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Agenda for Meeting: 20 December 2022

Evan Powell edited this page Dec 20, 2022 · 6 revisions


  • Review status of prep for hackathon:
    • FAQs --
      • @steffi_says discussed the need to expand the list and get reviews
      • epowell101 reported that we will be able to allocate some of the bounties to best FAQs -
      • we discussed eligibility for bounties - basically non-Gitcoin contributors are eligible; for specifically the ODC & FAQ related bounties we plan to conducting quadratic voting amongst ODC members --
    • Sponsors - activation: summary deck
    • Outreach & promotion: draft plan
      • website! -- Sarob & Space t discussed; we have a structure now for updating content; epowell101 to post URL & try out new content pipeline --
      • landscape
      • research
    • Finalize structure
      • note there will be some bounties for community building
    • POC of voting
    • Gitcoin site
  • Building our connections:
    • LENS profiles

-- Steffi says doing research - finding so far that "orb" may be the best solution using Lens protocol for us--

  • please star the Landscape repository
  • Mandarin channel & more with the help of TrustaLabs

-- established new Discord channels for hackathon & for Mandarin discussion & for 2023 planning

  • 2023 goals for the community?
    • what are reasonable objectives to rally around?
    • and how should we work on that planning?
    • what do we each want to take on?

NEXT WEEK - epowell101 won't be available - however community may well meet

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