoResponseMate)
- #14773 [Maintenance][UserBundle] Fix UserLastLoginSubscriber arguments (@NoResponseMate)
- #14779 [Admin] Change homepage path variable to use snake case (@GSadee)
- #14780 [Product] Add missing LocaleContextInterface in ProductAttributeController after upmerge from 1.11 (@GSadee)
- #14782 Fix the wrong DQL alias in OrderByIdentifierSqlWalker (@coldic3)
- #14783 [Admin] Fix 500 when resending order confirmation email for a cart (@NoResponseMate)
- #12099 Make link buttons with confirmation modal work again (@stefandoorn)
- #12712 Fix sprintf parameters order (@Creeperface01)
- #13157 Add missing space to taxes (@pavol-tuka)
- #13207 Changing replacement interface as previous one does not exist (@Roshyo)
- #13689 Fix typo in sylius_order state machine callback (@vvasiloi, @Rafikooo, @Zales0123)
- #13820 [Doc] Add depth to theme configuration (@Nek-)
- #14177 [Docs] Fix API docs for Shop User token response (@loic425)
- #14289 [Api] Change int to integer in ProductVariant and ShippingMethod documentation normalizers (@EsamAl-Dabagh)
- #14491 Upgrade PHPStan to level 3 (@lruozzi9)
- #14525 Adding skipIf for migrations to allow future runs when they should apply (@stefantalen)
- #14575 [DX] Add EditorConfig for test API responses (@coldic3)
- #14580 [Enchancement] Optimize memory usage by sylius:remove-expired-carts command (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14587 Add gitattributes on bundles (@loic425)
- #14594 Fix postgres builds (@coldic3)
- #14605 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #14606 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #14608 [UI][Shop][Cart] Reset chosen options on refresh in firefox (@NoResponseMate)
- #14619 Update catalog_promotions.rst (@Xusifob)
- #14625 [Fix][Shop] Conditional adding of logout listener (@NoResponseMate)
- #14632 [Documentation] Extend the maintenance period of Sylius 1.11 by one month (@GSadee)
- #14633 [Documentation] Remove Sylius 1.12 scope from the release cycle page (@GSadee)
- #14634 [API] Fix ProductVariantNormalizer exception catching (@NoResponseMate)
- #14641 Updated twig/intl-extra to allow v3 (@UlrichHP)
- #14642 Fix invalid API errors normalization (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14643 [ProductAssociation] Fix empty product associations (@coldic3)
- #14645 Move Upgrade API from 1.11.11 to 1.11.12 section to the top of file (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14646 Adjust FlattenException and HydraError normalizers to Symfony 5.4 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14650 Validate existence of coupon (@bashilbers, @everwhatever)
- #14651 Remove unit from shipment (@kayue, @everwhatever)
- #14657 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #14659 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #14661 [Maintenance][Psalm] Add LifecycleEventArgs to deprecated classes (@Rafikooo)
- #14662 Improve loading taxons (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14669 Wrong Rounding of the prices in the percentage discount catalog promotions (@maxmishyn, @everwhatever)
- #14677 [Maintenance] Remove Doctrine's LifecycleEventArgs deprecations (@NoResponseMate)
- #14678 [UX] Fix cart button on small screens (@NoResponseMate)
- #14682 It's 2023! 🎉 (@coldic3)
- #14683 Extract authorized user assignment to separate method/ cp to 1.11 (@everwhatever)
- #14685 Default ORDER BY for all entities and their relationships (@coldic3)
- #14689 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #14691 [Fix] Symfony container reanimation after friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle: 3.5.0 release (@Rafikooo)
- #14694 [Composer] Remove conflict with doctrine/annotations: ^2.0 (@Rafikooo)
- #14697 Remove error suppression to fix unit tests (@coldic3)
