This release marks a small update to GridScore where we focused on improvements to the data export functionality, performance improvements to the guided walk, trial grouping on the home page and fixing some BrAPI-related issues.
- NEW Trial groups: It is now possible to organize trials into groups. These groups can be assigned during setup, import or at any point afterwards.
- NEW Trial trait import: When setting up a new trial you can now import trials from another trial that's available on your current device.
- NEW Non-averaged data export: When exporting trials data you can now disable averaging of values across sets and on the same day.
- NEW Home page order: You can now change the order of the home page widgets from the settings page.
- UPDATE Guided walk change: To maximize the available screen space as well as performance, we have moved the guided walk to its own page where it will use all the available screen space.
- BUGFIX BrAPI issues: There were some issues with the BrAPI functionality both for importing traits as well as exporting data. These have been resolved.