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IGSN Descriptive Metadata Version 1.0

Jens Klump edited this page May 16, 2016 · 8 revisions

IGSN Descriptive Metadata Elements

Version 1.0 of 2015-01-18

NB! This page may be superceded by the documentation in the development branch.

The descriptive metadata schema captures basic characteristics of physical samples and collections.

ID Element A/C Occ Definition Description and instructions
resource Root element 1 The Identifier is a unique string that identifies a resource. IGSN (International GeoSample Number) registered by an IGSN member. Format should be: "10273/foo"
1 identifier C
1.1 identifierType A
2 name 1...1, not nillable Text string for people to understand what is identified. What would typically be presented in a user interface. Free Text.
3 alternateIdentifiers
3.1 alternateIdentifiers C
3.1.1 identifierType A
4 parentIdentifier
4.1 identifierType A
5 CollectionIdentifier the IGSN of a set of related resources to which this resource belongs
5.1 identifierType A
6 relatedIdentifiers
6.1 relatedIdentifier C 0...n Link to parent sample, paper, other resource.
6.1.1 identifierType A
6.1.2 relationType A
7 description 0...1 Free text, anything else that might be useful to know about the sample at its ‘birth’
8 registrant
8.1 identifier C
8.1.1 identifierType A
8.2 name C
8.3 affiliation C
8.3.1 identifier C identifierType A
8.3.2 name C
9 collector 1...n, nillable Who collected the sample. Must be nilable. Ideally want an URI for agent; also need name string. Role: Person who gets credit for picking location, getting funding, selecting and extracting the actual object. (1..N, nilable). ODP chief scientist, field geologist. Synthetic sample--experimentalist is collector.
9.1 identifier C
9.1.1 identifierType A
9.2 name C
9.3 affiliation C
9.3.1 identifier C identifierType A
9.3.2 name C
10 contributors
10.1 contributor C
10.1.1 contributorType A
10.1.1 identifier C identifierType A name C
11 geoLocations 1...1, nillable[reason] Where was the sample acquired relative to the Earth (or another celestial body...). Some samples might be ‘non-geographic’: mineral specimen, synthetic material.
11.1 geoLocation
11.1.1 geometry geometryType A sridType A
11.1.2 toponym identifier C identifierType A name c
12 resourceTypes 1...n, not nillable Describe the basic form of the object that is registered. e.g. polished section; core; pulp; solution, dredge haul in a box, lot, piece of material. Different profiles might have different vocabularies. (1..N, not nillable). Implementation should be a ‘scoped’ name (vocabulary URI, concept/term URI, label for display).
12.1 resourceType C
12.2 alternateResourceTypes C
12.2.1 alternateResourceType C
13 materials 1...n, nillable Categorize the material that composes to the sample, e.g. water, granite, tissue. Idea is to create a high-level cross-domain vocabulary. (1..N, nillable). ‘lot’ type samples (dredge haul, drill core) may have multiple materials included. Material may be categorized under different schemes. Implementation should be a ‘scoped’ name (vocabulary URI, concept/term URI, label for display).
13.1 material C
13.2 alternateMaterials C
13.2.1 alternateMaterial C
14 collectionMethods 1...1, nillable term to categorize the process through which the sample was acquired as an independent object.
14.1 collectionMethod C
14.2 alternatecollectionMethods C
14.2.1 alternatecollectionMethod C
15 collectionTime 1...1, nillable[reason] When was the sample collected. instant or interval. have to determine encoding scheme for interchange, eg.(ISO 19156) (1...1, nillable[reason]). (need specifiction of sample dateTime encoding). YYYY, YYYY-MM, YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM-DDZhh:mm
16 sampleAccess
17 supplementalMetadata 0...n, nillable Location (URL) of a supplemental metadata records. These records may be more detailed or in other formats and are provided by the repository. This element was introduced to the high-level descriptive metadata kernel to point to richer and more detailed descriptions without bloating the kernel with many optional elements that mostly go unused.
17.1 record C

A = Attribute, C = Child

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