- #14700 Add a conflict for doctrine/migrations:3.5.3 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14701 [API] Fix IRI converter catching homepage (@NoResponseMate)
- #14704 [Conflicts] Doctrine/annotations:^2.0 (@Rafikooo)
- #14706 [Promotion][UI] Fix hardcoded "sylius_promotion" selector (@coldic3)
- #14707 Add note to UPGRADE-1.12 file about default order by for all entities (@GSadee)
- #12611 Change on from string to array, consistent with other definitions (@stefandoorn)
- #13187 issue/12985-migration-in-corebundle (@coldic3)
- #13202 [Core][Checkout] fixed #13201 (@acornforth, @SirDomin)
- #14036 [Docker] Allow overriding ports in docker-compose.yml (@coldic3)
- #14435 Include 1.13 branch in the PR template (@Zales0123)
- #14474 ⬆️ Upgrade gaufrette version (PHP 8+ compat) (@Nek-, @coldic3)
- #14486 [Cart] Set the created_by_guest flag as false if the cart was created by a customer authenticated via access token (@nicolalazzaro)
- #14488 [Maintenance][CI] Remove deprecations (@NoResponseMate)
- #14489 [Api] Sorting products by price should be per channel (@j92)
- #14500 [Docs] Update inventory source resolving (@NoResponseMate)
- #14501 [Maintenance] Removal of direct unneeded dependency on proxy manager LTS (@lchrusciel)
- #14505 Fix password hasher version (@loic425)
- #14508 [Maintenance] Outdated Symfony 6 conflicts removed (@Rafikooo)
- #14510 [maintenance] - Ignore more files that will not be used with installed sylius (@Ferror)
- #14511 [maintenance] - Use symfony runtime component (@Ferror)
- #14514 [Behat][API] Add missing channels suite to imports (@GSadee)
- #14516 [Docs] Update release cycle with 1.12 and 1.13 info (@Zales0123)
- #14520 Refresh readme banner (@kulczy)
- #14523 Product taxon position don't affect parent taxon (@everwhatever)
- #14526 [Maintenance] Exclude copied IRI converter in ECS config (@coldic3)
- #14527 [GitHub Actions] Add 1.13 branch to "Refactor" workflow (@coldic3)
- #14536 [Maintenance][Fixture] Allow using default values with optional array nodes (@NoResponseMate)
- #14538 [Product] Fix product variant choice labels (@NoResponseMate)
- #14543 [Maintenance] Fix type casting in migrations (@NoResponseMate)
- #14544 [Doc] Fix Supported versions table (@oallain)
- #14545 [Migrations] Remove usage of non existent AbstractMigration (@GSadee)
- #14546 [Migrations] Use AbstractMigration from CoreBundle (@coldic3)
- #14547 [Maintenance] Add Postgres 14 to test builds (@NoResponseMate)
- #14548 Fix removing the root taxon, when the second one is Menu Taxon of the channel (@TheMilek)
- #14551 Precise symfony/framework-bundle conflict versions (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14554 Fix service definition at custom-payment-gateway (@diimpp)
- #14563 Add repository option to product_image node (@TheMilek)
- #14567 [Core] Fix invalid catalog promotion repository service id (@NoResponseMate)
- #14570 [CS][DX] Fix ECS refactoring (@coldic3)
- #14573 [API] Fix ProductReview normalization context (@NoResponseMate)
- #14574 [API] Fix missing address serialization for phone number and company name (@andrehoffmann30, @coldic3)
- #14578 Require SyliusMailerBundle 1.8 for Swiftmailer + Sf 5.4 packages builds (@Zales0123)
- #14586 [DX] Unify default repo classes for resources (@coldic3)
- #14595 [Fix] Filtering out disabled channel scenario (@Rafikooo)
- #14596 [Orders] Cart not found for registered user (@Rafikooo)
- #14600 [ProductAssociation] Show product associations within current channel only (@coldic3)
- #14602 [GitHub Actions] Restrict "Refactor" workflow to Sylius/Sylius repo (@coldic3)
- #14614 Run behat using dual session as javascript scenario (@Rafikooo)
- #14616 [Psalm] Skip deprecated in Symfony 6.2 class and interface (@Rafikooo)
- #14617 [maintenance] - remove docker pipelines (@Ferror)
- #14618 Use MakerBundle instead of SensioGeneratorBundle (@hmonglee)
- #14621 [PHPUnit] Adjust contract tests after upmerge (@coldic3, @Zales0123)
