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[iOS] Add 1.69.x translations (#25527)
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add 1.69 translations
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nuo-xu committed Sep 12, 2024
1 parent 3624a61 commit c05c30b
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Showing 187 changed files with 11,639 additions and 10,909 deletions.
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions ios/brave-ios/Sources/AIChat/Resources/bs.lproj/BraveLeo.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"aichat.advancedSettingsDefaultModelTitle" = "Zadani model";

/* The title for the header for adjusting leo ai settings */
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo je pametan pomoćnik potpomognut umjetnom inteligencijom (AI) ugrađen izravno u preglednik";
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo je pametan pomoćnik potpomognut umjetnom inteligencijom (AI) ugrađen izravno u preglednik.";

/* The subtitle for the button which links purchase to Brave Account */
"aichat.advancedSettingsLinkPurchaseActionSubTitle" = "Povežite kupnju iz trgovine App Store sa svojim računom preglednika Brave za upotrebljavanje pomoćnika Lea na drugim uređajima.";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,12 @@
/* The title shown on limit reached error view, which is suggesting user to change default model */
"aichat.contextLimitErrorTitle" = "Ovaj je razgovor predug i ne može se nastaviti.\nMožda su dostupni drugi modeli s kojima se pomoćnikom Leo može održavati točnost tijekom duljih razgovora.";

/* The title of the section where custom models are displayed as a list. */
"aichat.customModelChatSectionTitle" = "Prilagođeni modeli";

/* The title for the custom models section in the menu */
"aichat.customModelsMenuSectionTitle" = "Prilagođeni modeli";

/* The title of the section where chat models are displayed as a list. */
"aichat.defaultModelChatSectionTitle" = "Čavrljanje";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,9 +139,6 @@
/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeHaikuModelPurposeDescription" = "Iznimno brzo čavrljanje";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetMessageDescription" = "Pozdrav, ja sam Leo. Dostupan sam u sklopu preglednika Brave i pokreće me model Claude 3 Sonnet društva Anthropic stvoren za zadatke obavljanja razgovora i obrađivanja teksta.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Claude Sonnet is the model -- Anthropic is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetModelDescription" = "Claude Sonnet stvaratelja Anthropic";

Expand All @@ -145,12 +148,6 @@
/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant -- %@ is a place-holder for the model name */
"aichat.introMessageGenericMessageDescription" = "Bok, ja sam Leo. Ja sam pomoćnik potpomognut umjetnom inteligencijom (AI) kojeg je osmislilo društvo Brave. Pokreće me model %@. Pitajte me bilo što, a ja ću se potruditi odgovoriti.";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaMessageDescription" = "Pozdrav, ja sam Leo. Pomoćnik sam preglednika Brave potpuno potpomognut umjetnom inteligencijom (AI). Pokreće me model Llama 3 8B društva Meta izrađen za izvedbu i primjenu u raznim vrstama upotrebe.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Llama 3 8b is the model name -- Meta is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelDescription" = "Llama 3 8b stvaratelja: Meta";

/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelPurposeDescription" = "Opće čavrljanje";

Expand All @@ -169,6 +166,9 @@
/* The name of the AI-Assistant that's responsing to the user */
"aichat.leoAssistantNameTitle" = "Leo";

/* The default title displayed above a code block when the language of the code is not known. */
"aichat.leoCodeExampleDefaultTitle" = "Primjer koda";

/* The text displayed on the loading screen when searching for a user query */
"aichat.leoImprovedAnswerBraveSearch" = "Unaprjeđeno traženje odgovora za";

Expand Down
14 changes: 1 addition & 13 deletions ios/brave-ios/Sources/AIChat/Resources/ca.lproj/BraveLeo.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,9 +13,6 @@
/* The title for the settings to change default model for conversations */
"aichat.advancedSettingsDefaultModelTitle" = "Model predeterminat";

/* The title for the header for adjusting leo ai settings */
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo és un assistent intel·ligent amb IA, integrat en el navegador.";

/* The subtitle for the button which links purchase to Brave Account */
"aichat.advancedSettingsLinkPurchaseActionSubTitle" = "Enllaça la compra de l'App Store al teu compte de Brave per utilitzar Leo en altres dispositius.";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,9 +130,6 @@
/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeHaikuModelPurposeDescription" = "Xat extremadament ràpid";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetMessageDescription" = "Hola, soc en Leo. Estic en un servidor intermedi de Brave i funciono amb Claude 3 Sonnet, un model creat per Anthropic per permetre tasques de conversa i de processament de textos.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Claude Sonnet is the model -- Anthropic is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetModelDescription" = "Claude Sonnet d'Anthropic";

Expand All @@ -145,12 +139,6 @@
/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant -- %@ is a place-holder for the model name */
"aichat.introMessageGenericMessageDescription" = "Ei, soc en Leo. Soc l'assistent d'IA de Brave. Funciono amb %@. Pregunteu-me el que vulgueu i intentaré respondre tan bé com sàpiga.";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaMessageDescription" = "Hola, sóc Leo. Sóc un assistent d'IA totalment allotjat per Brave. Tinc la tecnologia Llama 3 8B, un model creat per Meta per ser eficient i aplicable a molts casos d'ús.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Llama 3 8b is the model name -- Meta is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelDescription" = "Llama 3 8b de Meta";

