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InteractiveVideo Plugin

Daniel Neto edited this page Jul 21, 2023 · 5 revisions

With this plugin, you can add questions at specific times during video playback.

Plugin Description

The "InteractiveVideo" plugin empowers content creators to enhance their videos by seamlessly integrating interactive questions at specific moments. Engage your audience, test their knowledge, and provide a dynamic learning experience. With the ability to add questions, mark correct answers, display responses, and even redirect viewers based on their selections, this plugin takes video engagement to the next level.

Instructions for Adding Questions to Videos

  1. Go to the "Videos Manager" menu located in the top left sandwich menu.
  2. On the right side of each video, you will find a group of buttons. Look for the button labeled "[?] Add Question."


Adding Questions:

  • If Show in Seconds is set to 0, the question will appear at the beginning of the video.
  • If Show in Seconds is set to -1, the question will appear at the end of the video.

Before adding an answer, you need to create a question. Click on the "Edit Question" button on the left side, and it will display all answers for that question on the right side.

Answer Options:

  • Each answer can be marked as correct or incorrect.
  • Once the user submits an answer, the response will be shown. The correct answer will be indicated with a check mark and a success color. If the user selects an incorrect answer, it will be highlighted with a danger color and a cross icon.

Video Destinations:

  • Each answer can have one assigned "Video Destination."
  • If a video is set as the destination, clicking on that answer will redirect the user to the assigned video.
  • If no video is set for an answer, the current video will continue playing.
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