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Minor Features

Lailloken edited this page Jul 31, 2023 · 40 revisions

under construction for v1.50, which will soon release as beta

v1.30.6 has moved to this repo: Lailloken UI Legacy

To continue using it, you should install the v1.30.6 release from there because it has updated wiki-links for the settings menu that point to the correct wiki

Alarm-timer Overlay

  • Interface
    image image

  • Setup

    • enable alarm-timer in the settings menu

    • click the image button

    • set the timer to X minutes (max. 60) and press ENTER

  • Hide/Reset the timer

    • once the timer is set, clicking the button will toggle between hidden and visible

    • once the timer runs out, clicking on the clock icon will terminate it

    • right-clicking the button or the small square will always terminate the current timer, regardless of its status

  • Timer & Overlay Behavior

    • the timer can be re-positioned by dragging the small square in one of the corners

    • once the timer runs out, the overlay will unhide if hidden, start flashing, and start counting up to show how much time has passed since running out

    • the script will not auto-exit when the PoE-client closes while a timer is running, i.e. a running timer will override the 'kill script after X minutes' setting in the settings menu

    • if the timer runs out while the PoE-client is in the background or not running, the overlay will unhide and turn into a regular window that can be closed normally in order to stop the alarm

    • loop & beep: if checked, the timer will loop indefinitely and there will be a short beep whenever the countdown hits 00:00

  • Remarks

    • I included this as a quick alternative to setting a timer on the phone because I often lose track of time while playing PoE

Orb of Horizons Tooltips

  • long-pressing the omni-key while hovering over an orb of horizons will show a small panel with a list of maps and their natural tier

    • while holding the omni-key, press a letter to show the list of maps that start with that letter
  • long-pressing the omni-key while hovering over a map will show a small panel with a list of maps this one can change into

  • Remarks

    • before horizon-ing a map I don't like, I use this to check if that map can change into something worse and how probable that would be

Improved Beastcrafting Search

  • requires 'bestiary' image-check to be set up
  • pressing the omni-key while the beastcrafting window is open will show a context menu with shortcuts for clearer flask-mod searching
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