1.05 Combined Arms - Final
- Campaign progress tracking. Mission browser records which missions have been completed as well as the date, time taken, difficulty, version, and game speed.
- New music track "Malevolence".
- Co-op version of the mission "Reckoning".
- Increased the size of the final campaign mission.
- Added 10x RAGL 16 maps along with 7x more 1v1 maps, 1x 3v3 map, 1x 4v4 and 1x FFA Europe map.
- Condition applying abilities no longer delayed until next full cell of movement, increasing the responsiveness of Gyro Stabilizers, Defense Matrix, Mind Blast, Mind Spark, Hypercharge, Advanced Optics, Decoy Projectors, Chaos Drone, Mobile EMP.
- Bounties are now taken from a pool that first has to be accumulated by a player getting kills. Bounty increased from 10% to 15% of unit value. Added bounty column to economy stats panel.
- Most previously uncrushable infantry (SEALs, Tesla Troopers, Desolators, Zone Troopers/Raiders/Defenders, Cryo Troopers, Chem Warriors, Templar) can now be crushed by any vehicles that can crush walls (e.g. Mammoth Tanks, Tripods etc.). Commando units, Brutes and Enforcers are now the only fully uncrushable infantry.
- All superweapons do increased damage vs buildings (so they can now kill an undamaged Construction Yard / War Factory).
- Added "Harvester under attack" announcement.
- Reduced mine damage, increased splash radius, added TankBuster modifier (+33% damage vs tanks).
- Oil Refinery no longer affects cost of buildings/defenses.
- In competitive multi-queue, Service Depot & equivalents grant reduced cost of additional production structures (equivalent to radar).
- Added 1.33x speed option in replays.
- Added produced unit values tab to observer info panel.
- Show times in build order tab in observer info panel.
- Added & improved unit compositions for campaign AI.
- Allow 10 hotkeys for support powers (up from 6).
- Targets are validated when activating support powers that apply conditions (e.g. Iron Curtain) so the power isn't used up if targets are destroyed before the condition can be applied.
Faction Balance
- Condensed MG IFV burst from 6 shots to 3 shots. Increased DPS slightly. Added percentage damage component against infantry.
- Increased Enforcer IFV HP.
- Increased Raider APC damage vs buildings.
- Sniper no longer needs to charge up shots. Moved the charge time to the reload time.
- Sniper, Enforcer & Hoplite have a random short delay between shots to reduce overkilling. Counterbalanced by increased reload times.
- Reduced Mirage Tank cost to 750.
- Reworked Lightning Storm to remove excessive RNG.
- Replaced Patriot Strike with Black Sky Strike. Hits up to 4 ground targets (not buildings), prioritizing the most valuable.
- Added Entrenchment range indicator to Engineers.
- Battle Fortress passengers gain XP as if they were outside.
- Increased Chrono Tank cost from 1350 to 1500. Increased range by 1. Increased turn speed. Reduced HP from 45k to 32k. Increased damage vs light armor & buildings. Increased splash radius. Increased teleport range from 16 to 48. Teleporting more than 12 cells requires a charge up time which scales with the distance.
- Engineer IFV now separate from Repair (Mechanic) IFV. Engineer IFV is able to capture buildings at half the speed of an Engineer and is reusable.
- Increased Grand Cannon damage vs heavy armor. Increased range by from 9 to 10. First shot is accurate.
- Hoplite range reduced by 1. Added empowered shots which blind enemies.
- Increased Black Eagle splash damage.
- Increased Cryo Trooper cost from 600 to 700.
- Cryostorm has an EVA warning and takes 4 seconds to activate. Added extra visuals. Show range circle to enemies (on fully active).
- Increased Tank Destroyer range by 1. Reduced HP from 44k to 42k.
- Reduced Sniper damage against light armored infantry (no longer one-shot).
- Increased Peacemaker HP from 36k to 38k.
- Increased Gap Generator and Mobile Gap Generator beam range to 10. Reduced area of effect from 1.5 to 1.25/1.0 respectively.
- Mechanic salvage value now scales with value of target unit (30%).
- Reduced Tesla Track speed from 68 to 60. Reduced HP from 20k to 18k. Reduced turn rate from 20 to 16. Reduced range from 8 to 7. Arcing no longer triggered on hitting infantry. Reduced radar jamming range from 8 to 1.5.
