Releases: FLECS-Technologies/flecs-public
Releases · FLECS-Technologies/flecs-public
What's Changed
- quest: Improve usability by @sulksamino in #864
- FLX-779 write examples for quest system by @sulksamino in #867
- FLX-794 vault::manifest: Test manifest reading by @sulksamino in #866
- FLX-803 implement deployment trait for docker deployment by @sulksamino in #868
- Flx 701 cargo vet our initial project dependencies by @alerei in #870
- FLX-795 implement installation of apps by @sulksamino in #869
- modules: Move api initializations to load() functions by @alerei in #871
- deployments: Move ownership of docker deployment from instances module by @alerei in #872
- apps: move downloading of Apps to deployment by @alerei in #873
- manifest: use new schema location for code generation by @alerei in #874
- FLX-848 appraiser: Install app via given manifest, install multiple apps via single quest by @sulksamino in #875
- build: link modules to rust bridge by default by @alerei in #876
- Flx 784 by @alerei in #877
- apps: import App through deployment interface by @alerei in #878
- FLX-796 implement get methods on apps by @sulksamino in #879
- quest: Introduce tracing for quest progress by @sulksamino in #880
- FLX-849 implement uninstallation of apps by @sulksamino in #881
- sorcerer::appraiser: Set desired app status early in installation by @sulksamino in #882
- deployment::docker: Do not provide timeout on container stop by @sulksamino in #884
- vault::manifest: Delete files of removed manifests on pouch close by @sulksamino in #883
- tests: Use same function for path preparation in all unit tests by @sulksamino in #885
- Add support for different deployments to manifest by @alerei in #886
- docker: outsource docker login to separate function by @alerei in #887
- util: allow passing input through stdin to processes by @alerei in #889
- vault: Save instances in separate pouch by @sulksamino in #888
- deployments: add interface to retrieve all deployments by @alerei in #891
- Return empty option on no content response for token from console by @sulksamino in #893
- instances: support app-specific deployments by @alerei in #894
- deployment: update login process before App download by @alerei in #895
- docker: supply password through stdin by @alerei in #896
- deployment: remove obsolete ready_instance function by @alerei in #897
- docker: move docker load / docker save to separate functions by @alerei in #898
- docker: move import/export volume to separate functions by @alerei in #899
- Flx 784: bugfixes for importing multi-image Apps by @alerei in #900
- Flx 784: Add compose deployment by @alerei in #901
- FLX-853 implement delete instance method by @sulksamino in #890
- Bugfixes for docker-compose based Apps by @alerei in #903
- FLX-851 implement create instance method by @sulksamino in #902
- apps: fix step counter for install/sideload by @alerei in #904
- docker: install docker-compose in flecs + flecs-slim by @alerei in #905
- Export instance config to correct path by @sulksamino in #906
- test: Use unique directory for unit test create_config_file_ok by @sulksamino in #907
- Correct api spec config file array by @sulksamino in #908
- FLX-850 instancius: Get instance(s) by @sulksamino in #909
- FLX-863 gem::instance: Add default network on instance creation by @sulksamino in #910
- jeweler::deployment: Remove obsolete ready_instance method by @sulksamino in #913
- FLX-864 gem::instance: Create volumes during instance creation by @sulksamino in #912
- Generate flecsd server code by @sulksamino in #914
- Update dependencies by @sulksamino in #915
- flecsd_axum_server: Allow any Content-Type header on Json requests by @sulksamino in #917
- gem::instance: Consolidate InstanceStatus::Created and InstanceStatus::Stopped by @sulksamino in #916
- compose: set project name when pulling images by @alerei in #919
- compose: Fix project_name in docker-compose pull by @alerei in #920
- instances: Fix crash when attempting to start invalid instance by @alerei in #921
- Bump version to 3.6.0-hedgehog by @alerei in #922
- deployment: create empty deployment on first start by @alerei in #923
- deployment: Reinitialize spawned process in loop to clear stderr by @sulksamino in #924
- deployment: create initial directory structure before initial save by @alerei in #925
Full Changelog: v3.5.0-hedgehog...v3.6.0-hedgehog
What's Changed
- FLX-685 create rust project by @sulksamino in #795
- Bump openssl from 0.10.64 to 0.10.66 by @dependabot in #802
- FLX-657 revive floxy by @sulksamino in #803
- FLX-718 Add rust template workflows by @sulksamino in #804
