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Mod Specific Server Settings

John Behm edited this page Jul 26, 2015 · 2 revisions

General Settings

sv_mode - Determine the mode (weapon) of zCatch
Default: 1

1 - Instagib
2 - Everything (all weapons, full health & armor, auto-reload, no items on map)
3 - Hammerparty
4 - Grenade only
5 - Ninja

sv_allow_join - Set how the players can join in the current game
Default: 2

1 - Allow new players to join the game without need to wait for the next round
2 - The player will join when the player with the most kills dies

sv_color_indicator - Color tees apropriate to the number of currently catched players (0 to disable)
Default: 1

sv_bonus - Gives the last player extra points (max. 1000)
Default: 0

sv_follow_catcher - A catched player will follow his catcher if enabled. (0 to disable)
Default: 1

sv_vote_forcereason - Allow only votes with a reason (except settings). (0 to disable)
Default: 1

sv_laserjumps - A laser bounce creates an explosion which takes no damage (doesn't hurt you) but speeds you up
Default: 0

sv_grenade_min_damage - In grenade-mode, how much damage is needed to kill the player (depends how far away it explodes)
Default: 4
Min: 1
Max: 6

sv_grenade_endless_ammo - Set endless ammo for grenade in mode 4 (Grenade only).
Default: 1

sv_weapons_ammo - Default amount of ammo for all weapons in mode 2 (Everything) or grenade in mode 4 (Grenade only). Your ammo will regenerate after some while
Default: 7
Min: 5
Max: 10

sv_suicide_time - Minimum time between suicides. 0 to forbid suicides.
Default: 15
Min: 0
Max: 60

sv_kill_penalty - The amount of points which the score will be decreased on each suicide
Default: 5
Min: 0
Max: 50

Mute on spam

sv_chat_value - A value which is added on each message and decreased on each tick
Default: 250
Min: 100
Max: 1000

sv_chat_threshold - If this threshold will exceed by too many messages the player will be muted
Default: 1000
Min: 250
Max: 10000

sv_mute_duration - How long the player will be muted (in seconds). (0 to disable mute-on-spam)
Default: 60
Min: 0
Max: 3600


Default: 2

0 - Disables
1 - In all modes
2 - Only in Instagib (Riffle)

sv_anticamper_freeze - If set it determines if a player should freeze on camping (and how long) or die
Default: 7
Min: 0
Max: 15

!!I recommend not to change these variables, except you know what you do!!

sv_anticamper_time - How long to wait till the player dies/freezes
Default: 10
Min: 5
Max: 120

sv_anticamper_range - Distance how far away the player must move to escape anticamper
Default: 200
Min: 0
Max: 1000

Setting|Default value | Valid values | Description
sv_last_standing_players 5 2-16 How many players are needed to have last standing rounds
sv_bot_detection 0 0-3 Bot detection (0=off, 1=fast aim, 2=follow, 3=all)

Warning: This is highly experimental! Don't trust the bot detection!

Info texts

You can define info messages with an interval. The server will display the message approximately in the given interval. If you define more than one message, the server also takes care that those messages don't heap up. If you add or remove messages the system get reinitialized and all interval counters are reset.

add_info <interval> <message>
Adds an info message that will be displayed in the chat approcimately every minutes.
remove_info <id>
Removes an info message with the given . It will no longer be displayed.
Displays the info messages with id and interval.


Subadmins are admins and have all permissions of a normal admin except managing subadmins and setting sv_rcon_* settings. The Subadmin has a username and password. This allows you to have several subadmins that can be distinguishable. The rcon password of a subadmin has the form : in order to have one string and being compatible with vanilla clients. Subadmins have to type their password at the beginning of each line in the rcon followed by a space. E.g. "mypassword kick 9" instead of "kick 9". This is to prevent IP spoofing.

add_login <username> <password>
Adds a subadmin login. The rcon password will be : with no additional spaces.
remove_login <username>
Removes a subadmin login