Releases: cropgeeks/gridscore-next-server
Releases · cropgeeks/gridscore-next-server
- NEW: 2-plot scoring: Guided walks have been expanded to allow scoring two plots at the same time while walking through the middle of two rows/columns.
- NEW: New example trial: Added new example trial that matches the GridScore training material for easier use during any training sessions.
- NEW: Set size/timeseries support for BrAPI: Added support for set sizes and timeseries flags for import via BrAPI as well as export to Germinate data templates.
- NEW: Chart SVG export: Added support for exporting visualization charts as SVG graphics.
- NEW: More barcode support: Added support for definining 'enter' and 'escape' barcodes which will either close and save the data input or close and discard the data input, respecively.
- CHG: Typescript support: Added initial support for Typescript in GridScore codebase. This should hopefully improve type-safety going forwards.
- FIX: Trait dropdown: Fixed an issue where toggling traits from the trait dropdown wasn't working reliably.
- FIX: Remote trial: Fixed issues with remote trial configuration.
- FIX: Samsung image tagging: Fixed issues with image tagging on specific Samsung devices. This was causing images with filenames like '(invalid)' to show up.
- NEW Trait reference images: The trial owner can now add trait reference images to a shared trial after its creation. These allow data collectors to look at a visual reference that should help with the scoring of traits.
- NEW Trait deletion: It is now possible for trial owners to delete a trait even after the trial has been shared. This operation should be well considered as it has far-reaching consequences. Any data collected for this trait on any other device will be lost once they synchronize.
- NEW Germplasm display: Added options to choose how germplasm is displayed on the main data input, e.g. germplasm identifier, rep, both or none.
- NEW BrAPI trial creation: Added functionality to create a GridScore trial based on a Breeding API (BrAPI) study.
- NEW Remote trials: Allowed sharing of GridScore trials with a remote self-hosted GridScore server instead of the default one.
- NEW Trials export 'long' format: We've added another export option for tab-delimited export into the 'long' format where each individual data point is stored in its own row compared to the 'wide' format where data is exported as a germplasm by trait matrix.
- FIX Leading/trailing spaces: Fixed issues with the automatic removal of leading and trailing spaces in input fields.
- FIX Language switching: Fixed persistence of language switching. GridScore will now remember your language selection between sessions again.
- NEW Germplasm performance: We added a new germplasm performance page which can be accessed from the top toolbar on the plot data input. This dedicated page shows information about the selected germplasm compared to the rest of the trial highlighting its performance.
- NEW Row/column labels: You can now further customise the row and column labels of your trial design. This will allow you to define trials, e.g. starting from number 2 or skipping numbers in between.
- NEW GPS trait type: A new trait type in the form of GPS tracking has been added. This will allow you to record your current position as a trait.
- NEW Image trait type: A new trait type in the form of image tagging has been added. While it was possible to take images for a trait before, you can now keep track of taken images using image traits. These will store the image name as the trait value.
- NEW New example trial: We added a new example trial for you to explore. To highlight that GridScore is not restricted to plant phenotyping, we added a trial showcasing its use for trait data collection on cows including milk production, weight and GPS location.
- CHG Empty plot selection: Prevent the selection of empty plots. These are generally used to indicate gaps/guards/etc and should not open the data input window.
- FIX Trait data history: Previously, deleting values from the trait data history was unreliable for set sizes larger than 1. The history screen has now been redesigned to display the data in a more straightforward fashion as well as fix any modification issues.
- FIX Service worker bug: Fixed a critical bug that prevented GridScore from accessing certain server resources including export to Germinate Data Templates.
- FIX Automatic input traversal: Fixed an issue where the input focus didn't automatically move to the next trait input after selecting a categorical trait value.
- NEW Technology stack upgrade: To keep GridScore up to date with latest developments and to ensure security updates, we have updated GridScore to Vue 3 as well as made other updates behind the scenes. For you as a user, nothing should change.
- NEW Multi-trial operations: The trial selector on the home page now lets you execute certain operations across trials. For now, those include adding the same trait to multiple trials and deleting multiple trials in one go. We're looking into adding more cross-trial operations soon.
