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Lailloken edited this page Jun 16, 2024 · 24 revisions

Feature Overview

  • tracks your campaign-progress and dynamically overlays leveling-guides generated via exile-leveling (by HeartofPhos) onto the game-client

  • highlights gems and items from the build-guide in the vendor-window with a single keypress

  • optional: zone-layout overlays for many campaign-areas, exp-penalty calculation to prevent over-leveling/pacing

  • twink-leveling features:

    • generates search-strings to quickly bulk-buy every gem in the build-guide from vendors

    • tracks your level and notifies you when gems from the guide or manually-added items are ready to be equipped

  • optional: import screenshots of your PoB skilltree to access and overlay them with a single keypress

  • optional: a timer can be set up to record your act and total campaign time which will also be logged in a CSV-file for statistical analysis

User Interface & Settings

  • this feature has its own section in the settings menu, with UI and sub-feature settings
main UI-elements & user interaction screenshot
toggle button on the main toolbar:
- click to toggle the main guide-overlay
- right-click to toggle the gear tracker
guide panel:
- step-by-step campaign instructions
- optional hints (indented lines)
campaign timer (optional):
- shows total time | act # | act time
- click act # to pause/resume
- long-right-click act # to reset the timer & guide
navigation bar:
- click < and > to switch pages
- long-click < to reset the guide
- long-click > to fast-forward the guide to the current area
- drag the white square (top-left) to move the overlay
available zone-layouts (optional):
- hold TAB to view available layouts for the current zone
effective exp in current area (optional):
- when green: shows "min | current | max" area-level to receive 100% exp
- when red: number in parentheses shows whether the area is too low/high

GeForce Now Differences

  • the act-tracker doesn't have access to the client.txt log-file, so it can't track your progress

    • you have to manually switch guide pages via hotkeys (default: F3 & F4)

    • some sub-features that require the log-file (e.g. timer, gear tracker, zone-layouts) are not available

Initial Setup

  • open the settings menu by clicking the cogwheel icon on the toolbar and go to the act-tracker section

  • after enabling the feature, the toggle button will appear in the tool's main toolbar

  • UI settings can be changed once a guide has been imported and the guide overlay is on screen

Setting up the Guide

  • open exile-leveling

  • if you want to import a PoB-build with gems, click build at the top of the UI and paste the code

  • once you're done, click the menu button and 3rd-party export


  • tab into the game, open the act-tracker menu section, and click import on one of three available slots

Leveling Guide: Usage

  • after successfully importing a guide, you can left-click the toggle-button to hide/show the overlay:


  • it generally does not block clicks, except for the < and > buttons

  • most of the time, it will show multiple steps of the guide and refer to a specific location in the last line

    • once you enter that specific location the overlay will switch to the next page

    • the whole campaign can be played without having to directly interact with the overlay

  • if a step includes buying gems or items from vendors, you can long-press the omni-key while the vendor-window is open to highlight them


  • if additional hints are enabled, the overlay will also offer illustrations to visualize specific hints (highlighted with a book icon)


    • hold TAB to display the hint illustration


Timer: Setup & Usage

  • this feature needs to be enabled in the settings menu

  • once enabled, the timer will show between the guide text and the control buttons

  • how to (re)start a run

    • create a new character and enter Twilight Strand (this step is important for correct CSV-logging)

    • long-right-click act # to reset the timer and the guide progress

    • click act 1 to start the timer

  • there's basic CSV-logging to a campaign runs.csv file in the export folder of the script

    • times are added as you transition between acts

    • make sure to not have the file open while running acts, as it may become read-only (depending on the app used)

Timer: Behavior

  • the timer runs independently of the guide or its progress, and instead uses your current location to transition between acts

    • NOTE: the timer has to be running/ticking in order to track the current act

    • act # will change to act # + 1 whenever you enter any zone of act # + 1 (not when skipping through the guide by using the > button

  • there is an option to automatically pause the timer while in hideout (for trades, etc.) and resume it upon leaving again

  • the timer pauses while neither the PoE client nor an LLK-UI window/overlay are focused, which means ALT-TAB time will not be logged

