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Releases: coq/vscoq


26 Feb 13:32
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What's Changed


Hotfix: server crashes when editing the file

A pernicious bug made it in the last release in which after executing through a parse error and then editing it, the server would crash.
This hotfix addresses this issue and is the main reason behind this small release.

  • fix: add empty dependencies even to an errored sentence by @rtetley in #1049

Minor changes

Extension activation

The extension now only activates when a Coq file is opened ! This prevents annoying messages when a user is not trying to use Coq.

Better feedback performance

There has been an ongoing issue in which commands that generate feedback, such as Search, are unusable due to the time taken to handle the produced feedback. This feature greatly improves the situation and makes such commands usable again.

Don't crash for log messages

Sometimes producing log messages crashes the server. This ensures it won't happen again.

Symbol seaching and syntax highlighting

These changes add handling some keywords to the outline and fixes the syntax highlighting for others.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.2.4...v2.2.5


17 Feb 09:13
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What's Changed

This release contains a number of fixes.


Block on parse error

Parse errors are now treated just like execution errors for block on first error mode.


We now open the documentation for the installed coq version (rather than master):

Goal view

Some minor display issues due to some bugs in the pp format library were fixed.

  • fix: first box of a pp string was not processed by @rtetley in #984

Color theme

A better color theme has been implemented making it so that warning messages are easy to read even in light mode:

Step Through query commands

Query commands (such as Print, Search, ...) are now stepped through. This fixes a regression in continuous mode
where they were no longer displayed and some confusing coloring of the processed area:

Fix vscoqtop arguments

A regression in which arguments passed to vscoqtop were no longer read has been fixed:

No completions found

When no completions are found we send an empty list instead of an annoying error:


Improvements in the indentation behaviour were made:

.vos files

We now load .vos files

Server crashes

We uncovered a problem in which parsing errors could lead to a server crash. This has been fixed.

Send proof view in continuous mode

A regression in continous mode (the proof view was no longer sent when reaching the cursor position) has been fixed.

  • Send a proof view in continuous mode when cursor position was executed by @rtetley in #1014

Full Changelog: v2.2.3...v2.2.4


15 Jan 16:04
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What's Changed

This is a release that contains a hot-fix for the vscoq-version-parser which allows us to use several lsp versions.
The aforementioned bug means we could not release 2.2.2. This version supersedes it.

The hotfix in question:

  • version_parser: tolerate + in version numbers and never fail by @gares in #982

A fix was also added for finding vscoqtop path in windows.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.2.3


14 Jan 13:23
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What's Changed

Important information

Due to a unforeseen problem when running the opam CI, we could not release 2.2.2, we immediately released 2.2.3 with a hotfix.


Jump to definition

We have introduced jump to definition capabilities. Note this required some changes in Rocq/Coq (coq/coq#19584) so it will only be available on Coq dev and in the next version
of Rocq/Coq.


  • feat: jump to definition proof of concept by @rtetley in #911

Better goal display readibility

When there are multiple goals in list mode, we now only display the goal context for the first goal.
We also add a button allowing to hide/show the goal context.


  • Remove hypothesis display from goal list by @rtetley in #962

External API

This release introduces an external API, allowing developers to depend on VsCoq with their own vscode extension and gain access to this API.
Here we introduce a function which allows for an external extension to get all the proofs contained in a document.

    vscoq = extensions.getExtension('maximedenes.vscoq');
    const documentProofs = await vscoq?.exports.getDocumentProofs(document.uri);

You can expect to see more API points being added in the future.

Organisation change

VsCoq is now part of the Rocq/Coq. VsCoq Legacy will stay part of coq-community.


  • docs: add troubleshooting section to install instructions by @rtetley in #922
  • Update with more info, allowing to use vscoq2 during de… by @mattam82 in #916


Better cursor placement on error

In manual mode, if block on first error mode is activated, the cursor will be placed right after the error range, instead of the last
correct sentence.


