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Reading Group

Samuel Butler edited this page Jun 5, 2023 · 12 revisions

📚 AutoGPT Reading Group

The Reading Group is designed to accomplish three goals.

  1. Foster a community of developers and researchers who want to explore research and state of the art progress that would be relevant to AutoGPT
  2. To use that research to improve benchmarks challenges,
  3. And the AutoGPT Core

We every M W F at 6 pm GMT to discuss a different paper.

Join the reading group by the instructions in the pinned message of the reading-group Channel on Discord. The only thing you'll need to do in order to gain access to the Discord voice channel where we hold paper discussions is click an emoji reaction on a Discord message in order to consent to being recorded during the reading-group paper discussions.

The authoritative source for what papers we will be reading next can be found here: AutoGPT Papers GitHub

The reading group effort is currently lead by Sam Butler (samdcbu (UTC-5) samuelbuter on Discord) and Douglas Schonholtz (Douglas GMT-5 dschonholtz on Discord)


  • I'm an author can I present a paper?
    Yes! We love when authors present their own papers, or even just join into the discussion. Send a DM to @samdcbu#2399 on Discord and they'll get you put on the schedule.

  • I want to suggest a paper, what should I do with it?
    Post it in the paper-suggestions channel in the reading group section on Discord.

  • The current reading group times don't work for me, but I really want to learn more and participate in discussions. How can I get involved?
    We are working on spinning up a second time. That is a work in progress though and we could use help in organizing those meetings.

  • I'm not an author, but I'd like to present a paper. Can I?
    Yes! Send a DM to @samdcbu#2399 on Discord and they'll get you put on the schedule.

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We are working back towards a more accessible and inclusive developer experience. As long as this notice is here, beware that there may be things on this wiki that still need updating.

~ Pwuts, 2024-06-13



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