- Summative presentations
- Final hand-in of your interactive narratives project, presentations and blog posts
Add your peer-learning, formative and summative presentations links to your hand-in package.
If you used Google Slides, make sure they're accessible by everyone with the link and add the link to your hand-in package.
If you used slides.com, make sure they're published and add the link to your hand-in package.
If you made a presentation video, upload it to YouTube (or similar) and add the link to your hand-in package.
If you used KeyNote or PowerPoint (ugh), export your slides as
. No.ppt
please (don't assume people have the software to open your source files). Upload them to Google Drive (or similar) and then add the link to your hand-in package.
Add all your blog links to your hand-in package.
Your blog will have 8 posts (details in the links below):
- Week 1: What are some of the fundamental elements (for example structure and characteristics) that are required to develop a interactive narrative and why?
- Week 2: Research, evidence and explain case studies of how storytelling has been instrumental in the creation of communities and cultures in modern times
- Week 3: What are your strength and weaknesses in relation to completing this project? And how are you going to address them?
- Week 4: Pair up with another person (not your team mate) and give each other feedback on your peer learning mini-lessons.
- Week 5: Reflect and evidence your contribution to this group project so far. (Why, what, where, when & how)
- Week 6: If you could be the character in your own fictional story. What type of character would you be and why?
- Week 7: 500 words reflective report on your (Why, what, where, when & how) contribution to this project.
Your blog posts can be published anywhere (we recommend Medium), as long as they are publicly accessible and linked in your hand-in package.
Make sure all your project files are backed up on GitHub (use Google Drive for files larger than 50MB).
You will be marked on these parts of your deliverables in particular:
- Research pack (The underpinning of your Narrative, character and Peer-learning mini-lessons)
- Blog-posts
- Presentation
- Meta-narrative outline (Plot, narrative, context, genre, character)
- Your Twine production
- 500 word reflective report
Add all links to your hand-in package.
Create a WEB14205-Name-Surname.md
MarkDown document (where Name
is your own name and Surname
is your own surname, like WEB14205-Tor-MNJamo.md
You can edit MarkDown documents with the Mou app on OSX, the MarkdownPad app on Windows, or online with Dillinger (all free).
In that MarkDown document, include the following:
Link to your summative presentation
Preferably a Google Slides link.
If you use Keynote/Powerpoint export a PDF, upload it to Google Drive or SlideShare, and then grab the link to it.
Research pack (The underpinning of your Narrative, character and Peer-learning mini-lessons)
Meta-narrative outline (Plot, narrative, context, genre, character)
Your Twine production
Images and texts to make your document more pleasant to read (see an example of an excellent
Make sure all the folders, pages, documents & presentations you linked in your
are publicly accessible (not just private to you)!
Upload and submit your WEB14205-Name-Surname.md
through Moodle here moodle.rave.ac.uk/mod/assign/view.php?id=115483
Wednesday 6th of Feb 2018 (aka today) at 4pm!