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Tournament Mode

Person8880 edited this page Apr 4, 2015 · 8 revisions


The tournament mode plugin provides a basic system for competitive games. It waits for players to be ready before starting the game, and synchronises spectator team names/scores to all spectators, including those that join late or have to rejoin.

A rough version of the plugin was contributed by GhoulofGSG9.

This plugin only works in Natural Selection 2. It will not load in NS2: Combat.


The default config file should look like this:

    "CountdownTime": 15,
    "ForceTeams": false,
    "EveryoneReady": false

The file should be called “TournamentMode.json” and should be placed in the directory defined as your plugin config directory (default is config://shine/plugins).

Option Description
CountdownTime Sets how long to wait after both teams are ready before the game should start.
ForceTeams Sets whether to rejoin a player onto their team if they reconnect.
EveryoneReady Sets whether everyone on both teams needs to ready up, or only the commanders.


Command Chat Command Arguments Description
sh_ready !ready or !rdy N/A When run by the commander of the team, sets the team to ready.
sh_unready !unready or !unrdy N/A When run by the commander of the team, sets the team to not ready.
sh_setteamnames !teamnames <Marine Name> <Alien Name> Sets the team names for plugin messages and for syncing to all spectators.
sh_setteamscores !scores <Marine Score> <Alien Score> Sets the team scores and syncs them to all spectators. You do not need to run this at the end of a round.
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