- #14053 Upgrade phpstan to level 2 (@lruozzi9)
- #14400 [Maintenance]
configuration introduced (@Rafikooo) - #14402 [Api] fix order normalization groups (@mtarld)
- #14454 [Behat] Move scenario from Plus (@TheMilek)
- #14461 Update documentation about migrating to Webpack (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14463 [maintenance] - Remove Staging configs (@Ferror)
- #14465 [CI] Restrict APIP version in static checks (@NoResponseMate)
- #14468 Lower hashing alogirthm memory cost in test (@Zales0123)
- #14471 [Api] fixed normalization/denormalization resources groups (@mtarld)
- #14472 Bring back security.authentication_manager alias if needed (@Zales0123)
- #14473 Fixes in Order serialization after changes on 1.11 (@Zales0123)
- #14476 Delay 1.12 release for a few days (@Zales0123)
- #14477 [Docs] Add warning about restricting Symfony version before Sylius installation (@coldic3)
- #14479 [Maintenance] Allow APIP 2.7.2 (@NoResponseMate)
- #14481 Adding batching to the expired carts remover (@mamazu)
- #14482 Adding batching to the expired carts remover v2 (@mamazu, @lchrusciel)
- #14490 [Maintenance] Kernel cleanup (@Rafikooo)
- #14496 [README] Switch Sylius naming from platform to framework (@lchrusciel)
- #14498 Allow stable Resource (1.10), Grid (1.12) and Fixtures (1.8) (@Zales0123)
- #14499 Separate pipeline for non-JS tests on unstable Symfony version (@Zales0123)
- #14188 [DOCS] Disabling guest api checkout (@arti0090)
- #14247 [DOCS] Add info about mailer in installation doc (@arti0090)
- #14362 Using the new template namespace syntax in the doc (@mamazu)
- #14382 [Maintenance] Out-of-date composer conflicts cleanup (@Rafikooo)
- #14384 [API] Use tokenValue instead of id (@Prometee)
- #14415 [Behat] Add calendar hook to suites using calendar (@GSadee)
- #14421 [DOCS] Add info about supervisors (@arti0090)
- #14426 [Docs][CatalogPromotions][Messenger] Failure transports (@Rafikooo)
- #14430 [DX] Fix versions for triggered deprecations (@coldic3)
- #14431 Fix reference to Admin bundle on ui bundle (@loic425)
- #14433 Fix - move RedirectPathExtension from Admin bundle to Ui bundle (@loic425)
- #14438 Coding style and configurations fixes and improvements after Symfony 6 support merge (@Zales0123)
- #14440 [Parameters] bin/console debug:container --env-vars command fixed (@Rafikooo)
- #14442 [Hot-fix] Conflict with the newest AP that changes a Customer->User response (@GSadee)
- #14443 [API][Behat] Add note about behat request changes (@TheMilek)
- #14444 Remove SymfonyMockerContainer fork (@Zales0123)
- #14445 [Hot-fix] Conflict with the SymfonyMockerContainer 1.0.6 due to incompatible version with Symfony 4.x (@GSadee)
- #14458 Fix packages branch-aliases (@Zales0123)
- #14459 [Hot-fix] Do not fail scenario after 422 response page (@Zales0123)
- #14462 Open [CI] Tests for Symfony ~6.0.0 and static checks for APIP ~2.6.0 (@NoResponseMate)
- #14464 Change all package versions to 1.12 (@Zales0123)
- #13969 Symfony 6 support (@NoResponseMate, @Zales0123, @Rafikooo, @GSadee, @coldic3)
- #14144 [Documentation] Fix incorrect translation domain in implementation (@anned20)
- #14156 [DOCS] Cookbook of how to modify placed order (@arti0090)
- #14197 [Docs] Describe Sylius architectural drivers (@Zales0123)
- #14246 [DOCS] Add note about min node version (@arti0090)
- #14296 [Core] Create CustomerProvider (@AdamKasp, @GSadee)
- #14337 [Maintenance] Mention Gaufrette filesystem adapter in the upgrade file (@coldic3)
- #14338 Tax rates with dates (@GSadee, @jakub@@Jakubs-MacBook-Pro.@local)
- #14397 [Docs] Fix 1.12 release dates (@Zales0123)
- #14398 Allow ramsey/uuid ^4.0 to avoid PHP 8.1 warning (@vasilvestre)
- #14406 [API][Behat] Add note about behat client changes (@TheMilek)
- #14407 [Symfony 6] Remove setting services for test as public (@Zales0123)
