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Modify iLO user account

Jack Garcia edited this page May 25, 2017 · 1 revision

If not created already, create an instance of Rest or Redfish Object using the RestObject or RedfishObject class respectively. The class constructor takes iLO hostname/ ip address, iLO login username and password as arguments. The class also initializes a login session, gets systems resources and message registries.

Rest Object creation:

REST_OBJ = RestObject(iLO_host, login_account, login_password)

Redfish Object creation:

REDFISH_OBJ = RedfishObject(iLO_host, login_account, login_password)

Example 11: Modify iLO user account

The method ex11_modify_ilo_user_account takes an instance of rest object , iLO login account name to modify, new iLO login name, new user name, new password and other optional parameters.

def ex11_modify_ilo_user_account(restobj, ilo_login_name_to_modify, \
              new_ilo_loginname, new_ilo_username, new_ilo_password, \
              irc=None, cfg=None, virtual_media=None, usercfg=None, vpr=None):

Find and get the system resource for account service.

instances = restobj.search_for_type("AccountService.")

Send HTTP GET request to the account service URI(s).

for instance in instances:
       rsp = restobj.rest_get(instance["href"])

Send another GET request to get accounts resources.

accounts = restobj.rest_get(response.dict["links"]["Accounts"]["href"])

For the requested account to modify, add the requested fields and value from the arguments passed.

for account in accounts.dict["Items"]:
      if account["UserName"] == ilo_login_name_to_modify:
          body = {}
          body_oemhp = {}
          body_oemhp_privs = {}

          # if new loginname or password specified
          if new_ilo_password:
              body["Password"] = new_ilo_password
          if new_ilo_loginname:
              body["UserName"] = new_ilo_loginname

          # if different username specified
          if new_ilo_username:
              body_oemhp["LoginName"] = new_ilo_username

          # if different privileges were requested (None = no change)
          if irc != None:
              body_oemhp_privs["RemoteConsolePriv"] = irc
          if virtual_media != None:
              body_oemhp_privs["VirtualMediaPriv"] = virtual_media
          if cfg != None:
              body_oemhp_privs["iLOConfigPriv"] = cfg
          if usercfg != None:
              body_oemhp_privs["UserConfigPriv"] = usercfg
          if vpr != None:
              body_oemhp_privs["VirtualPowerAndResetPriv"] = vpr

Organize the PATCH request body.

if len(body_oemhp_privs):
    body_oemhp["Privileges"] = body_oemhp_privs
if len(body_oemhp):
    body["Oem"] = {"Hp": body_oemhp}

Update the account through a PATCH request. Warning, if you don't change anything, you will get an HTTP 400 response back.

newrsp = restobj.rest_patch(account["links"]["self"]["href"], body)
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