  • Place the cursor at the end of the error when block on error mode is active by @rtetley in #963

Better _CoqProject support

Before this change the _CoqProject file was only searched on launch, and we could not load it after.
Note that this required some changes in Coq/Rocq (coq/coq#19826) and will only be supported
with Coq/Rocq dev and the next version of Coq/Rocq.

Better handling of events loop and parsing

As was noted, there have been some performance issues while editing Rocq/Coq files (#914).
This was due to the design of the parsing event, which was triggered everytime a modification was detected on a file, and for the full file
(i.e. each time a user typed something, a full parse of the document was launched).
Now each line has its independant parse event allowing us to cancel prior events and only parse the most recent version of the document.

Some fixes to syntax highighting

  • syntax: Add boundary conditions when matching keywords by @Lysxia in #927
  • syntax: Highlight Goal in any context by @Lysxia in #935

Better error logging

Misc fixes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.2.1...v2.2.2


23 Sep 08:33
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What's Changed


Better pretty printing library

The library we built to pretty print terms has been considerably improved. Drawing from Oppen's algorithm we are now much faster at displaying goals

  • feat: optimize pp-display for a better and faster goal view and query panel by @rtetley in #900

This lays for the groundwork for further optimisations.

New options

Two new options have been introduced thanks to @Durbatuluk1701:

  • vscoq.proof.display-buttons provides a way to disable the proof navigation and general buttons from the buffer
    feat: add config option to control whether Coq buttons are displayed by @Durbatuluk1701 in #904
  • vscoq.proof.pointInterpretationMode determines the behaviour of the interpret to mode command, does it consider the sentence under the cursor or not ?
    "vscoq.proof.pointInterpretationMode" === Cursor
    "vscoq.proof.pointInterpretationMode" === NextCommand
    feat: adding option for interpreting to exact cursor position or next command during interpret to point by @Durbatuluk1701 in #875

Prompt queries

The query actions now open a prompt window, if the cursor is pointing at a word, it pre-fills the prompt with the given word.


  • feat: query actions are now done with prompts by @rtetley in #902

Show unfocused goals

Finally this release introduces the ability to view unfocused goals.


  • feat: show message when goals are unfocused by @rtetley in #901


Better hover

A number of fixes were introduced for hovers. We now differentiate between modules and their components. We also can over hover words containing '


Activity bar logo display

Finally, the VsCoq activity bar now only appears when there are coq files present in the workspace

  • fix: make VsCoq activity bar logo appear only when Coq files present by @Durbatuluk1701 in #897

Goal view fixes

Note that the previously introduced improvements to pretty printing also solved a number of printing bugs such as printing inductive types.



New contributors

No new contributors for this release.

Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.1


06 Sep 14:39
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What's Changed


Query Panel results formatting

After externalising our lib to display PpStrings, we now support formatting in the query panel as well as in the goal panel.
Look forward to more improvements for the display of PpStrings soon

New buttons and a menu

We have added the coq commands (in manual mode) as buttons accessible on top of the buffer.
On top of that we have added a main menu to access trouble shooting commands and documentation. This can be a building block for other neat features.

A walkthrough

To improve the onboarding experience, we have added a walkthrough that is available at all times through the Coq: Docs: Show Setup Guide command as well as through the main menu described earlier

Opt out of auto displaying goals

Finally, users can now opt out of the auto display of goals when running through a proof. The proof view is then accessible through the Coq: Display Proof View command, or the corresponding button in the new coq buttons row described earlier.

  • feat: Disable the auto display for the proof view by @rtetley in #887

Bug fixes

Thanks to @Durbatuluk1701 for fixing a bug in which feedback messages were displayed the wrong way around.


A formatter was added for the typscript code and the documentation and changelog were updated. The changelog of the extension now points to this page.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.7...v2.2.0


06 Aug 13:21
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.6...v2.1.7


19 Jul 14:58
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v2.1.6 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.5...v2.1.6


15 Jul 11:15
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v2.1.5 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.4...v2.1.5


04 Jul 05:26
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.3...v2.1.4