- #14410 [Documentation] Remove the tip about ShopApiPlugin from the architecture page (@GSadee)
- #14414 [Github Actions] Make timeout for non-JS build longer (@Zales0123)
- #14420 [Hot-fix] Conflict with newest AP that changes a Customer->User response (@Zales0123)
- #14427 tax rates filter feature (@everwhatever, @GSadee)
- #13663 Admin update form action configurable (@bigboss86)
- #14243 Revert temporary build fix (@TheMilek)
- #14253 [Maintenance][Security] Update shop logout handling (@NoResponseMate)
- #14302 [maintenance]Do not continue-on-error pipeline (@Ferror)
- #14312 [maintenance]Unify very similar behat steps (@Ferror)
- #14313 [docs]Mention to clone Sylius-Standard repository to start the project (@Ferror)
- #14315 [Maintenance] Improve note in UPGRADE file about changes in security.yaml (@GSadee)
- #14319 [Maintenance] Update JS dependencies
- #14320 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14321 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14324 [Admin] Improve highlighting menu items (@GSadee)
- #14325 [UI] removed important flag from the button class (@Rafikooo)
- #14328 [Template][Events] Introduce Context Providers for Template Blocks (@coldic3)
- #14330 [Maintenance] Allow to choose whether use Webpack or Gulp (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14331 [Docs] Add conventions for Template Events (@coldic3)
- #14333 [Docs] Remove migrating to webpack page from docs (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14336 Enable Behat tests in PostgreSQL workflow (@GSadee)
- #14339 [GitHub Actions] Bump up PostgreSQL version in workflow to the current one (@GSadee)
- #14344 [Behat][PostgreSQL] Fix removing items from cart (@GSadee)
- #14346 [Maintenance] Bump doctrine/orm minimal version to 2.13 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14349 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Browsing affected product variants (@NoResponseMate)
- #14351 [Catalog Promotions] Add
to the routings (@coldic3) - #14357 [Maintenance] Add missing images to the Webpack's build process (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14361 [Maintenance] Fix setting sylius_ui.use_webpack parameter (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14373 [Docs] Add Context Providers to the template customization guide (@coldic3)
- #14374 [UI] Remove experimental tag from template events related services (@GSadee)
- #14377 [Products][Admin][UI] Display the channel name instead of the channel code in the variant list (@Rafikooo)
- #14378 [Products][CatalogPromotions] Catalog promotion details on both simple and configurable products (@Rafikooo)
- #14385 [Docs] Refactor example Context Provider (@coldic3)
- #14390 [GitHub Actions] Add builds for API Platform ~2.6.0 (@GSadee)
- #14392 Fix build after API Platform 2.7.1 release (@lchrusciel, @GSadee)
- #14396 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #13163 [UX][Attribute] Use single_text widget for Date&DateTime attribute form type (@Jibbarth)
- #13394 Use loadUserByIdentifier() since Symfony 5.3 (@kayue)
- #13406 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (master) (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #13417 feat: add support for OPcache class preloading (@dunglas)
- #13419 Import lowercase chart.js/dist/chart.min (@pavol-tuka, @pavol@@bratia.@sk, @lchrusciel)
- #13437 Make URLs secure by default and add parameter to make then unsecure (@vvasiloi)
- #13488 feat: use sass instead of node-sass (@Nek-)
- #13489 [Maintenance] Drop Sf 4.4 support
- #13500 Deprecate unused ShimentUnitTransitions class (@Zales0123)
- #13507 Update security config to use the new authenticator-based system (@rimas-kudelis)
- #13528 Remove Symfony 4 circular dependency exception listener fix (@mmenozzi)
- #13529 Exclude PHP Arkitect rules files from autoloader (@mmenozzi)