- Shock Trooper, Rad Trooper, Tesla Trooper & Desolator have a random short delay between shots to reduce overkilling. Counterbalanced by increased reload times.
- Increased Tesla Trooper HP from 17k to 18k. Now uncrushable (to match Desolator).
- Increased Desolator HP from 17k to 18.5k. Increased splash radius slightly. Reduced damage vs heavy armor.
- Increased Rad Trooper damage slightly. Reduced damage vs heavy armor. Increased HP from 7.5k to 8k.
- Terror Dog upgrade moved to T2. Increased auto attack radius. Can be manually detonated via deploy command.
- Reduced Gattling BTR splash radius. Added percentage damage component against infantry.
- Renamed Improved Genetic Mutation Bomb upgrade to Improved Mutation. Now also increases Brute movement speed by 20%.
- Reduced Yuri range against vehicles from 5.5 to 4.5.
- Heroes of the Union can now target allies.
- Reduced Nuke Cannon cost from 2500 to 2400. Increased range from 16 to 18. Improved deploy behaviour (will not undeploy when attacked moved with a group, will auto deploy once in range with an attack order).
- Reduced Troop Crawler cost from 1600 to 1500.
- Reduced range of all Eradicators from 6 to 5.75.
- Reduced Rhino Tank HP from 70k to 68k.
- Increased Grad range from 10 to 13. Increased turret turn rate from 6 to 10.
- Allow Commissar to detect cloaked units and spies.
- Increased Overlord buff radius from 4 to 5.
- Lasher/Thrasher tank can now crush walls (so can crush the infantry mentioned under General that were previously uncrushable).
- Increase Mammoth Tusk damage vs light armor (infantry only).
- New Upgrades: Avenger & Ceramic Armor for Warthog on Bombardment & Hold the Line strategies respectively. Sidewinders now for Seek & Destroy only.
- Moved Jackknife to T2. Can no longer target aircraft. Reduced HP a little.
- Increased Wolverine cost from 800 to 900. Increased HP from 30k to 36k. Damages enemies in a line. Reduced damage vs heavy armor.
- Reduced XO HP from 26k to 22.5k.
- Zone Trooper/Raider/Defender no longer require second level strategy upgrade.
- Bombardier no longer replaces JumpJet trooper. Research moved to T2. Increased range by 1. Reduced projectile speed, range and damage vs infantry.
- Increased JumpJet/Bombardier speed.
- Guardian Drone does 3 shot burst. Increased reload time. Increased DPS slightly.
- Increased Tomahawk splash radius and damage vs infantry, buildings and defenses.
- Pitbull fires 2 rockets per burst instead of 4 (DPS unchanged). Increased blind duration slightly.
- Reduced Zone Raider damage vs heavy. Increased jump pack cooldown by 5s.
- Increased Zone Trooper rate of fire and damage. Increased jump pack cooldown by 5s.
- Increased Zone Defender rate of fire. Increased HP from 16k to 18k. Defense Matrix now stacks up to 6 times providing between 25% and 50% damage reduction (instead of a non-stacking 30%). Reduced shield duration from 10s to 8s.
- Reworked Ion Cannon to remove excessive RNG.
- Reduced HMLRS HP from 20k to 19k. Reduced speed from 92 to 86.
- Reduced Hypersonic Missiles range by 1.
- Reduced Vulcan splash radius. Added percentage damage component against infantry.
- Increase TOW missile damage, increased reload time (overall slight DPS increase).
- Reduced range of Mobile EMP against aircraft from 5 to 2.
- Reduced Ion Mammoth range from 5.75 to 4.75.
- Increase Mammoth Tusk damage vs light armor (infantry only).
- Titan, Zone Trooper & Zone Defender railgun damage now mitigated by prone (Zone Trooper/Defender damage vs infantry increased to compensate).
- New Convenants sytem. After destroying 3 enemy buildings or harvesters (indicated on sidebar) you can unlock a Covenant.
Wrath: Cyborg Elite replaced with Avatar. Assassin Squad support power. Banshees gain an additional 3 ammo. Cyborg Firepower upgrade.
Unity: Enlightened replaced with Cyborg Reaper. Hacker Cell support power. Hackers able to enter Comms Center to siphon funds. Augmented Fabrication upgrade.
