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General Server Settings

John Behm edited this page Jul 26, 2015 · 1 revision

Settings Description Default
sv_name Name of the server unnamed server
sv_bindaddr * Address to bind
sv_port * Port the server will listen on 8303
sv_external_port * Port to report to the master servers (e.g. in case of a firewall rename) 0
sv_max_clients * Number of clients that can be connected to the server at the same time 12
sv_max_clients_per_ip Number of clients with the same ip that can be connected to the server at the same time 12
sv_high_bandwidth * Use high bandwidth mode, for LAN servers only 0
sv_register Register on the master servers 1
sv_map Map to use dm1
sv_rcon_password Password to access the remote console (if not set, rcon is disabled)
password Password to connect to the server
logfile Path to a logfile
console_output_level Adjust the amount of messages in the console 0
sv_rcon_max_tries Maximum number of tries for remote console authetication 3
sv_rcon_bantime Time (in minutes) a client gets banned if remote console authentication fails (0 makes it just use kick) 5
sv_auto_demo_record Automatically record demos 0
sv_auto_demo_max Maximum number of automatically recorded demos (0 = no limit) 10
ec_bindaddr Address to bind the external console to. Anything but 'localhost' is dangerous" localhost
ec_port Port to use for the external console
ec_password External console password"
ec_bantime The time a client gets banned if econ authentication fails. 0 just closes the connection 0
ec_auth_timeout Time in seconds before the the econ authentication times out 30
ec_output_level Adjusts the amount of information in the external console 1

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