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sean roberts edited this page Feb 8, 2023 · 3 revisions

Brief notes from our conversation:


  • hackathon results - summarized here on Gitcoin forums: GitCoin Forums summary

  • next steps -> voting -> the core ODC Jedis voting on Hack on the Hackathon

  • results list here - along w/ example criteria that voters can use:
    Results Spreadsheet

  • voters will receive URLs to perform Quadratic Voting end of this week

  • all ODC Jedi will receive URLs to vote on Hack on the Hackathon - if you also want to vote on one of the other three - great - just let epowell101 know

  • survey capturing Hackathon feedback at 11 responses as of this AM - will tweet about it - PLEASE vote if you have not:

  • Twitter space - scheduled for Thursday the 16th at 7am Pacific / 15:00 UTC

    • will invite any community members that attend up to the stage - will run through results, next steps for the community, and lessons learned from the survey

Next steps - commitments to broader community:

  • Sandbox and at least an initial stack or stacks need to be live by April 1st
  • Much more on Sandbox available in this evolving PR:
  • NOTE - high-level we are working to add value to 3 personas: 1. Us, contributors 2. Projects - like those emerging from Hackathons, TrueBlocks, likely Passport in the future and so on 3. web3 projects and other sponsors
  • April Hackathon - we will have one, likely similar themes however let's discuss as a community
  • Founding Partners - driving towards conversations at Eth Denver - must have it sorted by mid April for independence by May 1st

Other - idea - Eth Denver plug-fest

  • A few folks are talking about the idea of a "plug fest" at Eth Denver which would basically demonstrate turning up a node and getting useful data out of it and everything in between in "under 30 minutes" - could be a lot of fun and would get at least a few folks working together for a period of time
  • IF you would like to help to organize by reaching out to for example NODE hardware providers and so on, coming up with a basic write up of the process, and a small marketing plan or anything else - please ping epowell101
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