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Releases: Zarby89/ZScreamDungeon

ZScream 3.2.31

25 Jul 20:29
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Merge pull request #66 from Zarby89/Development


ZScream 3.2.3

19 May 02:35
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  • Added naming for the room and a name tab to change the file inside the editor it will also now create a local file in your rom folder so every rom can have their own naming.

  • Added 2bpp copy paste function in the Graphics Manager.

  • Added an animation maker to create tile animations on the overworld (sill requires ASM knowledge).

  • Added ID and size display for every object named "Nothing" so they can be used by custom code more easily.

  • Added warnings on the dungeon to show if you have too many doors, pots, chests, sprites.

  • Added possibility to select right side of palette in the graphics manager tab.

  • Added a way to select objects with rectangle through an object by holding Alt key.

  • Added the ability to drag & drop a ROM file on ZS to open it.

  • Added the ability to pan on the overworld by holding down the middle mouse button.

  • Fixed the sprites properties that were inverted in the sprites properties tab.

  • Fixed the global damage save in the sprite properties.

  • Fixed the hitbox box that was limited to value 0x0F when it could go up to value 0x1F.

  • Fixed an issue with mouse object resize in dungeon when you copied an object and tried to resize it with mouse edge resize it was really wonky now it works fine.

  • Fixed a slowdown issue in the winform UI caused by too many room tabs being open at the same time. The room tabs are now displayed on multiple lines.

  • Fixed a bug in the overworld ASM that caused the game to crash while warping to the DW without the moon pearl.

  • Fixed a bug where you can select sprites on the DW when you're on LW.

  • Fixed a camera bug caused by an exit being too close to an edge.

ZScream 3.2.1

18 Feb 09:42
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Major bug fix graphics compression/fast rom
panels fixed in sprite properties
bump damage groups added

ZScream 3.2.0

16 Feb 04:29
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  • Added additional overworld customization features:

    • The "Main" palette (normal light world, normal dark world, death mountain, dark world death mountain) can be changed per area.
    • The animated tiles set can be set per area.
    • The transparent background color (color behind trees) can be set per area.
    • The "subscreen overlay" (rain, fog, tree canopy sky background, lava background, pyramid background) can be set per area.
  • Added the sprite properties tab:

    • Added the ability to edit certain properties for most sprites such as:
      • Health
      • Bump damage
      • Hitbox setting
      • Palette
      • Prize pack
      • Etc.
    • Added the ability to change the damage subclasses for most meaning you can change:
      • What happens when you attack a specific sprite with a sword.
      • What happens when you attack a specific sprite with the fire rod.
      • What happens when you use magic powder on a specific sprite.
      • Etc.
    • Added the ability to change the Global damage class table meaning you can change:
      • What happens to Every sprite when you use the sword on them.
      • What happens to Every sprite when you use the fire rod on them.
      • What happens to Every sprite when you use the magic powder on them.
      • Etc.
  • Combined the bank space where overworld and dungeon sprites are stored. Meaning that if you had too many sprites in your dungeons some of the space for overworld sprites can be used to put more sprites inside your dungeons instead.

  • Expanded the space used to store dungeon objects. Meaning you will be able to use more objects in your dungeons.

  • Fixed a bug in the vanilla game that caused certain exits to ignore the set music and ambient sounds for that overworld area.

  • Fixed a bug that made it so you couldn't add overworld holes back after deleting them.

  • Fixed a bug that caused the bounding box of certain dungeon objects to appear the incorrect size after copying and pasting them.

  • Fixed a bug that caused transport auto-generated camera values to be set incorrectly.

  • Optimized some text editor-related algorithms.

  • Added Jeimuzu to the credits.

ZScream 3.1.1

05 Aug 21:56
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  • Added a check to make sure all the other required files are present in the same folder as the .exe.
  • Added Letterbomb and Sephiroth3 to the credits.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the background color to not set correctly when leaving the master sword area.
  • Fixed a bug that cause the text editor to write out of bounds and corrupt certain objects such as the conveyor belts, Trinexx, and the movement of other enemies.
  • Fixed a bug that cause the "Set entrance position with mouse" button to calculate the values incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug in the Triforce Import and Export functions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused graves to not work in large areas.
  • Started implementing Stylecop and documentation for the data classes.

