tasks, wishes, ideas, ... for the Gridcoin project
Erkan-Yilmaz / useraddress
Forked from michielbdejong/useraddresstools for discovering things about user@host. for now, only webfinger and fakefinger are supported.
Terms of Service; Didn't Read – ratings to make website policies and agreements easier to understand
Erkan-Yilmaz / friendica
Forked from friendica/friendicaFriendica Communications Platform - MIT license
Erkan-Yilmaz / PyPagekite
Forked from pagekite/PyPagekitePython implementation of the PageKite remote front-end protocols.
Erkan-Yilmaz / cryptocat
Forked from glamrock/cryptocatWeb chat client with client-side cryptography.
Erkan-Yilmaz / youtify
Forked from youtify/youtifyOnline music player
Erkan-Yilmaz / statprof
Forked from eval-apply/statprofsimple statistical profiler for Gambit-C
Erkan-Yilmaz / webbytest
Forked from jstrachan/webbytestan sbt plugin to generate HTML reports as tests run
Simple java profiler that take jstack output as input
A ubiquitous mini-profiler for Google App Engine, inspired by mvc-mini-profiler
Erkan-Yilmaz / luatrace
Forked from geoffleyland/luatraceA tool for tracing Lua script execution and analysing time profiles and coverage
Erkan-Yilmaz / stm-profiler
Forked from killme2008/stm-profilerA profiler for clojure STM
Erkan-Yilmaz / EurekaJ
Forked from joachimhs/MontricEurekaJ Profiler
Erkan-Yilmaz / folsom
Forked from boundary/folsomExpose Erlang Events and Metrics
Erkan-Yilmaz / metrics
Forked from dropwizard/metricsCapturing JVM- and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on.
Erkan-Yilmaz / gcprof
Forked from knutin/gcprofGarbage Collection profiler for Erlang
Erkan-Yilmaz / geprof
Forked from garazdawi/geprofGraphical Profiling Tool for Erlang
Erkan-Yilmaz / prof
Forked from thdtjsdn/profProfile, debug, optimize and understand node applications.
Erkan-Yilmaz / hummingbird
Forked from mariusae/hummingbirdno bullshit, minimalistic HTTP load generator
Erkan-Yilmaz / ohai
Forked from chef/ohaiOhai profiles your system and emits JSON
Erkan-Yilmaz / webgrind
Forked from jokkedk/webgrindXdebug Profiling Web Frontend in PHP
Erkan-Yilmaz / sentry
Forked from getsentry/sentrySentry is a realtime event logging and aggregation platform
Erkan-Yilmaz / clean_test
Forked from davetron5000/clean_testWrite clean, understandable tests in Test::Unit
Erkan-Yilmaz / combustion
Forked from pat/combustionSimple, elegant testing for Rails Engines
Erkan-Yilmaz / gerbil
Forked from elcuervo/gerbilGerbil: Inquisitive, friendly animals that rarely bite, TDD for the rest of us
Erkan-Yilmaz / mimic
Forked from acoulton/mimicMimic is a module for Kohana 3 that allows easy mocking and testing of an application's interaction with external web services (like VCR for Ruby)
Erkan-Yilmaz / single_test
Forked from grosser/single_testRake tasks to invoke single tests/specs with rakish syntax