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David Rogers edited this page Jan 24, 2015 · 8 revisions

Curriculum Timeline

  • Basic workflows with git & Github
  • Introduction to an IDE: C9 IDE
  • Basic HTML & CSS
  • MF'g Websites, Liquid Layouts, One Page Love
  • HTML5 Boilerplate, Google Web Starter Kit
  • Intro to Chrome Developer Tools

Week 2 -- The Responsive Web

  • RWD, CSS media-queries, and mobile-first
  • CSS Preprocessors & Frameworks: Bootstrap, Bourbon / Neat
  • CSS Transitions
  • Responsive vs Adaptive
  • Progressive Enhancements via JavaScript
  • Intro to Programming:
    • Basic Types, Variables, and Operators
    • Conditionals and Loops deferred
    • Functions and Callbacks
    • Arrays and Objects deferred (Chess)
  • Running JavaScript via node
  • Basic TDD with node.assert
  • More TDD with javascript-koans and mocha
  • Interactive debugging via C9 and Chrome

Week 4 -- JavaScript in the Browser

  • Writing pseduo-code and logical diagramming
  • In-depth Arrays and Objects
  • Collection Iteration with Lodash
  • JavaScript Templating via Lodash
  • API Gymnastics LITE: Github Data?
  • Running JavaScript via <script>
  • Managing dependencies with bower
  • More TDD with javascript-koans, mocha and chai week 3
  • Basic DOM traversal and manipulation:
    • getElementById()
    • getElementByClassName()
    • parentElement
    • children
  • Basic Event handlers: onclick
  • 1st Big Group Project: Github Profile LITE (HTML + CSS)

Week 5 -- Welcome to jQuery!

  • Basic XHR via jQuery.get()
  • Basic Event registration with jQuery.on()
  • JavaScript Promises
  • Basic API Gymnastics with GET requests
  • Github Profile via Github API
  • DOM traversal and manipulation with jQuery

Week 6 -- jQuery Advanced

  • HTTP verbs GET and POST
  • HTML <form> elements and FormData
  • Advanced XHR via and jQuery.ajax()
  • More API Gymnastics with POST, PUT, DELETE
  • More advanced DOM traversal and manipulation
  • Shadow DOM (kinda), cloning and DOM fragments
  • Ajax Comments via Github API
  • 2nd Big Group Project: API Mashup!

Week 7 -- Welcome to Angular JS!

  • Modules, Controllers, Expressions, and Dependency Injection
  • Github Profile via Angular JS + $http
  • Intro to Restangular via Github API
  • Github Comments with Angular JS & Restangular
  • Rapid Prototyping: Product Catalog with Reviews
  • Rapid Prototyping: TodoMVC

Week 8 -- Welcome to Firebase!

  • TDD with Karma, Mocha, and Chai
  • Refactoring to Services and Directives
  • Data Modeling and Service-Oriented Architecture
  • Refactoring: TodoMVC backed by Firebase via AngularFire
  • Refactoring: Product Catalog backed by Firebase

Week 9 -- It's all about Production

  • Production deployments
  • Concept reviews
  • TBD