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Meeting #15

Öncel Keleş edited this page Jan 25, 2021 · 5 revisions
Date: 12.01.2021
Time: 15.00-17.00
Platform: Zoom
Note taker: -


  • Yasin Kaya
  • Göksu Başer
  • Burak Berk Özer
  • Onur Enginer
  • Afra Arslan
  • Nursima Kaya
  • Öncel Keleş
  • Muhammet Tayyip Yazıcı
  • Özgürcan Öztaş
  • Ahmet Yiğit Gedik
  • Nazım Berke Metin


  1. Sub-team: Have a meeting in separate channels in Discord.
  2. Sub-team: Determine the remaining tasks, and questions about tasks (to ask the customer or other sub-teams) if any.
  3. Sub-team: Assign members to the tasks.
  4. Backend: Prepare your plan.
  5. Come together. Frontend and android teams do their plan according to the backend's plan.

Meeting Notes

  1. Notifications:
  • Backend will send an email to customers when a product's price change in their watchlist. There is no need to UI for getting notifications.
  1. Messaging system:
  • Customer-vendor messaging will be based on an order in the backend.
  • Tickets will be opened for admin-vendor and admin-customer chat.
  1. Recommendation system:
  • In the homepage, customer-specific recommendations will be provided.
  • In the product page, similar products will be provided.
  1. Vendor profile:
  • It is public.
  • Products that the vendor is selling can be seen.
  • Vendor rating will be seen.
  • Customers can rate the vendor multiple times. (Each rating is regarded separate ratings).

Action List


Action No Action Name Responsible Deadline Completion Time
1 Doc. Split/Add doc. Muhammet Tayyip Yazıcı 15.01.2021 23.59 14.01.2021 23.59
2 Activity Streams Özgürcan Öztaş
3 Recommendation System Muhammet Tayyip Yazıcı 22.01.2021 23.59
4 Notifications Özgürcan Öztaş
4 Messaging Özgürcan Öztaş
5 Testing Backend


Action No Action Name Responsible Deadline Completion Time
1 Vendor order page & change status Öncel Keleş
2 Guest purchase flow & order track Öncel Keleş
3 Unit tests Öncel Keleş
4 Testing Everyone


Action No Action Name Responsible Deadline Completion Time
1 List backend connection Onur Enginer Waiting Backend
2 Comment and rating backend connection Onur Enginer Waiting Backend
3 Recommendation System Nursima Kaya 20.01.2021 23.59
4 Messaging Onur Enginer 23.01.2021 23.59
5 Vendor Profile Göksu Başer 20.01.2021 23.59
6 Vendor Order Nazım Berke Metin 20.01.2021 23.59
7 Writing Tests Everyone 22.01.2021 23.59
8 Testing and Debugging Everyone 24.01.2021 23.59

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