  • starting a new session / restarting the tool will put the timer into pause-mode (grayed out), requiring you to click act # whenever you wish to continue

  • the timer sees a run as completed upon entering the Karui Shores: the timers will pause and turn green

Zone Layouts & Effective Exp

  • the bottom-left of the act-tracker overlay shows # ZL, which refers to how many zone-layouts are available for the current area

  • hold TAB to display them in an overlay, during which you can:

    • scroll to change the overlay's size

    • hold middle mouse-button to show an explanation

    • click an image to toggle between horizontal/vertical arrangement

    • drag the overlay to reposition it, right-click it to reset the position

  • the bottom-right of the act-tracker overlay shows x%, which refers to the effective experience gained from the current area

    • requires you to specify you character's name in the general section of the settings menu

    • keep an eye on this if you want to avoid over-leveling/pacing

Gear Tracker

  • this is an optional feature that has to be enabled first, and it requires specifying your character's name in the general section of the settings menu


  • it is primarily designed around twink-leveling but can be used in different ways

  • you can add items to this UI, and it will notify you once you have reached their level requirements: the toggle button in the toolbar will show a green number

  • importing a build via exile-leveling will automatically add all the gems in that build to the tracker, so you don't have to do it manually

  • it can also be used on its own, without importing a guide/PoB-build

  • right-click the toggle-button to show/hide the gear-tracker panel:

    • this panel will be positioned in the center of the client-window
  • while the gear tracker is open, omni-clicking items will add them to the tracker

    • equippable items will be highlighted in green

    • left-click an item to highlight it in game (for vendors or stash)

    • hold right-click to remove it from the tracker

  • the tracker can be closed again by pressing ESC or right-clicking the toggle button

  • unlike the leveling-guide overlay, this panel is not meant to be on screen all the time (only open it if the indicator shows that gear is ready)

PoB Gem Notes

  • importing a guide with gems from exile-leveling will also import available notes on specific gems


  • long-pressing the omni-key while hovering over a gem will open a tooltip displaying the note

    • while the tooltip is open, a regular omni-click is enough to open the next tooltip for another gem

    • press ESC to close the tooltip

Notepad Gem Reminder

  • you can create a notepad tab called gems and quickly add gems that you cannot afford during early league-start (as a reminder to buy them later)

  • while that tab is open, omni-click gems to add them to the list

Gem search-strings

  • when importing a guide that contains gems, a string for the search-strings feature will be generated and saved

    • this string highlights every gem from an imported build in the vendor window

    • this is meant to be used for bulk-purchasing gems when starting a new character

  • the search-strings section of the settings menu will have a new search entry for hideout Lilly which has to be calibrated and tested first

  • pressing the omni-key when Lilly's gem window is open will paste the search-string into the search-field

  • this search-string will highlight gems for each individual gem-tab in the vendor window in sequence

    • open the first vendor-tab and press the omni-key

    • if gems are highlighted, buy them; if none are highlighted, switch vendor-tabs until you find highlighted gems and buy them

    • scroll down once: if gems are highlighted, buy them; if not, switch tabs again

    • repeat until every required gem has been bought

Skilltree Overlay: Setup

  • requires the skilltree image-check to be set up correctly in the screen-checks section of the settings menu

  • go to the act-tracker section in the settings menu

  • import images using the screen-cap menu


  • images all have their own slots into which they are loaded via pasting or screen-capping

    • click paste to insert one or more files from clipboard (copied via file explorer), or raw image data (copied from an image editor or browser)

    • click snip to open a snipping widget with which to capture images directly from your screen

    • once an image has been loaded, a slot's number can be clicked to add an optional caption


Skilltree Overlay: Usage

  • holding the omni-key while the in-game skilltree is open will overlay screenshots onto the client, as well as an icon-group with lab icons to the right of it
    • underneath the screenshot, there's the caption that you can add during import and a gray bar that represents how close this image is to the end of the sequence

    • releasing the omni-key will hide the overlay again

    • right-clicks switch to the next image, long right-clicks to the previous one

    • the overlay will always open the image that was last viewed, and this also carries over between sessions

    • hovering over the lab-icons will display the corresponding ascendancy skilltree

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