- feat: Remove price-database #55 (@olerichter00)
- Bump cookiejar from 2.1.2 to 2.1.4 #54 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump minimatch from 3.0.3 to 3.1.2 #53 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.17.3 #52 (@dependabot[bot])
- Update README.md (@damassi)
- Christopher Pappas (@damassi)
- Pavlos Vinieratos (@pvinis)
- add the apple auth callback to denylist (@brainbicycle)
- Brian Beckerle (@brainbicycle)
- fix: add new # endpoint #50 (@brainbicycle)
- Brian Beckerle (@brainbicycle)
- fix: add other login endpoints #49 (@brainbicycle)
- Brian Beckerle (@brainbicycle)
- fix: add google callback to denylist #48 (@brainbicycle)
- Brian Beckerle (@brainbicycle)
- Ozzie Vasdi (@ovasdi)
- master main swtich (@ovasdi)
- Ozzie Vasdi (@ovasdi)
- fix: add missing a to price-database #45 (@MounirDhahri)
- Mounir Dhahri (@MounirDhahri)
- chore: update docs to reflect up to date state #44 (@MounirDhahri)
- Mounir Dhahri (@MounirDhahri)
- chore: Bump Deps #43 (@icirellik)
- Cameron Rollheiser (@icirellik)
- feature: Auto #41 (@icirellik)
- fix: Auto master Branch #42 (@icirellik)
- feat: ignore price database #40 (@MounirDhahri)
- feature: Remove articles and article routes from deny list #38 (@olerichter00)
- exclude change-password and forgot deeplinks #37 (@MounirDhahri)
- disable deep link on reset password #36 (@MounirDhahri)
- Updates deploy instructions #35 (ash@artsymail.com)
- Sailthru script fix, and updates #34 (ash@artsymail.com)
- Deeplink
, not/identity_verification*
#33 (@dleve123) - Exclude /identity_verification* from app deeplinking #32 (@dleve123)
- FX-1738: only exclude collection hubs from the iOS app #27 (@xtina-starr)
- [MX-143] Removes entity root URLs #28 (ash@artsymail.com)
- Update apple-app-site-association.json #25 (orta@artsymail.com @orta)
- Prevent facebook auth to open inside the app #24 (@l2succes)
- prevent collection pages from opening in the app #23 (@xtina-starr)
- @alloy => Exclude more editorial paths /news, /series, /video #22 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy => Update hash to multiple of 3 #21 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy => Adds adjust link #20 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy => Adds gender-equality slug #19 (@kanaabe)
- [Sailthru] Exclude all
URLs. #18 (@alloy) - @alloy => Exclude non www-ified links #17 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy => Add cache section to docs #14 (@kanaabe)
- Exclude sailthru links to podcast on iTunes. #16 (@alloy)
- @alloy => Bump verison #13 (@kanaabe)
- Remove base64 padding #12 (@alloy)
- Exclude all Venice editorial links. #11 (@alloy)
- @alloy => Version bump #10 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy => Add Venice url to exclude list #9 (@kanaabe)
- Sailthru exclusion #8 (@alloy)
- Drop signing and config file and serve json instead #7 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy => Restricts all articles from going to the app #5 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy => Adds main slug #4 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy => Exclude Year in Art slugs #3 (@kanaabe)
- @alloy - Avoid setting invalid status code #2 (@broskoski)
- [README] Update link to updated validator. (@alloy)
- [README] Added link to validation tool. (@alloy)
- [config] Add Handoff and Shared Web Credentials entries. (@alloy)
- Export just the app. (@alloy)
- [README] Add links (@alloy)
- Ignore all the modules. (@alloy)
- Add license and readme (@alloy)
- [config] Import signed version of config. (@alloy)
- [app] Initial import of app that only serves the config file. (@alloy)
- [Makefile] Create output file in same dir. (@alloy)
- Initial import. (@alloy)
- Bump extend from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 #30 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump forwarded from 0.1.0 to 0.1.2 #29 (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump superagent from 3.5.2 to 3.8.3 #31 (@dependabot[bot])
- @dependabot[bot]
- Ash Furrow (@ashfurrow)
- Cameron Rollheiser (@icirellik)
- Charles Broskoski (@broskoski)
- Christina (@xtina-starr)
- Daniel Levenson (@dleve123)
- Eloy Durán (@alloy)
- Kana Abe (@kanaabe)
- Luc Succes (@l2succes)
- Mounir Dhahri (@MounirDhahri)
- Ole (@olerichter00)
- Orta (orta@artsymail.com)
- Orta Therox (@orta)