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A Revised Generative Evaluation of Visual Dialogue

We propose a generative evaluation of the VisDial dataset which computes established NLP metrics (CIDEr, METEOR, FastText-L2, FastText-CS, BERT-L2, BERT-CS) between a generated answer and a set of reference answers. We use a simple Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) [Hotelling, 1926; Kettenring, 1971] based approach to construct these answer reference sets at-scale across the whole dataset.

See our paper and our previous analysis (code here) where we highlight the flaws of the existing rank-based evaluation of VisDial by applying CCA between question and answer embeddings and achieving near state-of-the-art results.

Install package dependencies

All required packages are contained in geneval_visdial.yml. You can install them in an Anaconda environment as:

conda env create -f geneval_visdial.yml
source activate geneval_visdial

This repository uses PyTorch 1.0.1, Python 3.6 and CUDA 8.0. You can change these specifications in geneval_visdial.yml.

How to evaluate your VisDial generations

1. Save your generations in the required format

Your generations will need to be saved as a .json file in the following format:

[{"image_id": 185565, "round_id": 0, "generations": ["yes", "maybe", "yes, I think so"]}, 
{"image_id": 185565, "round_id": 1, "generations": ["several", "I can see two", "2, I think", "not sure"]}, 
{"image_id": 185565, "round_id": 2, "generations": ["yes", "yes, it is"]}, 
{"image_id": 185565, "round_id": 9, "generations": ["no", "no, can't see"]}, 
{"image_id": 284024, "round_id": 0, "generations": ["one"]}, 
... ]

image_id should correspond exactly to the VisDial v1.0 image IDs. round_id is 0-indexed and corresponds to the dialogue round (0 to 9). generations should contain a list of strings with no <START> or <END> tokens. Note, the number of generations can vary per image/round, but in our experiments we fix it to 1, 5, 10, or 15 generations per entry. In the case of 1 generation, each entry should still be a list (i.e. "generations" : ["yes"]).

See gens.json as a example. These answers have been generated for the full VisDial validation set using CCA-AQ-G (k=1) - see Table 4 (right) in paper. The code to generate these answers can be found in the CCA-visualdialogue repository.

2. Download DenseVisDial answer reference sets

Download refs_S_full_val.json and save it in densevisdial directory. These are the answer reference sets for the entire VisDial validation set, automatically generated using the S or \Sigma clustering method. This method yields the best overlap with human-annotated reference sets, and we use it for all generative evaluation metrics reported in the paper.

Answer reference sets generated using other clustering methods (S, M and G) and the human-annotated reference sets (H) can be downloaded for the VisDial train and validation sets) here:

C Train Val Description
S refs_S_full_train.json, refs_S_human_train.json refs_S_full_val.json, refs_S_human_val.json \Sigma clustering (based on standard deviation of correlations)
M refs_M_full_train.json, refs_M_human_train.json refs_M_full_val.json, refs_M_human_val.json Meanshift clustering
G refs_G_full_train.json, refs_G_human_train.json refs_G_full_val.json, refs_G_human_val.json Agglomerative clustering (n=5)
H refs_H_human_train.json refs_H_human_val.json Human-annotated reference sets (relevance scores > 0)

See How to generate answer reference sets to generate your own answer reference sets using one of the prescribed methods.

3. Download pre-trained BERT model and start bert-as-a-service server

The evaluation script uses the bert-as-a-service client/server package. Download the pre-trained BERT-Base, Uncased model and save it in <bert_model_dir>.

Then start the bert-as-a-service server in a separate shell:

bert-serving-start  -model_dir <bert_model_dir>/uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12 -num_worker 2 \
                    -max_seq_len 16 -pooling_strategy CLS_TOKEN -pooling_layer -1

num_workers controls the number of GPUs or CPU cores (add -cpu flag) to use.

4. Download pre-trained FastText word vectors

The evaluation script uses pre-trained FastText word vectors. Download and unzip the English bin+text FastText model pre-trained on Wikipedia. Save the wiki.en.bin file as <fasttext_model_dir>/

5. Run evaluation

The evaluation will compute CIDEr (n-grams 1 to 4), METEOR, BERT-L2 (L2 distance), BERT-CS (cosine similarity), FastText-L2 and FastText-CS between each generation and its corresponding set of reference answers.

python --generations gens.json --references densevisdial/refs_S_val.json> \
                   --fast_text_model <fasttext_model_dir>/

How to generate answer reference sets

You can generate the answer reference sets yourself using clustering methods S, M, and G.

1. Prepare VisDial dataset

Download and unzip the dialogue .json files from:

Download the .json files with human-annotated scores:

Save all these .jsons to <dataset_root>/1.0/.

Download and unzip the FastText English bin+text model pre-trained on Wikipedia. Save the wiki.en.bin file as <fasttext_model_dir>/

The script will automatically load and pre-process the data. This may take 10-15 minutes. If you prefer, you can download the pre-processed features to <dataset_root>/1.0/ directly:

2. Generate clusters

You can now generate clusters using:

source activate geneval_visdial
python clusters/ --dataset_root <dataset_root> \
                                    --fast_text_model <fasttext_model_dir>/
                                    --gpu 1 \
                                    --cca QA_human_trainval \
                                    --eval_set full \
                                    --cluster_method S

This will compute clusters on the full VisDial dataset (both train and validation sets) using the S clustering method and save the clusters in ./results as refs_S_full_train.json and refs_S_full_val.json. If you want to compute clusters for only the subset of VisDial with human-annotated reference sets, use --eval_set human.

The --cca flag specifies the data to train the CCA model:

  • QA_human_train trains on all answers with human-annotated relevance scores > 0 and their corresponding questions in the VisDial train set.
  • QA_human_trainval trains on all answers with human-annotated relevance scores > 0 and their corresponding questions in the VisDial trainval set.
  • QA_full_train trains on all ground-truth answers and their corresponding questions in the VisDial train set.
  • QA_full_trainval trains on all ground-truth answers and their corresponding questions in the VisDial trainval set.

We use these differently depending on the evaluation set.

For --eval_set human:

  • Table 4 (left), Table 6: we use --QA_human_train --cluster_method H to compute the human-annotated reference sets. We report overlap and embedding metrics for generated answers and these sets on the validation subset, \mathcal{H}_v
  • Table 1, Table 8 ((A_gt, \tilde{A}) rows): we use --QA_human_train (CCA-QA*) and --QA_full_train (CCA-QA) to compute the overlap of the automatic reference sets --cluster_method {M,S,G} with the human-annotated reference sets (H).

For --eval_set full:

  • Table 4 (right) and Table 7: we use --QA_human_trainval --cluster_method S to compute the automatic reference sets. We report overlap and embedding metrics for generated answers and these sets on the full validation set.


  title={A Revised Generation Evaluation of Visual Dialogue},
  author={Massiceti, Daniela and Kulharia, Viveka, and Dokania, Puneet K and Siddharth, N and Torr, Philip HS},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.09272},


A Revised Generative Evaluation of Visual Dialogue







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