Simple client-side library exported as a JavaScript package, for working with ontologies.
This is a monorepo, which contains sub-packages:
This monorepo's sub-packages are published to
yarn install @telicent-oss/ontologyservice
A simple example:
import OntologyService from "@telicent-oss/ontologyservice";
const ontologyService = new OntologyService(
const diagrams = await ontologyService.getAllDiagrams();
For more info, see API section.
See local development notes
Requires nx.
Some useful nx
# For all impacted packages
npx nx affected:build # build
npx nx affected:test # test
npx nx affected:generate-docs # gen docs
# For individual packages
cd rdfservice && npx nx build # Build
cd ontologyservice && npx nx test # Test
cd catalogservice && npx nx lint # Lint
To dev workflow multiple package:
cd ./packages/RdfService; # In producer package...
echo "console.log('hi');" >> ./src/index.ts; # ...edit producer feature
cd - && cd ./packages/OntologyService; # In consumer package...
echo "test('hi', () => expect(logSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('hi'));" \
>> ./src/index.test.ts; # ...edit consumer test
npx nx affected:build # Build affected
npx nx affected:test # Test affected
Build all packages simultaneously:
npx nx run-many -t build
Developer notes:
import x from '.'
can cause problems. Instead useimport x from './index'
- If changing code then all commands must be run via nx else it will use the old code in
- nx commands can be run from any sub-directory and will resolve as if run on monorepo root
- More nx documentation at: