129 - Improve Outcome XML manipulation
128 - The outpout parameters of included Scripts shall be able to set the input parameters of the calling Script
126 - Extend Activity execution to update Item Properties
123 - Add removeNode(xpath) to Outcome
121 - Implement Viewpoint name resolution from Outcome
120 - Change Scripts to make them executable on either rhino or on nashorn engines
118 - Change UserCodeProcess configuration
117 - Implement QueryOutceomInitiator
116 - Add Query support to kernel
104 - Create java enum for BuiltInEdgeProperties
99 - Add generic support to use CollectionDescription in domain models
96 - Implement generic instantiation of Dependency Collection
92 - Refactory Built-in Vertex properties into common java enum
89 - Generate empty XML from Schema
Bugs resolved
130 - Remove password field from AgentPath
119 - Add setParameterValues(ActivityProps) to Query to be used by Job
114 - Agent.refreshJobList() does not send Proxy notification for all persistent JobList changes
113 - Activity.run() is called twice for the first Activity in the Workflow
112 - CreateAgentFromDescription predefined step optional parameters
111 - JobPusher thread is not started for all state change when the RoleOverride of Transition is used
110 - Creating Role in the module.xml does not the update persistent jobList flag in Lookup
106 - NPE during org.cristalise.kernel.entity.proxy.ProxyClientConnection.
105 - Version property is missing from Activity Collection Members when created by Script CompositeActivityDefCollSetter
94 - Exported Workflow and Activiy xml documents are incorrect
93 - @id attribute on Activity element cannot be used in module.xml
91 - Exporting workflow descriptions throws NPE
90 - Newly created Factory item cannot create instance from its Descriptions
88 - Importing ActivityDesc from Module does not create last version for Collections