- #13531 Remove Sylius < 1.3 old Kernel class (#13524) (@mmenozzi, @TheMilek)
- #13610 minor fix to exclusive label (@AdamKasp)
- #13622 Update ResourceBundle and GridBundle (@Zales0123)
- #13628 [API] Shipping methods resolution (@lchrusciel, @TheMilek)
- #13636 [Payment method] Listing payment method (@AdamKasp)
- #13646 Update 1.11 image (@kulczy)
- #13659 API Upgrade file updated after ShippingMethod endpoints changes (@TheMilek)
- #13661 [DX] Adding a helpful error message to the ResetPasswordHandler (@mamazu)
- #13680 [Maintenance] Move note about asset management changes from 1.11 to 1.12 UPGRADE file (@GSadee)
- #13682 [Maintenance] Test Sylius with node 16.x (@lchrusciel)
- #13696 [API] UPGRADE file parameter names fixed (@TheMilek)
- #13709 Fix fatal error when OPCache preloading is used (@mmenozzi)
- #13710 [UI] Layout improvements and sticky columns (@kulczy)
- #13778 [Maintenance][API] Decouple resource metadata from ResetPasswordHandler (@coldic3)
- #13785 [Upgrade] Add more details to UPGRADE-API-1.12.md (@coldic3)
- #13786 Prepare postgresql pipeline by making behat scenarios de-case-sensitive (@Ferror)
- #13806 Refreshed shop theme (@kulczy)
- #13814 Minor theme fixes (@kulczy)
- #13822 Add images to the Readme file (@kulczy)
- #13823 [Behat][API] Browsing channels using their default locales (@coldic3)
- #13825 [API][Shop] Channel endpoint that returns current channel created (@TheMilek)
- #13830 [API] Use the Calendar component in command handlers (@coldic3)
- #13832 [Behat] Refactor API clients (@AdamKasp, @GSadee)
- #13843 [Cart] move locale from body to header (@AdamKasp)
- #13850 [Maintenance][Docker]Create simple docker environment (@Ferror)
- #13851 [Behat] Viewing product image - API scenario covered (@ernestWarwas)
- #13855 [UI][Swagger] AutoAuthorize on sending admin credentials (@SirDomin)
- #13859 Fix mistake after rebase (@AdamKasp)
- #13861 [API][Shop][Behat] Implement scenarios for switching and handling multiple locales (@GSadee)
- #13862 [API] Sorting products by date (@Rafikooo)
- #13863 [API][Shop] Viewing only the enabled variants of a product (@TheMilek)
- #13868 [API] Remove validation from locale, add step with wrong locale in header (@SirDomin)
- #13869 [Behat][API] Extract resources names from contexts to a separate class (@GSadee)
- #13877 [API][Shop] Viewing only the enabled variants of a product fixes (@TheMilek)
- #13879 [HotFix][Behat][API] Fix suddenly failing tests (@coldic3)
- #13881 Use api route prefix parameter instead of
(@Prometee) - #13882 [maintenance]Unify markdown tables (@Ferror)
- #13893 [docker]Configure Blackfire service in dev environment (@Ferror)
- #13896 [behat]Extract Request creation to separate service (@Ferror)
- #13897 [docker]Run Catalog Promotion via SYNC messenger transport (@Ferror)
- #13899 Behat use project api prefix (@Prometee)
- #13901 Use API Url prefix on sylius.api.paths_to_hide (@Prometee)
- #13906 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (master) (@SyliusBot)
- #13912 Support Twig 3 (@Zales0123)
- #13914 Revert "[docker]Run Catalog Promotion via SYNC messenger transport" (@lchrusciel)
- #13924 [maintenance][docker]Rerun behat pipelines (@Ferror)
- #13925 [maintenance][docker]Increase opcache limits (@Ferror)
- #13926 [maintenance][docker]Use synchronous messenger transport (@Ferror)
- #13928 [API][Shop] Viewing product attributes (@coldic3)
- #13930 [API][Behat] Cover scenarios for applying correct taxes (@GSadee)
- #13935 [API][Behat] Cover scenarios for applying taxes included in price (@GSadee)
- #13936 [API][Behat] Cover scenarios for receiving discount on shipping after changing product's quantity (@GSadee)
- #13937 Define autolabeler for docker label (@Ferror)
- #13939 [CS][DX] Refactor (@github-actions)