- FLX-736 use random port instead of editor port by @sulksamino in #805
- CMake: use GNUInstallDirs to calculate install directories by @alerei in #806
- Forward Header when proxying to flecsd by @alerei in #807
- FLX-699 Use flecs-console-api as submodule with client implementation, download manifests via spell by @sulksamino in #808
- FLX-740 Generate app manifest code from schema, handle multiple schema versions by @sulksamino in #809
- FLX-700 use rust interface from cpp to download manifests by @sulksamino in #797
- Remove obsolete Cargo.lock of flecs_core_cxx_bridge by @sulksamino in #810
- FLX-714 FLX-715 Migrate functionality from utils "udev" and "usb" to rust by @sulksamino in #811
- Fix redirect for reverse proxy apps by @alerei in #813
- FLX-716 Migrate reading network adapters to rust by @sulksamino in #812
- FLX-731 Implement Vault with example pouches by @sulksamino in #814
- Convert empty editor field to empty vector of editors by @sulksamino in #815
- Use crate usb-ids to read device names and vendors by @sulksamino in #816
- Correct location in floxy.conf from /api/v2/imports to /v2/imports by @sulksamino in #818
- FLX-732 Implement concrete pouches by @sulksamino in #817
- Add title to dos manifest, correct path to dos manifest schema by @sulksamino in #819
- FLX-743 create rust server by @sulksamino in #820
- common: differentiate ipvlan l2/l3 networks by @alerei in #821
- deployment: Add function to enumerate existing networks by @alerei in #822
- Update submodule flecs-console-api by @sulksamino in #823
- Update submodules by @alerei in #825
- FLX-717 migrate session license handling to rust by @sulksamino in #824
- deployment: change signature of create_network to take std::string by @alerei in #827
- network: fix from_string/to_string conversion by @alerei in #826
- docker: review and cleanup do_create_network function by @alerei in #828
- Disable writing of app and manifest vault in rust core by @sulksamino in #830
- FLX-754 Redirect /v2/system/ping to rust socket, delete c++ handling by @sulksamino in #829
- instances: change/migrate pass-through network to ipvlan l2 by @alerei in #831
- Handle "no content" on tokens requests as valid response by @sulksamino in #832
- FLX-757 Use crate anyhow for error handling by @sulksamino in #833
- Convert ipv4 address to native/host byte order before further conversions by @sulksamino in #834
- relic/network: consider only default gw when reading network adapters by @alerei in #836
- FLX-756 investigate logging in rust using crate tracing by @sulksamino in #835
- instances: Fix detection of passed-through network adapters by @alerei in #837
- instances: fix detection of disconnected network adapters by @alerei in #838
- FLX-752 migrate endpoint system info by @sulksamino in #839
- FLX-730 Replace placeholder ##PACKAGE## with flecs in debian package scripts by @sulksamino in #840
- FLX-735 Send maximum supported app manifest version when getting manifest from console by @sulksamino in #841
- FLX-762 write bollard based implementation for each of our docker calls by @sulksamino in #844
- FLX-761 quest: Implement PoC quest system with example by @sulksamino in #843
- vault: Use tokio synchronization by @sulksamino in #845
- FLX-773 support archiving on copy from to container by @sulksamino in #846
- FLX-760 migrate endpoint system version by @sulksamino in #847
- FLX-807: manifest: Support ':' in env conversion from 2.X to 3.X by @sulksamino in #850
- FLX-793 sew deployment pouch by @sulksamino in #851
- FLX-758 vault::pouch: Adapt AppPouch to new apps concept by @sulksamino in #852
- FLX-763: jeweler: Add Deployment trait by @sulksamino in #849
- Update submodules flunder and flecs-external by @alerei in #853
- floxy: enable WebSocket support in reverse proxy by @alerei in #854
- Bump version to 3.5.0-hedgehog by @alerei in #855
- FLX-777 quest: Interact with quests via job interface by @sulksamino in #856
- vault::pouch: Use separate directories for unit tests by @sulksamino in #857
- tests: Use different directories for vault unittests by @sulksamino in #858
- FLX-815 quest: Schedule quests by @sulksamino in #859
- Update submodule flecs-build by @alerei in #861
- FLX-776 quest: Error handling by @sulksamino in #860
- Bugfixes by @alerei in #862
- Update submodule flunder by @alerei in #863
- Update submodule flunder by @alerei in #865
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #802
Full Changelog: v3.4.0-hedgehog...v3.5.0-hedgehog
What's Changed
- FLX-658 Add editor link to get response for instances by @sulksamino in #788
- FLX-686 Introduce manifest schema version and upgrade mechanism by @sulksamino in #789
