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ZScream 3.1.0

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@Zarby89 Zarby89 released this 18 May 02:11

• can now use sprite tiles in tile16 editor (was giving an error)
• advanced chest editor is using hexboxes now instead of normal textbox and message was getting set back that's fixed
• added missing asm files in the project file so they get built with the exe instead of having to copy it everytime (also was missing one in last release)
• bomb holes on the OW are now saved by using the bomb hole item on the map
• there's a triforce/crystal .obj exporter/importer so you can use blender or any 3D software that can load/save .obj files
• added a missing sheet in the graphics manager and also displaying the sheet index selected
• inverted the box for the X and Y Camera for the entrance properties (that one will need to be changed back in a next update 🤣 )
• music viewer added (that's just a viewer it can't do anything and it's just a hex viewer)
• multi-users (multiplayer) feature added you can fully edit the overworld with friends by connecting via TCP and dungeons objects only
• set automatic entrance fixed (thanks kan for the code)
• fixed UI problem with the entrance list
• added a Save to New ROM button that allow you to port all your changes into a fresh rom
Jared changes :
• added a grid in the titlescreen editor
• the screen editor update the palette when you switch between tabs
• added the file grave.asm in (which was missing)
• fixed a bug that was causing camera transition issues
• overworld message id is now changeable (it was getting set back to old value on map change)
• fixed asm bug in AreaSpecificBGColor.asm and CustomCollision.asm
• Disabled the saveToNewROMToolStripMenuItem until you open a ROM.
• Fixed kodongo fire spelling error.
• The title bar now properly updates after using the save as button.
• Disabled the Open ROM buttons after opening one to prevent users from corrupting the ROM.
• Fixed bug that limited exit rooms IDs to 127 which would break the exits from the master sword area and Zora's domain.