- #13941 [AUTO] Updated translations from Crowdin (master) (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #13942 [API] Add additional PHPSpec for PickupCartHandler when the logged in user has no default address + minor refactor (@GSadee)
- #13943 [API][Behat] Cover scenarios for receiving fixed discount from specific taxon (@GSadee)
- #13944 [Maintenance] Execute yarn build production like to avoid deps mismatch (@lchrusciel)
- #13945 [API][Behat] Cover scenarios for receiving a discount from one promotion based on items total (@ernestWarwas)
- #13946 [API] Discount for nth order (@Rafikooo)
- #13947 [API] cover complex promotion with api (@AdamKasp)
- #13949 [Shop][API] ProductAssociation endpoint created (@TheMilek, @GSadee)
- #13950 [API] Cover scenarios for receiving email after registration (@GSadee)
- #13952 [docker]Run tests in test_cached environment (@Ferror)
- #13953 [API] This same cart promotion discount in different channels (@Rafikooo)
- #13955 [Behat][API] Cover api scenarios for order promotion integrity validation (@ernestWarwas, @GSadee)
- #13956 [maintenance][js]Specify engines dependencies (@Ferror)
- #13957 [API][Shop] ProductAssociationType endpoint created (@TheMilek)
- #13958 [docker][maintenance]Extend Makefile possibilities and compose tests (@Ferror)
- #13960 [API]Add contact request (@AdamKasp, @TheMilek)
- #13963 Update stripe/stripe-php requirement from ^6.43 to ^8.1 (@dependabot[@bot])
- #13968 [Customer] Extract authorized user assignment to separate method (@lchrusciel)
- #13970 [Bug][GH] Remove auto commenting feature (@lchrusciel)
- #13973 [docker]Install and configure xdebug (@Ferror)
- #13984 [API] Extract user logic rules for orders to separate extension (@lchrusciel)
- #13985 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #13996 [API][Behat] Update cart promotions on checkout if the promotion is not eligible (@ernestWarwas)
- #13997 [API][Shop] Viewing exchange rates (@coldic3)
- #14008 [Behat] Explicitly define channel base currency in viewing exchange rates scenario (@coldic3)
- #14012 [Behat] no-api scenario marked (@Rafikooo)
- #14013 [API] cover scenarios for non existing taxon filter (@SirDomin)
- #14028 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14040 [maintenance]Define charset in database url (@Ferror)
- #14042 [Symfony 6] Fix command arguments denormalizer return typehint (@loic425)
- #14050 [docker][docs]Create Docker Compose configuration file for documentation (@Ferror)
- #14051 [docker][docs]Deploy Sylius with Docker (@Ferror)
- #14052 Fix bootstrap for Symfony 6 (@loic425)
- #14054 [Symfony 6] Replace encoders with password_hashers (@loic425)
- #14056 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #14062 Fix ProductSlugDocumentationNormalizer (@Zales0123)
- #14076 Add missing in Product fixtures (@RadnoK)
- #14080 [Symfony 6] Use Password hasher (@loic425)
- #14083 [idea]Ignore export of docker, docs, adr and github files (@Ferror)
- #14117 [DX] Removing duplicate attribute iteration (@mamazu)
- #14121 [docker]Define BLACKFIRE_DISABLE_LEGACY_PORT env as 1 instead of true (@Ferror)
- #14124 [Admin][Behat] Cover scenarios for admin password reset (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14126 [API] Fix TaxonFilter default order behavior (@coldic3)
- #14128 [Admin][API] Sending administrator's password reset email (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14135 Fix data transformers for SF6 (@loic425)
- #14136 [Symfony 6] Fix deletion listeners (@loic425)
- #14138 [Admin][UI] Sending administrator's password reset email (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14139 [Admin][API] Password reset (@NoResponseMate)
- #14145 [Maintenance] Add support for doctrine/dbal:^3.0 (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14149 [Upgrade] A note about changes to the
configuration ofsecurity.yaml
(@Rafikooo) - #14151 Fixed the way an unknown email is treated when requesting a password reset (@NoResponseMate)
