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Timeline Week 6

David Rogers edited this page Feb 9, 2015 · 3 revisions


  • Homework Review (~30m)
  • Night of the Living Chessboard (~1hr)
    • Hook up TIY-Assignments as remote
    • Use git checkout to retrieve chessboard
    • Work together in class to complete moves
  • Attack of the Killer Prototypes (~1hr)
    • Write User Stories
    • Plan and estimate Features
    • Identify Models in OOP style
    • Build it together...
    • You build the rest


  • Night of the Living Chessboard
    • resurrect your own chessboard with git checkout
    • complete some moves
    • use Game, Board, Piece, Position
    • due Weds!
    • BEAST MODE: calculate scores
  • The Colour Clock
    • use setInterval()
    • convert time to decimal, decimal to hexadecimal
    • set background to new color


  • Homework Review (~30m)
  • Tools on Tuesday
    • Vue JS
      • bower install --save vue
      • wiredep -s index.html
      • markup some HTML
      • instantiate Vue
      • load some data
      • profit!
    • Sass
      • npm install -g node-sass
      • git mv css/main.css css/main.scss
      • `node-sass css/main.scss
      • refactor and re-run
      • magic


  • Night of the Living Chessboard, Part 2
    • refactor with Vue JS and Sass
  • Little Miss Sunshine
    • use the API
    • build a weather station:
      • current time (self-updating)
      • current weather conditions
      • 5-day forecast
    • BEAST MODE: get location from geolocation API
    • NIGHTMARE MODE: graph of temp changes maybe via Highcharts?



  • Homework Review (~1h)
    • Night of the Living Chessboard
    • Little Miss Sunshine
  • Authentication and Authorization
    • who are you and how do I know?
      • HTTP Basic / Digest
      • Pre-Shared Key:
        • Session ID
        • API token + secret
        • OAuth 1.0A, 2.x
    • what are you allowed to do?
      • permissions and roles
  • Hello JS
    • get access_token from Github
    • update profile page from API


  • Github Revolution REMIX
    • refactor with Hello JS
    • provide <input> for username param
    • update page for username
    • default to octocat or logged-in user
    • BEAST MODE: implement log out feature
  • All Your Firebase Are Belong to Us
    • read documentation for Firebase API
    • download firebase tool


  • Homework Review (~30m)
  • All About Routing
    • going nowhere fast
    • route pieces and parts
    • do something already
    • who's in control here?
  • Hello, Firebase!
    • what is Database-as-a-Service?
    • document-oriented storage
    • ref and .value() are weird...
    • authentication
    • refactor chessboard?


  • Build Me Something Beautiful
    • work in teams of 2
    • combine at least 2 APIs
    • don't count Firebase
    • authenticate as necessary
    • write User Stories, Data Model, Features, etc
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