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Quick Topological Navigation in simulation tutorial
A tutorial on getting started with topo-nav in ROS 1 using the Riseholme vineyard_demo and thorvald simulator.
We have a dockerized simulation available, or please use your own: https://github.com/LCAS/bacchus_lcas/wiki/Phenorob-2021-Setting-Up
roslaunch ./vineyard_demo.launch launch_move_base:=true
git clone https://github.com/LCAS/topological_navigation
into src - checkout bacchus branch for melodic (or noetic, use git branch -a)
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-mongodb-store ros-melodic-rospy-message-converter
A metric map is required as a pre-requisite:
Resource: https://github.com/LCAS/bacchus_lcas/wiki/Phenorob-2021-Activities
Use gmapping or slam to create a metric map:
roslaunch bacchus_slam hector_slam.launch roslaunch bacchus_slam throvald_teleop.launch rosrun map_server map_saver -f my_map
Note: to navigate using teleop, you must be clicked on the terminal. Use keys to drive, i is forward,l/j make it spin.
Note2: map_saver doesn’t take too long - something may be wrong in the running of the slam script if it does. This outputs a yaml and a pgm where the line was run. Place these in bacchus_lcas/bacchus_slam/maps.
Create the
file:We now need to collect x,y,z positions for nodes and create .tmap2 file:
to usenav_map_yaml=my_map.yaml
roslaunch bacchus_slam amcl_localization.launch rostopic echo /clicked_point
Use the Publish Point tool in Rviz to click where you want nodes, these will be output to the terminal.
Copy the template from: https://github.com/LCAS/environment_common/blob/main/environment_common/convertors/templating/tmap.py
Modify this file to use the node values you have just received from /clicked_point. The first line should be meta: Note: {location} and {gentime} can be any strings and this file is EXTREMELY case and space sensitive!
Modify vineyard_demo.launch
to use my_map.yaml
and set X_INIT, Y_INIT and Z_INIT to 0.
- View topological map in Rviz
roslaunch ./vineyard_demo.launch launch_move_base:=true
rosrun topological_navigation map_manager2.py demo.tmap2 # publishes the file to a rostopic
rosrun topological_navigation topological_transform_publisher.py
rosrun topological_navigation visualize_map2.py
In Rviz:
- Add markerarray: topological_map_visualisation
- Add markerarray: topological_route_visualisation
- NB: if you messed up the positions, they may be off the map.
- Add interactivemarkers for go_to_node/update (add direction arrows to the nodes)
You can add edges:
rosservice call /topological_map_manager2/add_edges_between_nodes “
origin: node0
destination: node1
action: move_base
edge_id: stringid”
If edges should be bi-directional, another edge will need to be added with origin: node1, destination: node0.
And save the updates: rosservice call /topological_map_manager2/write_topological_map "filename: '`pwd`/updated.tmap2'"
Use the topological map for navigation:
rosrun topological_navigation localisation.py rosrun topological_navigation navigation.py