/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelPurposeDescription" = "Xat de tipus general";

Expand All @@ -173,7 +161,7 @@
"aichat.leoImprovedAnswerBraveSearch" = "Resposta millorada en la cerca de";

/* The text displayed on the loading screen when searching for a user query */
"aichat.leoImprovingAnswerBraveSearch" = "S'està millorant la resposta amb Cercador de Brave...";
"aichat.leoImprovingAnswerBraveSearch" = "S'està millorant la resposta amb el cercador de Brave...";

/* The title of the advanced settings view */
"aichat.leoNavigationTitle" = "IA Leo";
Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions ios/brave-ios/Sources/AIChat/Resources/cs.lproj/BraveLeo.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"aichat.advancedSettingsDefaultModelTitle" = "Výchozí model";

/* The title for the header for adjusting leo ai settings */
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo je inteligentní asistent poháněný UI. Je vestavěný přímo do prohlížeče.";
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo je chytrý asistent s umělou inteligencí zabudovaný přímo do prohlížeče.";

/* The subtitle for the button which links purchase to Brave Account */
"aichat.advancedSettingsLinkPurchaseActionSubTitle" = "Propojte svůj nákup v App Store se svým účtem Brave a používejte Leo na dalších zařízeních.";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,12 @@
/* The title shown on limit reached error view, which is suggesting user to change default model */
"aichat.contextLimitErrorTitle" = "Tato konverzace je příliš dlouhá a nelze v ní pokračovat.\nMohou existovat i jiné modely, s nimiž je Leo schopen udržovat přesnost při delších konverzacích.";

/* The title of the section where custom models are displayed as a list. */
"aichat.customModelChatSectionTitle" = "Vlastní modely";

/* The title for the custom models section in the menu */
"aichat.customModelsMenuSectionTitle" = "Vlastní modely";

/* The title of the section where chat models are displayed as a list. */
"aichat.defaultModelChatSectionTitle" = "Chat";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,9 +139,6 @@
/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeHaikuModelPurposeDescription" = "Bleskově rychlý chat";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetMessageDescription" = "Ahoj, jsem Leo. Zastupuji Brave a jsem poháněn pomocí Claude 3 Sonnet – modelu vytvořeného společností Anthropic, který slouží k podpoře úloh konverzace a zpracování textu.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Claude Sonnet is the model -- Anthropic is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetModelDescription" = "Claude Sonnet od Anthropic";

Expand All @@ -145,12 +148,6 @@
/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant -- %@ is a place-holder for the model name */
"aichat.introMessageGenericMessageDescription" = "Ahoj, já jsem Leo. Jsem asistent UI od Brave. Jsem poháněn %@. Zeptejte se mě na cokoli a já se pokusím odpovědět.";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaMessageDescription" = "Ahoj, jsem Leo. Jsem asistent s umělou inteligencí plně hostovaný společností Brave. Využívám model Llama 3 8B, který vytvořila společnost Meta, aby byl výkonný a použitelný v mnoha případech použití.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Llama 3 8b is the model name -- Meta is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelDescription" = "Llama 3 8b od Mety";

/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelPurposeDescription" = "Obecný chat";

Expand All @@ -169,6 +166,9 @@
/* The name of the AI-Assistant that's responsing to the user */
"aichat.leoAssistantNameTitle" = "Leo";

/* The default title displayed above a code block when the language of the code is not known. */
"aichat.leoCodeExampleDefaultTitle" = "Příklad kódu";

/* The text displayed on the loading screen when searching for a user query */
"aichat.leoImprovedAnswerBraveSearch" = "Vylepšené vyhledávání odpovědí pro";

Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions ios/brave-ios/Sources/AIChat/Resources/da.lproj/BraveLeo.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"aichat.advancedSettingsDefaultModelTitle" = "Standardmodel";

/* The title for the header for adjusting leo ai settings */
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo er en AI-drevet smart assistent, der er direkte indbygget browseren.";
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo er en smart AI-assistent, indbygget i browseren.";

/* The subtitle for the button which links purchase to Brave Account */
"aichat.advancedSettingsLinkPurchaseActionSubTitle" = "Knyt dit Appstore-køb til din Brave-konto for at bruge Leo på andre enheder.";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,12 @@
/* The title shown on limit reached error view, which is suggesting user to change default model */
"aichat.contextLimitErrorTitle" = "Denne samtale er for lang og kan ikke fortsætte.\nDer kan være andre modeller tilgængelige, med hvilke Leo er i stand til at opretholde nøjagtigheden til længere samtaler.";

/* The title of the section where custom models are displayed as a list. */
"aichat.customModelChatSectionTitle" = "Brugerdefinerede modeller";

/* The title for the custom models section in the menu */
"aichat.customModelsMenuSectionTitle" = "Brugerdefinerede modeller";