- #14152 [Admin][UI][API] Request password reset validation (@NoResponseMate)
- #14153 [Admin][UI][API] Reset password validation (@NoResponseMate)
- #14157 [DX] Load test services in all envs starting with test keyword (@lchrusciel)
- #14158 [Admin][UI] Unified ChannelCollection template (@mamazu, @NoResponseMate)
- #14159 [UI] Redirect to previous filtered page after perform any action from index resource page (@ernestWarwas, @Zales0123)
- #14161 [Core] Remove the "experimental" tag from Message* namespaces (@NoResponseMate)
- #14166 [frontend]Create gulp watch script (@Ferror)
- #14167 [UPGRADE] Mentioning about adding test services in every test env (@lchrusciel)
- #14170 [CI] Add a test to build assets with Webpack (@loic425)
- #14175 [docker]Hot Fix - Create database via doctrine command and minor Docker Pipeline improvements (@Ferror)
- #14178 [Hot?-fix] Fix redirect on parametrized create pages (@Zales0123)
- #14179 [bug]Check if last_error variable in twig exists and is not null (@Ferror)
- #14181 [Maintenance][Admin] Slight password reset cleanup (@NoResponseMate)
- #14186 [Symfony 6][ShopBundle] Fix order customer ip listener (@loic425)
- #14187 [Symfony 6][Shop bundle] Fix shop user logout handler (@loic425)
- #14191 [Symfony 6] Fix request password reset action spec (@loic425)
- #14192 [Symfony 6] Fix notification controller (@loic425)
- #14193 Rename tag tagged to tagged_iterator (@GSadee)
- #14194 [CS][DX] Refactor (@bot@@sylius.@org)
- #14199 [UI][Continuation] Minor fixes (@kulczy, @jakubtobiasz)
- #14200 [Checkout] Add possibility to choose the required address in the checkout (@GSadee)
- #14207 [UI] Change cart button to display items count, not products count (@jakubtobiasz, @Zales0123)
- #14215 [API] Rename OrderPromotionCodeAssigner (@GSadee)
- #14221 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14222 [Maintenance] Bump JMS/Serializer-Bundle dependency (@lchrusciel)
- #14226 [Behat] Improve scenarios to work with case sensitive PostgreSQL (@GSadee)
- #14228 [Shop][UI] Update cart on checkout (@jakubtobiasz)
- #14230 [Admin][CatalogPromotion] Add filters (@NoResponseMate)
- #14234 [CS][DX] Refactor ()
- #14242 [API][Shop] List only orders from current channel (@NoResponseMate)
- #14249 [Behat] Scenarios for removing catalog promotions (@Rafikooo)
- #14251 [docs][docker]Auto build after each change (@Ferror)
- #14255 [Admin][Order] Filter by product/variant (@NoResponseMate)
- #14256 [Symfony 6] Fix getting criteria (@loic425)
- #14257 [DOCS] How to get currencies for channel (@arti0090)
- #14258 [Symfony 6] Fix getting route params (@loic425)
- #14270 [CatalogPromotions][API] Removal of catalog promotions (@Rafikooo)
- #14272 Refresh readme image (@kulczy)
- #14273 [CatalogPromotion][UI] Fix promotion labels while changing variants on the product page (@coldic3)
- #14274 [AdminPasswordReset][Behat] Missed steps implementation (@Rafikooo)
- #14278 chore: remove unused Customer/Show/_menu.html.twig template (@Florian-Merle)
- #14283 [Symfony 6] Enable authenticator manager (@loic425, @ernestWarwas)
- #14288 [Config] Marked SenderInterface as excluded in psalm.xml (@Rafikooo)
- #14290 [Catalog Promotions] Introduce the "processing" state and drop the unused "failed" step (@coldic3)
- #14291 [CatalogPromotions][UI] Removal of catalog promotions (@Rafikooo)
- #14292 Refactor customer provider (@AdamKasp)
- #14294 [Maintenance] Add conflict with jms/serializer-bundle 4.1.0 (@coldic3)
- #14297 [Catalog Promotions][Fixtures] Fix setting state in CatalogPromotionExecutorListener (@coldic3)
- #14298 [Maintenance] Introduce Flysystem and use it in place of Gaufrette by default (@coldic3)
- #14311 [CatalogPromotions][Swagger] HTTP Response statuses documented for CatalogPromotion removing (@Rafikooo)
- #14314 [CatalogPromotions][Docs] Removing of catalog promotions documented (@Rafikooo)