Repository Archived
This repository has been archived and is no longer actively maintained. You are welcome to explore the code, but please note that no further updates, issues, or pull requests will be accepted.
Thank you for your interest and contributions.
These python scripts support multi-sensor extrinsic calibration using only odmetry/motion infomation. The main feature is a non-linear least squares optimization based on Gauss-Helmert framework, as described in the following papers:
Kaihong Huang and Cyrill Stachniss,
Extrinsic Multi-Sensor Calibration For Mobile Robots Using the Gauss-Helmert Model,
In Proc. of the IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2017
To run the script, you need to install cppad (and its python wrapper pycppad ) for automatic differentiation.
First install cppad. For Ubuntu 16.04 users,
sudo apt-get install cppad
For Ubuntu 14.04, complie and install it from source code
git clone
cd CppAD/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
Next is pycppad
git clone
cd pycppad/
change cppad_include_dir to ['/usr/include'] in the file then
python build_ext --inplace --debug --undef NDEBUG
pip install .
python ./
Please check demo_and_test function in file for example usage.