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IGSN Registration Metadata Version 1.0

Jens Klump edited this page Jul 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

IGSN Registration Metadata Elements

IGSN e.V. and Datacite have entered a strategic partnership. The IGSN e.V. works with DataCite to provide a globally recognised persistent identifier for sample identification and tracking that facilitates the efficient sharing of samples and their associated metadata among researchers, institutions, and databases. The registration of IGSNs is now through DataCite services.

The documentation below is no longer relevant.

Version 1.0 of 2012-07-11

Element Definition
sampleNumber The IGSN that identifies the registered object.
registrant The allocating agent registering the object.
relatedResourceIdentifier The identifiers of other objects (literature, data, samples) related to this object. This element will become obsolete with the introduction of the IGSN Descriptive Metadata Schema.
log Date and Time relevant to events concerning the registered object and its metadata.

IGSN Metadata Properties

NB: controlled lists of attribute values need to be finalised.

ID Element A/C Occ Definition Description and instructions
1 sampleNumber 1 The Identifier is a unique string that identifies a resource. At present, the only allowed value is an IGSN handle. IGSN (International GeoSample Number) registered by an IGSN member. Format should be: "10273/foo"
1.1 identifierType A 1 The identifier type. At present the only allowed value is igsn.
2 registrant 1 allocating agent
2.1 registrantName C 1 The name of the allocating agent.
2.2 nameIdentifier C 0-n Identifier of the allocating agent. Uniquely identifies the allocating agent according to various schemes
2.2.1 nameIdentifierScheme A 1 The name or URL of the name identifier scheme. Examples: ORCID, ISNI, VIAF, others (see table 2.2.1).
3 relatedResourceIdentifier 0-n Identifiers of related resources.
3.1 relatedIdentifierType A 1 The type of related identifier. controlled list: DOI, Handle, IGSN, LSID, URL, URN (see table 3.1)
3.2 relationType A 1 Description of the relationship of the resource being registered (A) and the related resource (B). see table 3.2.
4 log 1-n Log of events relevant to the object.
4.1 logElement C 1-n Event relevant to the object.
4.1.1 event A 1-n Controlled list: see table 4.1.1.
4.1.2 timeStamp A 1-n YYYY or YYYY‐MM‐DD or any other format described in W3CDTF.
4.1.3 comment A 0-n Optional free-text comment on the log entry.

A = Attribute, C = Child

IGSN Element Attribute Values

1.1 identifierType

Attribute value Definition
igsn see suntax guidelines

At present, the only allowed value is an IGSN handle.

2.2.1 nameIdentifierScheme

Attribute value Definition

3.1 relatedIdentifierType

Attribute value Definition
igsn see syntax guidelines

3.2 relationType

This element will become deprecated with the introduction of the IGSN Descriptive Metadata Schema.

Description of the relationship of the resource being registered (A) and the related resource (B).

Attribute value Definition
isCitedBy Indicates that B includes A in a citation
isPartOf Indicates this object A is a portion of another object B. (e.g. B is a sub-sample of A)
hasPart Indicates this object A includes the object part B. (e.g. sample A has sub-sample B)
isReferencedBy Indicates object B is used as a source of information for this object A.
references Indicates object A uses object B as a source of information.
isDocumentedBy Indicates object B is documentation about/explaining this object A.
documents Indicates this object A is documentation about/explaining object B.
isCompiledBy Indicates object B is used to compile or create this object A. (e.g. A is compiled by collection B)
compiles Indicates object B is the result of a compile or creation event using this object A. (e.g. collection A includes B)
isVariantFormOf Indicates this object A is a variant or different form of object B, e.g. processed form or different packaging.
isOriginalFormOf Indicates this object A is the original form of object B.

4.1.1 event

Attribute value Definition ISO 19135 equivalent
submitted Date of the initial registration. notValid
registered The object is registered. valid
updated Date of the last metadata update. superseded
deprecated The entry is no longer relevant, e.g. due to duplicate registration. retired
destroyed The object is destroyed and no longer exists. (no equivalent)

IGSN Core Descriptive Metadata

To facilitate the discovery of samples through centralised catalogues, IGSN e.V., together with the NSF funded iSamples initiative, hosted a workshop in Los Angeles, California, on 14/15 September 2015 to draft a metadata kernel for descripitve and discovery metadata. The IGSN kernel metadata schema can be found at

IGSN -> Dublin Core Cross-walk

The Mapping of IGSN Descriptive Metadata elements to Dublin Core elements should be used to serve Dublin Core metadata through the OAI-PMH service for harvesting by generic clients, e.g. Geonetwork Open Source.

dc:element IGSN Descriptive Element Notes
dc:contributor N/A not used
dc:coverage samplingLocation
dc:creator sampleCollector
dc:date samplingTime
dc:description comments
dc:format materialType
dc:identifier IGSN In URI format
dc:language N/A not used
dc:publisher sampleCurator
dc:relation relatedResources (KIV) - this will be added when the relations between samples are finalized in the CSIRO schema.
dc:rights N/A not used
dc:source N/A not used
dc:subject classification
dc:title sampleName
dc:type sampleType