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Get Computer details

Jack Garcia edited this page May 25, 2017 · 1 revision

If not created already, create an instance of Rest or Redfish Object using the RestObject or RedfishObject class respectively. The class constructor takes iLO hostname/ ip address, iLO login username and password as arguments. The class also initializes a login session, gets systems resources and message registries.

Rest Object creation:

REST_OBJ = RestObject(iLO_host, login_account, login_password)

Redfish Object creation:

REDFISH_OBJ = RedfishObject(iLO_host, login_account, login_password)

Example 16: Get computer details

The method ex16_computer_details takes an instance of rest object ( or redfish object if using Redfish API ) as argument.

def ex14_computer_details(restobj):

Find and get the system resource for computer system.

instances = restobj.search_for_type("ComputerSystem.")

Send HTTP GET request to the system URI(s).

for instance in instances:
    response = restobj.rest_get(instance["href"])

For each system print manufacturer, model and serial number from the response body..

sys.stdout.write("\tManufacturer:  " + \
                        str(response.dict["Manufacturer"]) + "\n")
sys.stdout.write("\tModel:  " + str(response.dict["Model"]) + "\n")
sys.stdout.write("\tSerial Number:  " + \
                        str(response.dict["SerialNumber"]) + "\n")

Next print virtual serial number, virtual UUID, asset tag if any.

if "VirtualSerialNumber" in response.dict:
    sys.stdout.write("\tVirtual Serial Number:  " +
           str(response.dict["VirtualSerialNumber"]) + "\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\tVirtual Serial Number information not " \
                                "available on system resource\n")
    sys.stdout.write("\tUUID:  " + str(response.dict["UUID"]) + "\n")

if "VirtualUUID" in response.dict["Oem"]["Hp"]:
    sys.stdout.write("\tVirtualUUID:  " + \
             str(response.dict["Oem"]["Hp"]["VirtualUUID"]) + "\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\tVirtualUUID not available system " \
if "AssetTag" in response.dict:
    sys.stdout.write("\tAsset Tag:  " + response.dict["AssetTag"] \
                                                            + "\n")
    sys.stderr.write("\tNo Asset Tag information on system"  \

Print BIOS version, memory and CPU information.

sys.stdout.write("\tBIOS Version: " + \
         response.dict["Bios"]["Current"]["VersionString"] + "\n")

sys.stdout.write("\tMemory:  " +
       str(response.dict["Memory"]["TotalSystemMemoryGB"]) +" GB\n")

sys.stdout.write("\tProcessors:  " + \
         str(response.dict["Processors"]["Count"]) + " x " + \
         str(response.dict["Processors"]["ProcessorFamily"])+ "\n")

Print health information.

if "Status" not in response.dict or "Health" not in \
          sys.stdout.write("\tStatus/Health information not available in "
                                                      "system resource\n")
          sys.stdout.write("\tHealth:  " + \
                           str(response.dict["Status"]["Health"]) + "\n")

If host correlation available, print details.

if "HostCorrelation" in response.dict:
     if "HostFQDN" in response.dict["HostCorrelation"]:
         sys.stdout.write("\tHost FQDN:  " + \
              response.dict["HostCorrelation"]["HostFQDN"] + "\n")

     if "HostMACAddress" in response.dict["HostCorrelation"]:
         for mac in response.dict["HostCorrelation"]["HostMACAddress"]:
             sys.stdout.write("\tHost MAC Address:  " + str(mac) + "\n")

     if "HostName" in response.dict["HostCorrelation"]:
         sys.stdout.write("\tHost Name:  " + \
              response.dict["HostCorrelation"]["HostName"] + "\n")

     if "IPAddress" in response.dict["HostCorrelation"]:
         for ip_address in response.dict["HostCorrelation"]\
             if ip_address:
                 sys.stdout.write("\tHost IP Address:  " + \
                                             str(ip_address) + "\n")
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