- NEW Data collector stats: We have added two charts to the trial statistics overview where the number of data points collected by each individual is plotted. This is only available if individuals are defined as part of the trial.
- NEW High rep count warning: We noticed that some trials are created with an extremely high number of distinct rep values (sometimes each plot has a unique value). While this is perfectly valid, it significantly slows down the germplasm rep heatmap and makes it pretty much pointless. We have added a warning during setup to highlight this in case it's unintentional.
- NEW Plot comment list: A list of all plot trials recorded across the trial is now available using the comment icon above the data input table. The list can be filtered and sorted to find the comments you're looking for.
- NEW Trait definition export: Added more ways in which trait definitions can be exported in a variety of formats.
- NEW Germplasm control/check marking: Added a way to mark all occurrences of a germplasm identifier across the trial as control/check during setup.
- NEW "Control/check plots: You can now define plots as control/check plots during trial setup. This will highlight them on the data input screen as well as on any data visualization so you can compare the rest of the data against the controls/checks.
- NEW "Trial people: We've added support for adding individuals to a trial in the form of defining people and their role within the trial (e.g. data collector, corresponding author, etc). This will currently not affect the way GridScore behaves, but if people are defined for a trial you will have to select who is recording data. This has been put in place to allow GridScore to pre-fill data templates during data export.
- NEW "Data statistics: An overview trial statistics page has been added to GridScore that shows various views onto the data like a calendar heatmap showing busy data collection days as well as stats on the size of area covered by data collection and many others.
- NEW "Color palettes: Added a pre-selection of color palettes to choose from. These include the default GridScore palette as well as other well-known color palettes.
- NEW "Main display mode: Starting from this release, the main display of GridScore will be rendered differently for smaller trials. If you encounter any performance issues, please change the main display mode in the settings to 'Canvas only'.
- NEW Value in range data type: A new data type has been added. The 'value in range' type will let you choose a value between the minimum and maximum using a range slider control. This allows faster selection of the correct value. A good use-case is a percentage slider for things like 'lodging' where you can quickly select a value between 0 and 100.
- NEW Trial events: Trial events have been added. Record information about weather events or trial management (e.g. pesticide application) as a trial event.
- UPDATE Trial selector visuals: The trial selector cards have changed slightly. Instead of showing the items as a list, they're now displayed as a grid of elements.
- UPDATE Replicate heatmap: Removed the replicate heatmap for those trials where replicates are defined, but they are all unique, so not actual replicates. Before this generated a huge and empty and therefore rather useless heatmap
- UPDATE Data input error highlight: The data input will now scroll to the first error in the data input if an error is detected. This will help users identify errors in their data input more easily.
- UPDATE Disabled chart interaction: Chart interactions are now disabled by default. They can be enabled by using the switch-toggle button next to the data visualization.
- BUGFIX Trial geolocation: Fixed an issues where recorded geolocations (GPS locations) are lost when synchronizing a shared trial.
- NEW External trial import: GridScore now supports importing a trial via a URL link. The main use-case is currently the trial creation from Germinate via FielDHub.
- BUGFIX Trait import: Fixed an issues when importing traits from another existing trial.
- BUGFIX Germplasm selection: Fixed an issues with germplasm selection in statistical plots.
- NEW Germplasm selection: On the trait statistics page you can now select specific germplasm to highlight against the rest of the data giving you a better idea of their performance.
- NEW Trial selector sorting: Added options for sorting of trials in the trial selector to more easily find your trial.
- NEW Photo social media sharing: You can now share images you've taken directly to social media. Social post contents can be pre-defined as part of the trial.
- NEW Easier synchronization: We added a synchronization button to the top of the data input page so you can access it straight from there without having to go back to the home page first.
- UPDATE Trial QR code import: The workflow of importing a trial using a QR code has been reworked to improve the user experience. Better feedback has been added and important user interface elements are automatically scrolled into view.
- NEW Vietnamese translation: Thanks to our collaborator Huu Loi Nguyen, we have now added a Vietnamese translation to GridScore.