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"Graceful" Server Termination akka#188 (akka#2035)
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* +htc graceful server termination support akka#188

* fix typos

* review follow up, not using calling thread dispatcher anymore too

* remove todo
  • Loading branch information
ktoso authored and Falmarri committed Sep 26, 2018
1 parent 199935a commit da553d0
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Showing 13 changed files with 939 additions and 48 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,11 @@ ProblemFilters.exclude[Problem]("akka.http.impl.*")

# #1942 New ignoreIllegalHeaderFor setting

11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions akka-http-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,6 +155,17 @@ akka.http {
tcp-no-delay = undefined

# When graceful termination is enabled and used invoked with a deadline,
# after the deadline passes pending requests will be replied to with a "terminating" http response,
# instead of delivering those requests to the user-handler.
# This response is configurable here using configuration, or via code in case more a sophisticated (e.g. with response entity)
# response is needed.
termination-deadline-exceeded-response {
# Status code of the "terminating" response to be automatically sent to pending requests once the termination deadline is exceeded.
status = 503 # ServiceUnavailable

# Modify to tweak parsing settings on the server-side only.
parsing {
# no overrides by default, see `akka.http.parsing` for default values
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -451,6 +451,11 @@ private[http] object HttpServerBluePrint {
case IllegalUriException(errorInfo)
finishWithIllegalRequestError(StatusCodes.BadRequest, errorInfo)

case _: ServerTerminationDeadlineReached
val response = settings.terminationDeadlineExceededResponse
log.warning(s"Closing connection with [{}] response, termination deadline exceeded. Server is shutting down...", response.status)

case NonFatal(e)
log.error(e, "Internal server error, sending 500 response")
Expand Down
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@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
* Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Lightbend Inc. <>

package akka.http.impl.engine.server

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import akka.Done
import{ ActorSystem, Terminated }
import akka.annotation.{ DoNotInherit, InternalApi }
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http.{ HttpConnectionTerminated, HttpServerTerminated, HttpTerminated }
import akka.http.scaladsl.settings.{ RoutingSettings, ServerSettings }
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse, StatusCodes }

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.util.PrettyDuration

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future, Promise }
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ Deadline, FiniteDuration }
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }

* INTERNAL API: Used to start the termination process of an Akka HTTP server.
// "Hasta la vista, baby."
private[http] abstract class ServerTerminator {
* Initiate the termination sequence of this server.
def terminate(deadline: FiniteDuration)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Future[HttpTerminated]

private[http] object MasterServerTerminator {
sealed trait State
final case class AliveConnectionTerminators(ts: Set[ServerTerminator]) extends State
final case class Terminating(deadline: Deadline) extends State

/** INTERNAL API: Collects signals from per-connection terminators and manages the termination process kickoff */
private[http] final class MasterServerTerminator(log: LoggingAdapter) extends ServerTerminator {
import MasterServerTerminator._

// if we get a termination signal from the outer (user-land) it has to send this signal to all existing connection
// terminators such that they can initiate the termination (draining, failing) of their respective connections.

private val terminators = new AtomicReference[MasterServerTerminator.State](MasterServerTerminator.AliveConnectionTerminators(Set.empty))
private val termination = Promise[HttpTerminated]()

* Registers an per-connection terminator.
* Once the master terminator gets the termination signal,
* it will delegate the signal to all registered terminators (existing connections).
* @return true if registered successfully and not terminating, false if termination in-flight
* (and the terminators `terminate()` will be invoked in that case automatically)
@tailrec def registerConnection(terminator: ServerTerminator)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Boolean = {
terminators.get() match {
case v @ AliveConnectionTerminators(ts)
terminators.compareAndSet(v, v.copy(ts = ts + terminator)) ||
registerConnection(terminator) // retry

case Terminating(deadline)
false // termination is in progress already, we did not register but immediately issue termination

// If a connection attempts to register once termination has started, it will immediately be rejected (though
// since termination also implies unbinding such new connections should not really happen).
def terminate(timeout: FiniteDuration)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Future[HttpTerminated] = {
terminators.get() match {
case v @ AliveConnectionTerminators(emptyTs) if emptyTs.isEmpty
if (terminators.compareAndSet(v, Terminating(timeout.fromNow))) {
// no connections exist to be terminated, and if some arrive after us, they will see the Terminating and terminate
} else terminate(timeout)(ex) // retry

case v @ AliveConnectionTerminators(ts)
if (terminators.compareAndSet(v, Terminating(timeout.fromNow))) {
// cause the termination for all connections
val connectionsTerminated = Future.sequence( { t
val serverTerminated = HttpServerTerminated)
} else terminate(timeout)(ex) // retry

case Terminating(existingDeadline)
log.warning(s"Issued terminate($timeout) while termination is in progress already (with deadline: time left: ${PrettyDuration.format(existingDeadline.timeLeft)}")

* Used to fail when terminating connections forcefully at end of termination deadline.
* Not intended to be recovered from or caught by user error handlers.
private[http] final class ServerTerminationDeadlineReached()
extends RuntimeException("Server termination deadline reached, shutting down all connections and terminating server...")

object GracefulTerminatorStage {
def apply(system: ActorSystem, serverSettings: ServerSettings): BidiFlow[HttpResponse, HttpResponse, HttpRequest, HttpRequest, ServerTerminator] = {
val stage = new GracefulTerminatorStage(serverSettings)