- FXL-679 Install apps from DOS manifest on POST on /device/onboarding by @sulksamino in #791
- FLX-702 Remove licenseKey and downloadToken from installed apps by @sulksamino in #792
- Update submodule flecs-build by @alerei in #793
- FLX-707 Remove authentication parameter on getting manifest and posting tokens by @sulksamino in #794
- FLX-676 Add schema for dos manifest by @sulksamino in #796
Full Changelog: v3.3.0-hedgehog...v3.4.0-hedgehog
What's Changed
- FLX-559 Align openapi specification of flecsd with code by @sulksamino in #743
- CLI: Remove due to migration to separate repository by @alerei in #749
- Restructure: Move around some files by @alerei in #750
- modules: Add new module deployments by @alerei in #751
- Update submodules by @alerei in #752
- FLX-571 Add api version to GET on /system/version by @sulksamino in #753
- Update submodule flecs-build by @alerei in #758
- util: fix unused result warning on poky by @alerei in #757
- Update submodules by @alerei in #759
- Update submobules / remove obsolete dependencies by @alerei in #760
- Update submodules / remove pkg-config dependency by @alerei in #762
- FLX-611 Allow docker capability NET_RAW by @sulksamino in #763
- CMake: Cleanup project and lib names by @alerei in #764
- FLX-480-allow-customization-of-environment-variables-for-instances by @sulksamino in #755
- Set clang format as formatter for jetbrains IDEs by @sulksamino in #754
- Refactor package and Docker builds by @alerei in #765
- CMake: Fix optional install targets missing EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL property by @alerei in #768
- Update submodule flecs-external by @alerei in #767
- CMake: Do not install systemd/init.d service automatically by @alerei in #771
- docker: fix install location by @alerei in #772
- docker: fix flecsd install location by @alerei in #773
- FLX-591 export-fails-with-incorrect-installed-apps by @sulksamino in #770
- Update openapi specification by @sulksamino in #769
- FLX-372-support-container-labels-for-apps by @sulksamino in #761
- Use environment variables from manifest on instance creation by @sulksamino in #775
- FLX-142 Device License activation by @sulksamino in #776
- FLX-570 Send single object instead of array on GET request on /jobs/{id} by @sulksamino in #777
- FLX-645 Return license information on GET on /device/license/info by @sulksamino in #778
- Allow reading .session_id file in old format (without timestamp) by @sulksamino in #779
- Call clear instead of emplace on instance environment on delete by @sulksamino in #780
- FLX-203 allow configuration of exposed ports per instance by @sulksamino in #782
- Correct clearing of instance environment by @sulksamino in #783
- Prioritize custom flecs libraries in library order by @sulksamino in #784
- Fix missing script by @alerei in #785
Full Changelog: v3.2.0-hedgehog...v3.3.0-hedgehog
What's Changed
- FLX-540 duplicate empty entry if usb device is disconnected is sent by @sulksamino in #738
- FLX-525 Add IPC_LOCK to allowed capabilities in manifest by @sulksamino in #739
- Bump version to 3.2.0-hedgehog by @alerei in #740
- pkg: fix Docker image in by @alerei in #741
- github: fix typo in deploy-cr workflow by @alerei in #742
- pkg: fix failing upgrade w/migration by @alerei in #744
- Update submodules and adjust build files by @alerei in #745
- docker: fix containerized flecs not starting by @alerei in #746
- FLX-568 get on instances id does not return instance name by @sulksamino in #747
- flecsport: fix weird export behavior on armhf targets by @alerei in #748
Full Changelog: v3.1.0-hedgehog...v3.2.0-hedgehog
Full Changelog: v3.1.0-hedgehog...v3.1.1-hedgehog
What's Changed
- FLX-517 remove remains of init no init by @sulksamino in #725
- FLX-461 Fix - Apps which are not properly installed can't be uninstalled by @sulksamino in #728
- FLX-509 provide rest api for device activation by @sulksamino in #726
- FLX-507 remove device activation from app installation by @sulksamino in #727
- FLX-468 fix upload of flecs packages to azure by @sulksamino in #729
- Update submodule flecs-build by @alerei in #731
- whoopsie: restore CMake target 'version' by @alerei in #733
- github: update actions to node.js 20 by @alerei in #734
- FLX-487 importing a deployment does not adjust network configuration by @sulksamino in #730
- flecsport: Do not import/export bind-mounted volumes by @alerei in #732
- Bump version to 3.1.0-hedgehog by @alerei in #736
- FLX-241 Update submodule flunder by @sulksamino in #737
New Contributors
- @sulksamino made their first contribution in #725
