provides helper functions for interacting with
SLURM-managed high-performance-computing
environments from R. It includes functions for creating submittable jobs
(including array jobs), monitoring partitions, and extracting info about
running or complete jobs. For details, check out the documentation
It was developed at JHPCE with SLURM 22.05.9 in mind, but is intended to generalize to other clusters and newer SLURM versions.
Get the latest stable R
release from
CRAN. Then install slurmjobs
GitHub with:
Below is the citation output from using citation('slurmjobs')
in R.
Please run this yourself to check for any updates on how to cite
print(citation("slurmjobs"), bibtex = TRUE)
#> To cite package 'slurmjobs' in publications use:
#> LieberInstitute (2024). _slurmjobs: Helper Functions for SLURM Jobs_.
#> doi:10.18129/B9.bioc.slurmjobs
#> <>,
#> - R package
#> version 1.1.0, <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Manual{,
#> title = {slurmjobs: Helper Functions for SLURM Jobs},
#> author = {{LieberInstitute}},
#> year = {2024},
#> url = {},
#> note = { - R package version 1.1.0},
#> doi = {10.18129/B9.bioc.slurmjobs},
#> }
#> LieberInstitute (2024). "slurmjobs: Helper Functions for SLURM Jobs."
#> _bioRxiv_. doi:10.1101/TODO <>,
#> <>.
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Article{,
#> title = {slurmjobs: Helper Functions for SLURM Jobs},
#> author = {{LieberInstitute}},
#> year = {2024},
#> journal = {bioRxiv},
#> doi = {10.1101/TODO},
#> url = {},
#> }
Please note that the slurmjobs
was only made possible thanks to many
other R and bioinformatics software authors, which are cited either in
the vignettes and/or the paper(s) describing this package.
Please note that the slurmjobs
project is released with a Contributor
Code of Conduct. By
contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
- Continuous code testing is possible thanks to GitHub actions through usethis, remotes, and rcmdcheck customized to use Bioconductor’s docker containers and BiocCheck.
- Code coverage assessment is possible thanks to codecov and covr.
- The documentation website is automatically updated thanks to pkgdown.
- The code is styled automatically thanks to styler.
- The documentation is formatted thanks to devtools and roxygen2.
For more details, check the dev
This package was developed using biocthis.