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AVideo Platform Security Releases

Fiero edited this page Dec 13, 2019 · 2 revisions

Security releases for AVideo Platform are listed below by their release date. Users who are affected by the below security issues should update as soon as possible

Release 1 2017-Oct-26

Some one from IP on Thu Oct 26 04:34:17 has been hack AVideo Platform server for some days. He was injecting xmrig (Monero CPU miner) in the servers. this was making our services being slow.

How do know if I was infected?

To know if you were affected run this command:

updatedb && locate xmrig

if you find the files


You were infected.

How to remove

Run this commands

rm /var/www/html/YouPHPTube/videos/xmrig*
rm /var/www/html/YouPHPTube/videos/config.json
rm /var/www/html/YouPHPTube/videos/upl.php

then search for another PHP file on videos dir

cd /var/www/html/YouPHPTube/videos/ && ls -lah *.php

Only configuration.php is allowed here, delete any other php file

Update your AVideo Platform files

Restart your server.

You Clean now

If you need more details look the video instructions:

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