/* The title of the section where chat models are displayed as a list. */
"aichat.defaultModelChatSectionTitle" = "Chat";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,9 +139,6 @@
/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeHaikuModelPurposeDescription" = "Hurtig chat";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetMessageDescription" = "Hej, jeg er Leo. Jeg er fuldmægtig hos Brave og drevet af Claude 3 Sonnet, en model skabt af Anthropic til at styre samtale- og tekstbehandlingsopgaver.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Claude Sonnet is the model -- Anthropic is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetModelDescription" = "Claude Sonnet by Anthropic";

Expand All @@ -145,12 +148,6 @@
/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant -- %@ is a place-holder for the model name */
"aichat.introMessageGenericMessageDescription" = "Hej, jeg er Leo. Jeg er Braves AI-assistent. Jeg er drevet af %@. Spørg mig om hvad som helst, og jeg vil gøre mit bedste for at svare.";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaMessageDescription" = "Hej, jeg hedder Leo. Jeg er en AI-assistent fra Brave, der er fuldt hostet. Jeg er udviklet af Llama 3 8B, en model skabt af Meta til at være effektiv og anvendelig i mange tilfælde.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Llama 3 8b is the model name -- Meta is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelDescription" = "Llama 3 8b af Meta";

/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelPurposeDescription" = "Chat til generelle formål";

Expand All @@ -169,6 +166,9 @@
/* The name of the AI-Assistant that's responsing to the user */
"aichat.leoAssistantNameTitle" = "Leo";

/* The default title displayed above a code block when the language of the code is not known. */
"aichat.leoCodeExampleDefaultTitle" = "Kodeeksempel";

/* The text displayed on the loading screen when searching for a user query */
"aichat.leoImprovedAnswerBraveSearch" = "Søger efter forbedret svar";

Expand Down
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions ios/brave-ios/Sources/AIChat/Resources/de.lproj/BraveLeo.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"aichat.advancedSettingsDefaultModelTitle" = "Standardmodell";

/* The title for the header for adjusting leo ai settings */
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo ist ein intelligenter KI-Assistent, der direkt in den Browser integriert ist";
"aichat.advancedSettingsHeaderTitle" = "Leo ist ein KI-gestützter intelligenter Assistent, der direkt in den Browser integriert ist.";

/* The subtitle for the button which links purchase to Brave Account */
"aichat.advancedSettingsLinkPurchaseActionSubTitle" = "Verknüpfen Sie Ihren App Store-Einkauf mit Ihrem Brave-Konto, um Leo auf anderen Geräten zu verwenden.";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,6 +70,12 @@
/* The title shown on limit reached error view, which is suggesting user to change default model */
"aichat.contextLimitErrorTitle" = "Dieses Gespräch ist zu lang und kann nicht fortgesetzt werden.\nMöglicherweise gibt es andere Modelle, mit denen Leo auch bei längeren Gesprächen die Genauigkeit beibehalten kann.";

/* The title of the section where custom models are displayed as a list. */
"aichat.customModelChatSectionTitle" = "Benutzerdefinierte Modelle";

/* The title for the custom models section in the menu */
"aichat.customModelsMenuSectionTitle" = "Benutzerdefinierte Modelle";

/* The title of the section where chat models are displayed as a list. */
"aichat.defaultModelChatSectionTitle" = "Chat";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,9 +139,6 @@
/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeHaikuModelPurposeDescription" = "Blitzschneller Chat";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetMessageDescription" = "Hallo, ich bin Leo. Ich bin ein Proxy von Brave und werde von Claude 3 Sonnet angetrieben, einem von Anthropic entwickeltem Modell, um Konversations- und Textverarbeitungsaufgaben zu unterstützen.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Claude Sonnet is the model -- Anthropic is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageClaudeSonnetModelDescription" = "Claude Sonnet von Anthropic";

Expand All @@ -145,12 +148,6 @@
/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant -- %@ is a place-holder for the model name */
"aichat.introMessageGenericMessageDescription" = "Hallo, ich bin Leo. Ich bin ein KI-Assistent von Brave. Ich werde von %@ betrieben. Fragen Sie mich irgendetwas, und ich werde mein Bestes tun, um zu antworten.";

/* The model intro message when you first enter the chat assistant */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaMessageDescription" = "Hallo, ich bin Leo. Ich bin ein vollständig gehosteter KI-Assistent von Brave. Ich werde von Llama 3 8B angetrieben, einem von Meta entwickelten Modell, und bin damit leistungsfähig und für viele Anwendungsfälle einsetzbar.";

/* The model and creator for intro message - Llama 3 8b is the model name -- Meta is the creator */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelDescription" = "Llama 3 8b von Meta";

/* The model's purpose - Describes what it can do best */
"aichat.introMessageLlamaModelPurposeDescription" = "Allgemeiner Chat";

Expand All @@ -169,6 +166,9 @@
/* The name of the AI-Assistant that's responsing to the user */
"aichat.leoAssistantNameTitle" = "Leo";

/* The default title displayed above a code block when the language of the code is not known. */
"aichat.leoCodeExampleDefaultTitle" = "Code-Beispiel";

/* The text displayed on the loading screen when searching for a user query */
"aichat.leoImprovedAnswerBraveSearch" = "Verbesserte Antwortsuche für";

Expand Down

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