* INTERNAL API: See detailed docs termination process on [[akka.http.scaladsl.Http.ServerBinding]].
* Stage shape diagram:
* {{{
* +---+
* fromNet Request -> | G | -> toUser Request
* | T |
* toNet Response <- | S | <- fromUser Response
* +---+
* }}}
private[http] final class GracefulTerminatorStage(settings: ServerSettings)
extends GraphStageWithMaterializedValue[BidiShape[HttpResponse, HttpResponse, HttpRequest, HttpRequest], ServerTerminator] {

val fromNet: Inlet[HttpRequest] = Inlet("netIn")
val toUser: Outlet[HttpRequest] = Outlet("userOut")

val fromUser: Inlet[HttpResponse] = Inlet("userIn")
val toNet: Outlet[HttpResponse] = Outlet("netOut")
override def shape = BidiShape(fromUser, toNet, fromNet, toUser)

final val TerminationDeadlineTimerKey = "TerminationDeadlineTimerKey"

final class ConnectionTerminator(triggerTermination: Promise[FiniteDuration Future[HttpTerminated]]) extends ServerTerminator {
override def terminate(deadline: FiniteDuration)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[HttpTerminated] = {
triggerTermination.future.flatMap(callback {

override def createLogicAndMaterializedValue(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): (GraphStageLogic, ServerTerminator) = {
val triggerTermination = Promise[FiniteDuration Future[HttpTerminated]]() // result here means termination of this connection has completed

// responsible for terminating this connection
val selfTerminator = new ConnectionTerminator(triggerTermination)

val logic = new TimerGraphStageLogic(shape) with StageLogging {
override protected def logSource: Class[_] = classOf[GracefulTerminatorStage]

// this promise will be completed once our termination is complete;
// e.g. we replied with "go away" to pending requests, and no new ones were incoming etc
val terminationOfConnectionDone = Promise[HttpConnectionTerminated]()

// error callback, in case an asynchronous operation needs to pipe back a failure back to this stage
// this could happen during draining of incoming http requests during termination phase for example
lazy val failureCallback: AsyncCallback[Throwable] = getAsyncCallback((ex: Throwable) failStage(ex))

// true, if a request was delivered to the user-handler, and no response was sent yet
// in that case, if the termination timeout triggers, we will need to render a synthetic response to the client.
var pendingUserHandlerResponse: Boolean = false
var pendingTerminationResponse: Boolean = false

override def preStart(): Unit = {
val terminateSignal = getAsyncCallback[FiniteDuration] { deadline
log.debug("[terminator] Initializing termination of server, deadline: {}", PrettyDuration.format(deadline))

scheduleOnce(TerminationDeadlineTimerKey, deadline)

// force initialization of lazy val:
val _ = failureCallback

// this way we expose the termination signal invocation to the external world, in a type safe fashion
triggerTermination.success { d
terminationOfConnectionDone.future // will be completed once termination has completed (in postStop)

setHandler(fromUser, new InHandler {
override def onPush(): Unit = {
val response = grab(fromUser)
pendingUserHandlerResponse = false
push(toNet, response)
setHandler(toUser, new OutHandler {
override def onPull(): Unit = {
setHandler(fromNet, new InHandler {
override def onPush(): Unit = {
val request = grab(fromNet)

pendingUserHandlerResponse = true
push(toUser, request)
setHandler(toNet, new OutHandler {
override def onPull(): Unit = {

def installTerminationHandlers(deadline: Deadline): Unit = {
// we may need to inject a termination response
setHandler(fromUser, new InHandler {
override def onPush(): Unit = {
val overdue = deadline.isOverdue()
val response =
if (overdue) {
log.warning("Terminating server ({}), discarding user reply since arrived after deadline expiration", formatTimeLeft(deadline))
} else grab(fromUser)

pendingUserHandlerResponse = false
push(toNet, response)

// once termination deadline hits, we stop pulling from network
setHandler(toUser, new OutHandler {
override def onPull(): Unit = {
// if (deadline.hasTimeLeft()) // we pull always as we want to reply errors to everyone

setHandler(fromNet, new InHandler {
override def onPush(): Unit = {
val request = grab(fromNet)
"Terminating server ({}), attempting to send termination reply to incoming [{} {}]",
formatTimeLeft(deadline), request.method, request.uri.path)

// on purpose discard all incoming bytes for requests
// could discard with the deadline.timeLeft completion timeout, but not necessarily needed
request.entity.discardBytes()(interpreter.subFusingMaterializer).future.onComplete {
case Success(_) // ignore
case Failure(ex)
// we do want to cause this failure to fail the termination eagerly

// we can reply right away with an termination response since user handler will never emit a response anymore
push(toNet, settings.terminationDeadlineExceededResponse)

// we continue pulling from user, to make sure we'd get the "final user reply" that may be sent during termination
setHandler(toNet, new OutHandler {
override def onPull(): Unit = {
if (pendingUserHandlerResponse) {
if (isAvailable(fromUser)) pull(fromUser)
} else if (pendingTerminationResponse) {
pendingTerminationResponse = false
push(toNet, settings.terminationDeadlineExceededResponse)

override def postStop(): Unit = {

override protected def onTimer(timerKey: Any): Unit = timerKey match {
case TerminationDeadlineTimerKey
val ex = new ServerTerminationDeadlineReached
if (pendingUserHandlerResponse) {
// sending the reply here is a "nice to try", but the stage failure will likely overtake it and terminate the connection first
emit(toNet, settings.terminationDeadlineExceededResponse, () failStage(ex))
} else {

case unexpected
// should not happen
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected timer key [$unexpected] in ${getClass.getName}!")

def formatTimeLeft(d: Deadline): String = {
val left = d.timeLeft
if (left.toMillis < 0) "deadline exceeded"
else PrettyDuration.format(left) + " remaining"

logic selfTerminator

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