Deceit: Heavy Stealth Tank upgrade. Infiltrators support power. Stealth Harvester upgrade. Cyborg Speed upgrade (no longer available baseline).
- Infiltrators no longer buildable. Now gains vision of infiltrated buildings. Increased cloak duration by 20%.
- Stolen tech can be acquired via destroying buildings with Assassins, hacking buildings with Hackers, or infiltrating buildings with Infiltrators.
- Hacker Cell replaced with Tech Hack as Legion unique support power. Available instantly on Temple, then has a long recharge. Targets enemy production to acquire stolen tech.
- Cyborg Reaper renamed to Cyborg Rocket Soldier (Cyborg Reaper added as a new unit).
- Reduced Venom damage vs heavy armor. Reduced upgraded Venom damage vs buildings/defenses.
- Reduced Apache rate of fire slightly.
- Increased cyborg conversion time to match normal production speed.
- Decoy Projectors upgrade moved to T2. Decoys grant vision for 4 seconds after death.
- Chemical Warrior surge ability no longer needs to target a unit. Reduced HP from 17k to 15k.
- Reduced Cyborg HP from 21k to 20k. Increased cost from 250 to 275.
- Increased Enlightened EMP duration by 1s.
- Increased Acolyte cost from 450 to 475. Reduced HP from 10k to 9k.
- Increased Templar cost from 525 to 550.
- Reduced Acolyte/Templar damage vs heavy armor slightly. Added a random short delay between shots to reduce overkilling. Counterbalanced by increased reload times. New weapon sounds.
- Reduced Laser Light Tank damage vs light armor. Reduced rate of fire. Added percentage damage component against infantry.
- Increased Flame Tank & Heavy Flame Tank damage vs defenses.
- Heavy Flame Tank damage more frontloaded (half damage in first 40% of burst, half in remaining 60%).
- Increased Basilisk range from 3.5 to 5.
- Cyberscrin HP increased from 15k to 16k.
- Increased Mantis speed, reduce HP from 30k to 28k.
- Manticore now fires at aircraft only. Reduced cost from 2000 to 1800.
- Vertigo bomb disables cloaking for 40 seconds within a 6 cell radius.
- After 30 seconds, shadow beacon will cause an icon to appear to the observed player. Icon appears immediately for observing player.
- Hacked structures consume no power. Structures can't be sold while being hacked.
- Laser Fence posts can be built outside of build radius.
- Reduced Cyclops range by 1. Reduced speed and turn rate. Increased cost from 1200 to 1250.
- Increased Comanche cost from 1800 to 2000.
- Reduced Cryo Mortar chill radius and duration.
- Kamov fires long range AoE anti-tank rockets. Removed gun. Reduced HP from 38.5k to 34k.
- Increased Cyberdog attack interval slightly. Reduced HP from 16k to 14k.
- New Allegiance: Malefic. Provides access to Mutilator (Ravager upgrade), Tormentor (small anti-tank aircraft) and Anathema support power (single vehicle gains power over time but then explodes after 30 seconds).
- Atomizer now hits the target plus up to 3 additional nearby targets. Atomized debuff no longer does splash damage, but will do more damage over time. Will now stack infinitely (previously only stacked to 3). No longer targets aircraft.
- Increased Stormrider speed slightly.
- After 30 seconds, watcher parasite will cause an icon to appear to the observed player. Icon appears immediately for observing player.
- Reduced Mothership charge up time and main beam duration. Increased plasma bolt damage slightly. Increased speed. Reduced Wormhole creation range.
- Increased Devastator speed and splash damage, reduced reload time.
- PAC can launch fighters while moving. Tripled damage vs buildings.
- Hypercharge upgrade moved to T2. Weapons are no longer disabled after effect ends, but have reduced damage and a longer reload. Increased cost from 1000 to 1250. Reduced range from 7 to 6.
- Nullifer projectile tracks targets.
- Reduced Greater Coalescence healing of infantry & light armor.
- Increased Overlord's Wrath damage.
- Reduced Ravager HP from 7k to 6k. Reduced damage & rate of fire slightly.
- Reduced Eviscerator rate of fire and damage. Now affected by Resource Conversion upgrade.
- Watcher defaults to hold fire stance.
- Impaler fires two shots with a short delay between them, followed by a longer reload time. Added a small amount of splash damage. Reduced slow duration from 3s to 1s.