ZScream 3.1.0

18 May 02:11
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• can now use sprite tiles in tile16 editor (was giving an error)
• advanced chest editor is using hexboxes now instead of normal textbox and message was getting set back that's fixed
• added missing asm files in the project file so they get built with the exe instead of having to copy it everytime (also was missing one in last release)
• bomb holes on the OW are now saved by using the bomb hole item on the map
• there's a triforce/crystal .obj exporter/importer so you can use blender or any 3D software that can load/save .obj files
• added a missing sheet in the graphics manager and also displaying the sheet index selected
• inverted the box for the X and Y Camera for the entrance properties (that one will need to be changed back in a next update 🤣 )
• music viewer added (that's just a viewer it can't do anything and it's just a hex viewer)
• multi-users (multiplayer) feature added you can fully edit the overworld with friends by connecting via TCP and dungeons objects only
• set automatic entrance fixed (thanks kan for the code)
• fixed UI problem with the entrance list
• added a Save to New ROM button that allow you to port all your changes into a fresh rom
Jared changes :
• added a grid in the titlescreen editor
• the screen editor update the palette when you switch between tabs
• added the file grave.asm in (which was missing)
• fixed a bug that was causing camera transition issues
• overworld message id is now changeable (it was getting set back to old value on map change)
• fixed asm bug in AreaSpecificBGColor.asm and CustomCollision.asm
• Disabled the saveToNewROMToolStripMenuItem until you open a ROM.
• Fixed kodongo fire spelling error.
• The title bar now properly updates after using the save as button.
• Disabled the Open ROM buttons after opening one to prevent users from corrupting the ROM.
• Fixed bug that limited exit rooms IDs to 127 which would break the exits from the master sword area and Zora's domain.

ZScream 3.0.6

02 Sep 22:19
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  1. Fixed a bug that caused the background color to be incorrect when leaving the master sword area in-game.
  2. Fixed a bug in the tile16 editor that caused the tile type to copy where it wasn't supposed to.

ZScream 3.0.5

08 Aug 11:28
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Please use 3.0.5 as there is a bug in 3.0.4 that can cause overworld corruption.

3.0.5 changes:

  1. Fixed a bug from 3.0.4 that caused some overworld corruption. Moved the data for the mosaic and BG color changes to bank 28 instead of bank 26.
  2. Fixed the Draw for objects 0B6 and 0B7.
  3. Fixed a bug that caused the DW Death Mountain to draw with the wrong grass color.

3.0.4 changes:

  1. Fixed a bug that made it impossible to edit the lower half of the dark world overlays.
  2. Fixed the overworld area export/import tools.
  3. Fixed a bug that prevented the grids from drawing on the dark world and special worlds.
  4. Fixed a bug that caused the tile type in the 16x16 editor to not update when selecting a tile in the 16x16 tile window.
  5. Fixed the Hyrule castle tower altar object draw.
  6. Fixed a bug that caused the death mountain areas to display with death mountain GFX and palette even when not connected to their parent areas.
  7. Fixed a crash caused by selecting out of bounds on the scratchpad.
  8. Fixed a bug that caused the ambient overworld music for the DW to be the same as the LW.
  9. Added the ability to have a custom background color per overworld area. This can be turned on in the project save settings.
  10. Added the ability to show a grid on the overworld scratch pad.
  11. When selecting a tile on the overworld the tile selector window will scroll to that tile's position.
  12. Added a cyan outline to the medium layer 2 mask and the swim layer mask.
  13. Added the ability to set up custom mosaic transitions to and from one area to another (like the screen transition to the lost woods).
  14. Changed the selected area text to display in hex.
  15. Added the ability to copy and paste 16x16 tiles in the 16x16 tile editors

ZScream 3.0.2

29 May 11:02
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copy paste as string

ZScream 3.0.1

02 May 00:24
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fixed toolbox being inside eachother issue and updated to 3.0.1