This package allows users of MaxQuant to generate quality control reports in Html/PDF format.
- v0.92.03 - Feb 2018: Full List of Metrics added as vignette
- v0.92.02 - Jan 2018: plots and metrics of reporter intensity (iTRAQ, TMT, ...) for labeled MSn experiments
- v0.92.01 - Oct 2017: fix issue #41 (partial data error)
- v0.92.00 - Oct 2017: cleaner R interface; log file for drag'n'drop; fix boxPlots issue (usually for large experiments only);
- v0.90.00 - Aug 2017: Tables are shown in Html format
See NEWS file for a version history.
- Windows (recommended for convenience to make use of the drag'n'drop batch file provided)
- Linux
- MacOSX
- plethora of quality metrics
- intensity distributions
- digestion efficiency
- contaminant visualizations
- identification performance
- Match-between-runs performance
- easy usage ([Windows OS only]
yourtxt output folder
onto abatch file
)- 10 min Installation
- Html/PDF report will be generated within your MaxQuant-txt folder
- optional configuration file in YAML format for generation of shorter/customized reports
- MaxQuant users (no knowledge of R required)
- bioinformaticians (who want to contribute or customize)
Besides this documentation on GitHub, the package vignettes of PTXQC will give you valuable information. After the package is installed (see below), you can browse the vignettes using either of these commands within R:
browseVignettes(package = 'PTXQC')
If you do not want to wait that long, you can look at the latest online vignette at CRAN
You will find documentation on
- Full List of Quality Metrics with help text
- Input and Output
- Report customization
- (for MaxQuant users) Usage of Drag'n'drop
- (for R users) code examples in R
The 'List of Metrics' vignette contains a full description for each metric (as seen in the Help section of a Html report).
If you want to generate QC reports without actually getting involved in R:
We offer a Batch-file based Drag'n'drop mechanism to trigger PTXQC on any MaxQuant output folder. This only works for Windows (not Linux or MacOS) at the moment -- but you have a Windows anyway to run MaxQuant, right?! See drag'n'drop for details. It takes 10 minutes and you are done!
If you just want the package to use (and maybe even modify) it:
First, install pandoc (see bottom of linked page). Pandoc is required in order to locally build the package vignettes (documentation), but you can also read the vignettes online from the PTXQC GitHub page. More importantly, Pandoc enables PTXQC to write QC reports in HTML format (which come with a help text for each plot and are interactive). PDF reports only contain plots! The reports are printed as PDF by default and additionally as HTML if Pandoc is found. If you install Pandoc later while your R session is already open, you need to close and re-open R in order to make R aware of Pandoc!
You can grab PTXQC from either CRAN or GitHub. GitHub installation will give you the latest package; the CRAN version might be a little older, but is faster to install. Check the NEWS file for CRAN submissions and version.
For the code blocks below: Run each line separately in your R console, i.e. do not copy and paste the whole block. If an error should occur, this allows to track it down more easily. See FAQ - Installation how to resolve them.
## GitHub
if (!require(devtools, quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("devtools")
library("devtools") ## this might give a warning like 'WARNING: Rtools is required ...'. Ignore it.
## use build_vignettes = FALSE if you did not install pandoc or if you encounter errors when building vignettes (e.g. PRIDE ftp unavailable)!
install_github("cbielow/PTXQC", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = TRUE)
To get started, see the help and/or vignettes:
browseVignettes(package = 'PTXQC')
Please feel free to report bugs (see below), or issue pull requests!
Nutzung des Packages mit mzTab Files
Zunächst muss das PTXQC Package geladen werden. Da die von uns im Zuge des Praktikums bearbeitete Version nicht über den Cran-Server zu beziehen ist, muss das Github-Repository geladen werden. Es wird der Branch QC2018 benötigt.
Um, falls nötig, das githubinstall Package und die Funktionen des QC2018 Branches des PTXQC Repositories zu laden, kann der folgende Befehl in die R Console kopiert werden.
if (!require(githubinstall, quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("githubinstall")
githubinstall("PTXQC", ref= "QC2018")
Folgender Befehl erstellt einen QC-Report anhand einer .mzTab:
Es kann vorkommen, dass die Erstellung des Reports durch die browser() Funktion unterbrochen wird. In diesem Fall kann der Vorgang durch Enter oder Continue fortgesetzt werden. Die browser() Funktion ist hilfreich zum Debugging. Mit ihr können zB. Variablenbelegungen während der Laufzeit überprüft werden.
An overview chart at the beginning of the report will give you a first impression.
Detailed plots can be found in the remainder of each report.
For example input data and full reports, see the 'inst/examples' subfolder.
If you encounter a bug, e.g. error message, wrong figures, missing axis annotation or anything which looks suspicious, please use the GitHub issue tracker and file a report.
You should include
- stage you encounter the bug, e.g. during installation, report creation, or after report creation (i.e. a bug in the report itself).
- PDF/Html report itself (if one was generated).
- version of PTXQC, e.g. see the report_XXX.pdf/html (where XXX will be the version) or see the DESCRIPTION file of the PTXQC package or call
within R - error message (very important!). Either copy it or provide a screen shot.
Please be as precise as possible when providing the bug report - just imagine what kind of information you would like to have in order to track down the issue. In certain situations, the whole txt-folder or a single MaxQuant file might be helpful to solve the problem.
If you want to see a new metric, or have ideas how to improve the existing ones, just open an issue ticket and leave a description.
PTXQC is published at JPR:
Proteomics Quality Control: Quality Control Software for MaxQuant Results Chris Bielow, Guido Mastrobuoni, and Stefan Kempa J. Proteome Res., 2016, 15 (3), pp 777-787. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00780
Use PTXQC v0.69.3 if you want the version which was used in the paper, i.e.
use install_github(..., ref="v0.69.3")
when following the Installation procedure.
The input data is available in the 'inst/examples' subfolder.
We recommend to use the most recent PTXQC for the best user experience.