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Releases: cropgeeks/gridscore-next-server


20 Nov 09:25
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  • NEW More guided walk orders: In addition to the original 8 guided walk orders, we have added another 8. While the originals were always guiding you back against the direction you came from so you could score plots on the way back, the new ones let you skip back to the start and continue from there. This allows you to score all plots from the same perspective which may be useful in certain situations like extreme lighting conditions.
  • UPDATE Duplicate germplasm warning: While so far, GridScore prevented you from creating a trial that contained duplicate germplasm-rep combinations, we realized that it may be useful to allow these. GridScore will now show a warning instead of an error, which the user has to accept before continuing.
  • BUGFIX Trial share code import: Fixed a bug where importing a share code would falsely report a local match where there isn't one.


09 Nov 10:58
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  • NEW Trial upgrade: We've added better handling of cases where an already existing trial is imported via a share code again. Depending on the local permissions and the new shared ones, users will be able to either upgrade their permissions or import the trial as a new, independent copy.
  • NEW Plot data point selection: We've added support for data point selection events to the heatmap and box plot visualizations. When selected, a popup will show the data point values for the selected plot, rep and trait.
  • UPDATE Trial share status: An indication of the trial share status has been added to the trial information. This will show you whether you have 'owner', 'editor' or 'viewer' permissions on the trial.
  • UPDATE Image filename: The trial name (or rather a compact version of it) has been added to the start of the filename of images that are recorded using GridScore.
  • UPDATE Trial information dropdown: The trial information dropdown box that was shown on the data input page has now been moved to the main navigation bar so it's available on more pages. It will not be shown on generic pages that aren't related to any particular trial like the home page or settings page.
  • BUGFIX Trial comment deletion: Fixed a bug where it wasn't possible to delete a trial comment.


04 Oct 09:52
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This release marks a small update to GridScore where we focused on improvements to the data export functionality, performance improvements to the guided walk, trial grouping on the home page and fixing some BrAPI-related issues.

  • NEW Trial groups: It is now possible to organize trials into groups. These groups can be assigned during setup, import or at any point afterwards.
  • NEW Trial trait import: When setting up a new trial you can now import trials from another trial that's available on your current device.
  • NEW Non-averaged data export: When exporting trials data you can now disable averaging of values across sets and on the same day.
  • NEW Home page order: You can now change the order of the home page widgets from the settings page.
  • UPDATE Guided walk change: To maximize the available screen space as well as performance, we have moved the guided walk to its own page where it will use all the available screen space.
  • BUGFIX BrAPI issues: There were some issues with the BrAPI functionality both for importing traits as well as exporting data. These have been resolved.


31 Aug 08:34
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  • NEW Data display configuration: We have added options to configure the main data display. These include changing the circles to squares, adjusting the size of the data points as well as their density to allow for more compact or relaxed displays.
  • UPD Image tagging iOS: We have added a notification banner on iOS devices to the image tagging as iOS handles the download of images differently to any other OS. An additional step may be required to actually save the images."
  • FIX Viewer code issues: There was an issue with trial viewer permissions where a viewer wasn't able to load remote changes to a trial. This has been resolved.


26 Jul 09:22
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  • NEW GridScore NEXT release: This marks the release of the new version of GridScore called GridScore NEXT. This is a major step forwards and we have made major changes to the way GridScore operates in the background. Details on most of the changes can be found below.
  • NEW Trait set sizes: In a lot of trial scenarios you'll be scoring multiple individuals per plot/pot. To facilitate this, we have introduced trait set sizes. The set size determines how many individual measurements per plot/pot are made within each set. So if you are scoring three plants per plot/pot, set the set size to 3.
  • NEW Trait time frames: Often specific traits need to be or should be scored within a certain time period. To make everyone aware of this fact, we have introduced trait time frames that specify when data for a trait should or has to be scored. A helpful graph will show you the time frame of each trait.
  • NEW Trait groups: To declutter the interface, but also to allow toggling multiple traits at the same time, trait groups have been added. These groups can be used to create sets of traits that share characteristics like the time frame when they are scored or whether they are physiological traits or any other characteristic.
  • NEW Sharing permissions: In the old version of GridScore, once you shared a trial, everyone was able to add and change data as well as traits. In the new version when you share a trial you'll be given three different sharing codes, each one granting specific permissions on the trial. There's more information on the sharing screen, but basically, the permissions types are 'Owner', 'Editor' and 'Viewer'.
  • NEW Improved setup: We have streamlined the process of trial creation by splitting the user interface into more digestible chunks as well as adding more functionality. Trials and traits can now have a description. Germplasm information about the trial can be imported from more formats including the output from FielDHub and other tools. Traits, once added to the setup, can be modified and reordered. The whole list of traits can now be exported and imported in GridScore and Germinate format.
  • NEW More example datasets: To highlight the new features outlined here, we have introduced new example datasets and updated existing ones. Why not try them out by loading one of the example datasets?
  • NEW Settings sharing: You can now share the generic GridScore settings between devices using a QR code. This makes it easy to have the same settings setup on all devices that will be used.
  • NEW Editing an existing trial: There is now a way to edit/change specific properties of a trial like the name, description, corner points and visual markers.
  • NEW Duplicate a trial: If you want to create a new trial based on a different existing trial, there's now a trial duplication feature that allows you to copy (but also modify) the setup of that other trial to create a new separate trial.
  • NEW Replicate heatmap: A new visualization has been added in the form of a replicate heatmap. If you're using a replicated trial, you can now look at the variation within a germplasm and across the reps to identify potential errors in your data.
  • NEW Multiple comments: It is now possible to add multiple comments to the trial and each individual plot. Each comment is timestamped so you always know when something has been recorded.
  • NEW Trial archiving: Shared trials will be archived by the GridScore server after a period of inactivity. GridScore will notify you well in advance of the expiration date to give you enough time to export your trial or renew the trial. Once archived, the whole trial can still be downloaded as a package.
  • UPDATE Import existing data: The way existing data is imported into a trial has changed to offer more flexibility.
  • UPDATE Better synchronization: We have invested a lot of time into improving the data synchronization between devices. We now utilise a transaction-based system where each change you make is synchronized as a distinct unit making it much easier for the server to integrate these changes. It also gives you an overview of the changes you have made before synchronising them.
  • UPDATE Version updates: Whenever a new version of GridScore is released, the app will notify you of the new version and ask you to update and refresh making it more obvious that a new version is available.
  • BUGFIX Timezone issues: Previously, due to the way the old GridScore stored dates, there were timezone issues when displaying and exporting data. These have been resolved in this version as we're now storing UTC timestamps.