Bideirectional mediated Mendelian randomization is a method for estimating causal networks on complex traits from genome-wide association study summary statistics. For more information on the method please consult the paper Phenome-scale causal network discovery with bidirectional mediated Mendelian randomization. This user documentation is a work in progress. Please check back in the future for a complete guide on how to run this software on your data from pre-processing through model selection.
At the moment, the package must be installed with
. We aim to make the package
available on CRAN eventually.
If you would like to install and run tests,
> devtools::install_github("brielin/bimmer", INSTALL_opts="--install-tests")
> install.packages("mvtnorm") # If not already installed.
> library(testthat)
> library(bimmer)
> test_package("bimmer")
files with functions for preprocessing and loading data. The main files aresumstats.R
, which contains functions for loading and preprocessing GWAS summary statistics, andfit-model.R
, which contains functions for fitting the model to dataRmd
contains the*.Rmd
files with sections corresponding to the processing of the UKBB data and simulations reported in the manuscriptukbb_analysis
contains helper scripts used in the analysis of the UK biobank data for the manuscripttests
contains tests for the functions infit-model.R
contains the function-level documentation for the packagemanuscript
contains the LaTeX files and figures for the manuscript
The first step in applying bimmer is to estimate the phenotype-phenotype
causal effects. You need two matrices, one containing the effect estimates
(we refer to this as R_tce
) and the other containing standard errors
(we refer to this as SE_tce
). These are generally asymmetric matrices with
rows indicating the cause (sometimes called exposure) and columns indicating
the effect (sometimes called outcome). The effect estimates need to be
bidirectional, that is, each phenotype should appear as both a cause and
an effect.
In this context, we use genetic instrumental variables to estimate the effect using bidirectional Mendelian randomization. In theory you can use any MR method that you want, but it is important to consider the possibility of correlated horizontal pleiotropy. In the original preprint, we introduce a method called Welch-weighted Egger regression that can reduce the effects of correlated pleiotropy in large-scale analyses of biobank-style data, and that is the method that we recommend using prior to network estmation. The WWER github is The WWER package includes several tools for parsing and preprocessing biobank summary statistics and includes options for using alternative MR methods. Thus, even if you would prefer to use a different MR method, I recommend looking at the WWER package for preprocessing your data. For more information on WWER specifically, see our AJHG publication.
If you are using published MR results, you will need to write custom code to
parse the data into the pair of matrices described above. Keep in mind the scaling
of the data. bimmer assumes that the causal effect estimates are variance-normalized,
that is, the causal effect estimate R
represents a per-variance effect of
the exposure on the outcome. This may require normalizing the estimate by the
variances of the exposure and outcome.
Once you have your normalized R_tce
and SE_tce
matrices, you are ready to fit
the network. In some cases, you may consider filtering these matrices for more
stable network estimates. For example, you may filter pathological R
(those much greater or less than +-1) or rows/columns of the data matrix with
many missing entries. We provide a helper function bimmer::filter_tce()
assisst with this, see for example its use in Rmd/ukbb_analysis.Rmd
If you would like to use weights (recommended), you must first construct a weight set using
. The argument SE
should be the standard error matrix
. The argument max_min_ratio
can be used if you have some TCEs with very small SEs to prevent over-fitting
to a handful of data points. The value used in the manuscript of
could be a reasonable place to start, but you may have to
adjust this if you are having trouble getting a good model fit in the next
The final step is to use bimmer::fit_inspre()
to fit the network.
The argument W
can be NULL
, to use no weights, or set to the output
of inspre::make_weights()
. If you have a multicore machine (recommended)
you can set ncores
to speed up the fit but note that this will require a lot
of memory as well.
The arguments lambda
, lambda_min_ratio
and nlambda
control the search for
the regularization strength. You can use lambda
to either set a single value
or a sequence of values yourself, otherwise it will search over a
logarithmically spaced set of nlambda
values from 1.0 to lambda_min_ratio
To choose a specific value of lambda for analysis, you can use cross-validation
by supplying the argument cv_folds
to a non-zero number, we recommend
. If you do this, the result of bimmer::fit_inspre()
contain a vector $D_hat
with the estimated "stability" for each setting of
. We recommend using the value of lambda
that corresponds to a
of a little bit smaller than 0.025. If all of your estimates for D_hat
are above this number, try a sequence with smaller values of lambda
and vice
versa if all of your estimates are below it. If you have estimates both above
and below 0.025 but none are close to it, try a narrow sequence of lambda values
with less spacing between them.
If you put this all together, your R script, Rmd
or Rstudio command line should
look something like this,
# Given phenotype by phenotype matrixes R_tce, SE_tce
beta = 0.025
weights <- inspre::make_weights(SE = SE_tce, max_min_ratio = 10000)
network_result <- bimmer::fit_inspre(R_tce = R_tce, W = weights, cv_folds = 10)
selected_index <- which(network_result$D_hat > beta)[1] - 1
lambda <- dce_result$lambda[selected_index]
R_hat <- dce_result$R_hat[ , , selected_index]
U_hat <- dce_result$U[,,selected_index]
After this, R_hat
contains the estimate of the network at the selected index,
contains the shrunken estimates of the TCEs, and lambda
contains the
regularization parameter chosen by cross-validation.
Because there are many steps in this process, users are highly encouraged to run each step separately and check the output for reasonable behavior after every step.