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Meeting #13

nursimacelik edited this page Jan 16, 2021 · 8 revisions
Date: 28.10.2020
Time: 20.00 - 23.00
Platform: Zoom
Note taker: Öncel Keleş


  • Yasin Kaya
  • Göksu Başer
  • Burak Berk Özer
  • Onur Enginer
  • Afra Arslan
  • Nursima Çelik
  • Öncel Keleş
  • Muhammet Tayyip Yazıcı
  • Özgürcan Öztaş
  • Ahmet Yiğit Gedik
  • Kaan Durak
  • Nazım Berke Metin


  1. Revise and update requirements(cont.)
  2. Choose a new communicator

Meeting Notes

Requirement changes

  1. There should be a return for exchange and request missing/flawed parts feature for orders. (1.1.7)
  2. Customers should be able to track their orders with the tracking no only. (
  3. Users should be able to edit their payment methods with password. (1.1.2)
  4. Users shall earn points according to their purchases. (1.1.8)
  5. Guests can only rate the product they bought. (
  6. Guests should # in order to comment to the product they bought. (1.1.9)
  7. Notifications should only be sent for the products in the watchlists. (1.1.10)
  8. Recommendations should be based on purchase history, not activity. (
  9. Recommendations can be based on purchases and their associated weights(price, date, etc.). (1.1.11)
  10. Customers should be able to message admins if a problem arises after the delivery within guarantee extent. (1.1.12)
  11. Admins should confirm if a product information is editted by the vendors. (1.1.13)
  12. Users should be able to edit their birthday information. (1.1.2)
  13. System should take consent from users to store also their birthday information. (
  14. The article should be removed( and already involves this article)
  15. The article should be removed.
  16. The card information of the guests won't be stored. (
  17. There should be a list of banned words. (1.2.5)
  18. Users should not be able to add links to comments. (1.2.5)
  19. If the above 2 items(17 & 18) are not selected for development, there should be a confirmation system for the comments. (1.2.5)
  20. Product information on article should be expanded as in 1.1.3.
  21. Users should not be able to delete the default favorite list and the watchlist. (
  22. If any product on the list is not available, the user cannot add those product to cart while transferring. (
  23. Users should be notified about unavailable products while transferring product from the list to the shopping cart. (
  24. There should be a character limit for messages. (1.2.10)
  25. There should be a limit on back-to-back messages. (1.2.10)
  26. The messages should be deleted after a certain amount of time after delivery. (1.2.10)
  27. Users should be able to create tickets instead of live chat to contact the admins. (
  28. Users should be able to cancel an order only before the product is shipped. (
  29. Users should be able to track return exchanges and part requests. (1.2.11)
  30. The article should be removed.
  31. The shipment information in article should be expanded: tracking number, customer adresss, etc.
  32. Admins should be able to confirm a product edit. (1.2.12)
  33. Admins shall be able to see and edit message tickets. (1.2.12)
  34. Users shall only receive notifications from the product on their watchlist. ( &
  35. Guests users' card information won't be stored. (2.2.4)
  36. Birthday will be added to the article 2.2.2.
  37. Chrome and Firefox versions on the article 2.3.2 should be updated. Only the last year will be covered.
  38. Only English will be supported. (2.4.3)
  39. The whole section "2.5 Performance" should be removed.
  40. Gift card and discount coupon should be removed from the glossary.
  41. Shipments information should be added to the glossary.

Questions for the customer

  1. Should payment be real or dummy? (1.1.8)
  2. Is EFT necessary? Which payment methods must be implemented? (1.1.8)
  3. Should we implement a recommendation system or can we use an existing library? (1.1.11)
  4. Should the guests be able to comment on a product they bought? (
  5. How much Google Maps integration is needed? (1.2.8)
  6. How should the recommendation system work? Based on search or purchase history? (1.2.9)
  7. How should we store payments information?


  1. Özgürcan Öztaş will be the new communicator of the group.

Action List

Action No Action Name Responsible Deadline Completion Time
1 Ask customer the questions at the next meeting Everyone 02.11.2020 17.00
2 Updating Requirements page accordingly Öncel Keleş 02.11.2020 17.00 10.11.2020 23.59

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