- Stormcrawler clouds form immediately on dealing/taking damage with Ion Conduits upgrade.
- Reduced Plasma Cannon damage vs heavy armor.
- Reduced Leecher HP from 30k to 28k. Reduced damage vs buildings.
- Reduced Corrupter HP from 38k to 36k.
- Reduced Darkener HP from 40k to 36k. Reduced slow from 60% to 50%. Reduced turn rate and turret turn rate.
- Tripods and Reaper Tripods now regenerate health on Tiberium (or other resources).
- Signal Transmitter grants a 10% speed boost to PAC, Devastator & Mothership.
- Reduced Intruder HP from 11k to 10k.
- Reduced Mastermind range against vehicles from 5.5 to 4.5.
- Increased Shard Walker damage. Reduced HP from 38k to 36k.
- Reduced Gun Walker HP from 31k to 28k.
- Increased Buzzer Swarm blind radius slightly.
- Increased Interloper HP from 42k to 44k. Reduced shields by 2k.
Fixes / Misc
- New voice lines for Stealth Tank and Heavy Stealth Tank.
- Fixed invisible Leecher orb.
- Decloak Engineers when capturing.
- Fixed JumpJet getting stuck attacking attack move target.
- Fixed Comanche getting stuck decloaked if interrupted when resupplying.
- Updated Temple Prime footprint to prevent blocked exits.
- Shadow Gliders default to hold fire stance.
- Fixed support powers that spawn actors or shrapnel not spawning directly on top of other actors.
- Fixed Sonic Amplifiers upgrade being visible for non GDI in campaign.
- Fixed SpawnActorsOnSell behaviour so guaranteed actors are still limited by value/HP.
- Fixed TD Silo giving minigunners on sell.
- Fixed Buzzer Swarm blinding aircraft.
- Fixed smoke trail being visible on cloaked damaged Comanches.
- Fixed being able to switch Cloning Vat target to catch multiple queues as they complete.
- Fixed multiple Cluster Mines landing on same cell.
- Added missing Patriot Strike warning voice line.
- Allow multiple commando units in Testing Grounds and Composition Tester maps.
- Fixed blinded planes being immobilised when attempting to attack.
- Fixed Atomizer bolts being blocked by walls.
- Updated UI panels to make progression more visible.
- Minor campaign mission difficulty adjustments.
- Fixed blocked Hospital on map Revenge CA.
- Fixed stuck upgrade indicator if upgrade structure is lost before upgrade completes.
- Fixed MAD Tank not being disabled by being warped or EMPd.
- Added voice announcements when Demo Truck, Kirov & Floating Disc are built (to allies only).
- Fixed Stealth Tank refusing to attack move after moving away from a target they'd fired at.
- Lowered selection priority of Terror Dogs & Bursters.
- Prevent husks blocking cargo planes.
- Fixed Ion Cannon/Lightning Storm bolts not initialising above actors.
- Fixed Kirov/Disc being able to move while EMPd.
- Allow SAM Site to shoot targets directly above.
- Fixed Eagle reinforcements possibly getting stuck outside the bounds of the map.
- Fixed Harvester not being replaced by Chrono Miner in queue when upgrade finishes.
- Fixed Teleport/Leap abilities being permanently disabled if unit is warped while recharging.
- Fixed Orca Bomber not returning to base when ammo is depleted.
- Corrected Scrin unit palettes in campaign so they appear grey when built by Nod.
- Added player coloured selection box for mines.
- Fixed allied passenger ownership when chronoshifted transport is killed.
- Fixed Cyborg Reaper not auto targeting aircraft.
- Fixed funds transferred when capturing refinery/silo.
- Fixed unloaded AI passengers idling in campaign.
- Fixed laser fences not working or being sellable if built in low power.
- Timers in missions will now be adjusted for the game speed.
- Prevent standard building explosions when being warped.
- Fixed crush dodging not being triggered by certain vehicle movements.
- Cancel unit activities when picked up by Carryall.
- Lowered selection priority for MAD Tank & Demo Truck.
- Increased Engineer mine defusal scan radius.
- Fixed Hailstorm missiles being blocked by walls.
- Fixed GunWalker zap not being blocked by walls.
- Fixed Boris projectile not being blocked by walls.