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Resetti edited this page Jan 10, 2014 · 3 revisions


  • Ranged
  • Carry
  • Caster

Gameplay Description

Using his arcane guns and glyphs, he is a versatile character with many options. He can switch between Red, Blue, and Green magic. Red magic is offensive, adding damage to his abilities and basic attacks. Blue is a more poke oriented color, adding additional range to his abilities and basic attacks. Green is a defensive/controlling color, give him the ability to apply slows and snares as well as providing defensive stats. His ultimate allows him to gain all of the colors' bonuses for a limited time.


  • Adaptable
  • Decent CC


  • Lack of Mobility
  • Ultimate is not inherently powerful, requires extra work


Change Color

Spellslinger changes the arcane element store in his guns. A bonus is given depending on the active element.

  • Red: Spellslinger gains ## basic attack damage.
  • Blue: Spellslinger gains ## basic attack range.
  • Green: Spellslinger gains ## armor and magic resist.

Glyph Trap

Spellslinger shoots a glyph onto the ground that explodes when skill is reactivated, dealing ## damage to all enemies in an area around it. A bonus is given depending on the active element.

  • Red: Deals ## extra damage.
  • Blue: ## extra cast range.
  • Green: Snares units for ## seconds.

Glyph Shot

Spellslinger shoots a glyph in a line, dealing ## damage to the enemy unit it hits. A bonus is given depending on the active element.

  • Red: Deals ## extra damage.
  • Blue: ## extra projectile range.
  • Green: Slows by ##% for ## seconds.

Spectrum (ULTIMATE)

Spellslinger combines the three elements. For ## seconds, the Red, Blue and Green elements are all active.

  • (Art Note: During this, his glyphs are white. This is because the three main colors of light are combined.)