Full Changelog: v3.0.0-hedgehog...v3.1.0-hedgehog
What's Changed
- Bump version to 2.4.0-dormouse by @alerei in #657
- build: deploy dev packages to Azure by @alerei in #658
- build: deploy release packages to Azure by @alerei in #659
- docker: fix bind-mounting of host directories by @alerei in #660
- Update submodules flecs-build, flecs-external by @alerei in #661
- external: Update zenoh-c to 0.10.0-rc by @alerei in #662
- Update submodules flecs-build and flecs-external by @alerei in #663
- Update dependent targets of zenohc to 0.10.0-rc by @alerei in #664
- apps: remove tech.flecs.service-mesh from repo by @alerei in #666
- apps: remove tech.flecs.mqtt-bridge from repo by @alerei in #667
- Update submodule flecs-build by @alerei in #668
- Update submodules by @alerei in #669
- Update submodule flecs-build by @alerei in #670
- util: remove obsolete function starts_with by @alerei in #671
- Replace flunder by submodule by @alerei in #672
- mqtt: remove obsolete mqtt client module by @alerei in #673
- util: remove obsolete utils from repo by @alerei in #674
- c++20: use implicit comparison operator where applicable by @alerei in #675
- c++20: rename remaining utils to cxx23 by @alerei in #676
- device: add new module for device & license management by @alerei in #677
- device: implement session_id generation and persistence by @alerei in #678
- modules: change return type of load() function by @alerei in #679
- modules: refactor namespaces by @alerei in #680
- filip: remove outsourced code from repository by @alerei in #681
- Rename main flecs namespace by @alerei in #682
- Update submodule flecs-build by @alerei in #683
- daemon: rename marketplace module to console by @alerei in #684
- console: add base_url function to module interface by @alerei in #685
- console: replicate data structures used in web console by @alerei in #686
- console: implement new endpoints to sync auth with webapp by @alerei in #687
- apps: remove old token-based installation process by @alerei in #688
- apps: remove default installation of system apps by @alerei in #689
- device: add license activation/validation stubs by @alerei in #690
- console: add device activation/validation stubs by @alerei in #691
- console: describe and test console responses for activate/validate by @alerei in #692
- console: improve unit test coverage by @alerei in #693
- console: fix from/to json conversions for responses by @alerei in #694
- console: implement and test device license activation by @alerei in #695
- console: implement and test device license validation by @alerei in #696
- device: implement and test device license activation by @alerei in #697
- factory: provide interface to unregister modules by @alerei in #698
- device: implement and test device license validation by @alerei in #699
- device: increase unit test coverage by @alerei in #700
- instances: add mock implementation for unit testing by @alerei in #701
- jobs: refactor module to split types from implementation by @alerei in #702
- jobs: add mock implementation for unit testing by @alerei in #703
- manifests: add mock implementation for unit testing by @alerei in #704
- apps: add mock implementation for unit testing by @alerei in #705
- CMake: remove all target_include_directories and refactor includes by @alerei in #706
- apps: move app-related types to modules/apps by @alerei in #707
- instances: move instance-related types to modules/instances by @alerei in #708
- daemon: provide remaining mocks/mocked modules by @alerei in #709
- manifests: implement download of manifests from console by @alerei in #710
- manifests: add unit test for downloading manifests from console by @alerei in #711
- manifests: improve unit test coverage by @alerei in #712
- console: add unit test for download_manifest by @alerei in #713
- console: prepare creation of download tokens for Apps by @alerei in #714
- console: implement creation of download tokens for Apps by @alerei in #715
- console: add types for download token creation by @alerei in #716
- Console by @alerei in #717
- manifest: remove obsolete properties / accessors by @alerei in #718
- console: adjust responses to new format by @alerei in #719
- apps: implement new installation process by @alerei in #720
- Bump version to 3.0.0-hedgehog by @alerei in #721
- docker: install missing runtime library zenohc by @alerei in #722
- apps: activate device license before app installation by @alerei in #723
- Apps: Avoid use of uninitialized access token by @alerei in #724
Full Changelog: v2.3.0-dormouse...v3.0.0-hedgehog
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v2.3.1-dormouse...v2.3.2-dormouse