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Releases: danieleteti/delphimvcframework

DelphiMVCFramework 3.4.2-magnesium

14 Feb 11:09
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Complete Release Notes here

What's Changed

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Full Changelog: v3.4.2-magnesium-rc2...v3.4.2-magnesium

DelphiMVCFramework 3.4.2-magnesium RC2

19 Jun 15:46
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Detailed info here

What's Changed in this RC2

Full Changelog: v3.4.2-magnesium-rc1...v3.4.2-magnesium-rc2

Detailed info here

DelphiMVCFramework 3.4.2-magnesium RC1

03 May 10:34
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What's Changed - 👉 Full detailed info here 👈


  • build(deps): bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.6.0 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #710
  • build(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #725
  • Added DeleteCacheKey method to TMVCCacheController by @gmurt in #731
  • Wrong http error code when authenticating by @zaniniflz in #734
  • Fixed issue with DeleteCacheKey method by @gmurt in #733
  • build(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.15.4 to 1.15.6 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #736
  • Check if the field is writeable when mapping value to param by @zaniniflz in #735
  • Add Http Only Cookie support by @marcelologica in #738
  • Update MVCFramework.View.Renderers.Mustache to mORMot2 by @landrix in #748
  • Fix crash caused by null value set as a nested record. by @rjantz2 in #750

If no bugs/regressions will be found, this will become the stable version

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.4.1-sodium...v3.4.2-magnesium-rc1

DelphiMVCFramework 3.4.1-sodium

03 Jan 16:36
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What's Changed

👉 More info here

  • Mustache Helpers changes for issue #693 by @fastbike in #699
  • build(deps): bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.5 to 7.23.2 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #705
  • build(deps): bump @angular/core from 2.0.0 to 10.2.5 in /samples/angular/webapp by @dependabot in #703
  • initial adaptor and example with the Sempare Template Engine. by @darnocian in #711

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.4.0-neon...v3.4.1-sodium

DelphiMVCFramework 3.4.0-neon

07 Sep 16:36
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What's New in DelphiMVCFramework 3.4.0-neon

👉Full blog post about What's New in DelphiMVCFramework 3.4.0-neon👈

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Full Changelog: v3.3.0-fluorine...v3.4.0-neon

DelphiMVCFramework 3.3.0-fluorine

21 Apr 14:24
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What's New in dmvcframework-3.3.0-fluorine

What's Changed

  • build(deps): bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #633
  • build(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #634
  • build(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #635
  • build(deps): bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #636
  • build(deps): bump minimatch and react-scripts in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #637
  • build(deps): bump axios from 0.21.1 to 0.21.2 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #639
  • build(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.12.1 to 1.15.2 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #640
  • build(deps): bump ansi-regex from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #641
  • Add the ability to use records in swagger param and response attributes. by @rjantz2 in #649
  • Fixed wrong data type for NullableTGUID by @zaniniflz in #651
  • build(deps): bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.76.1 in /samples/react/WebApp by @dependabot in #650

New Contributors

Full Changelog: dmvcframework-3.2.3-radium...v3.3.0-fluorine

DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.3-radium

02 Feb 18:16
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What's New in 3.2.3-radium

  • ⚡ Default error responses contains the official "reason string" associated to the HTTP status code (this can be a breaking change for some generic client which doesn't correctly interpret the http status code)

  • ⚡ Added static method HTTP_STATUS.ReasonStringFor(HTTPStatusCode) wich returns the standard ReasonString for a given HTTP status code.

  • ⚡ Improved handling of TMVCErrorResponse information

  • ⚡ mid-air-collision handling now uses SHA1 instead of MD5

  • ⚡ Added MVCFramework.Commons.MVC_HTTP_STATUS_CODES const array containing all the HTTP status codes with its ReasonString.

  • ⚡ Support for TObject descendants in JSONRPC APIs (not only for JSONObject and JSONArray).

  • ⚡ New global configuration variable MVCSerializeNulls.

    • When MVCSerializeNulls = True (default) empty nullables and nil are serialized as json null.
    • When MVCSerializeNulls = False empty nullables and nil are not serialized at all.
  • ⚡ Nullable types now have Equal method support, the new method TryHasValue(out Value) works like HasValue but returns the contained value if present. Also there is a better "equality check" strategy.

  • ⚡ Unit tests now are always executed for Win32 and Win64 bit (both client and server).

  • ⚡ Added TMVCActiveRecord.Refresh method

  • ⚡ Unit test suites generates one NUnit XML output file for each platform

  • ⚡ New built-in profiler (usable with Delphi 10.4+) - to profile a block of code, write the following

    procedure TMyController.ProfilerSample1;
      NotProfiled(); //this line is not profiled
      //the following begin..end block will be profiled
      //timing will be saved in a "profiler" log
      begin var lProf := Profiler.Start(Context.ActionQualifiedName);
        Render('Just executed ' + Context.ActionQualifiedName);
      end; // profiler writes automatically to the log
      NotProfiled(); //this line is not profiled
    procedure TMyController.DoSomething;
      begin var lProf := Profiler.Start('DoSomething');
    procedure TMyController.DoSomethingElse;
      begin var lProf := Profiler.Start('DoSomethingElse');
    procedure TMyController.NotProfiled;

    The log contains the following lines - check the caller/called relationship shown using >> and << and the deep level

    [>>][     1][MainControllerU.TMyController.ProfilerSample1] [profiler]
    [ >>][     2][DoSomething] [profiler]
    [ <<][     2][DoSomething][ELAPSED: 00:00:00.1088214] [profiler]
    [ >>][     2][DoSomethingElse] [profiler]
    [  >>][     3][DoSomething] [profiler]
    [  <<][     3][DoSomething][ELAPSED: 00:00:00.1096617] [profiler]
    [ <<][     2][DoSomethingElse][ELAPSED: 00:00:00.2188468] [profiler]
    [<<][     1][MainControllerU.TMyController.ProfilerSample1][ELAPSED: 00:00:00.3277806] [profiler]

    To get more info check the "profiling" example.

    All profiler logs are generated with a log level info. If measured time is greater than WarningThreshold the log level is warning.

    WarningThreshold is expressed in milliseconds and by default is equals to 1000.

  • ⚡ New Context property named ActionQualifiedName which contains the currently executed action in the form UnitName.ClassName.ActionName. It is available where the Context property is available. Obviously is not available in the OnBeforeRouting middleware events.

  • ⚡ Added ObjectPool and IntfObjectPool (and related unit tests). Thanks to our sponsor Vivaticket S.p.A.

  • ⚡ Method procedure Render(const AErrorCode: Integer; const AErrorMessage: string = '' ... has been renamed to RenderStatusMessage with a better parameter names.

  • IMVCJSONRPCExecutor supports async call. Thanks to our sponsor Orion Law. Check the new Async sample in samples\jsonrpc_with_published_objects\.

  • ⚡ Removed foTransient if TMVCActiveRecord FieldOptions. It became obsolete after introduction of foReadOnly and foWriteOnly.

  • ⚡ Improved TMVCActiveRecordMiddleware. Now it can handle multiple connections for the same request. Also, you can completely omit the 'default' connection and just specify wich connection you want to use before starting to create your TMVCActiveRecord inherited entities.

Bug Fix in 3.2.3-radium

More details about dmvcframework-3.2.3-radium fixes here

DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.2-nitrogen

15 Sep 08:54
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Overview of DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.2-nitrogen

This version introduces new features in many different areas (swagger, server side view, MVCActiveRecord, renders etc.) so there isn't a single-big-feature to talk about. This version contains also a good number of bugfixes. It's not a critical updated, but this is the best version ever (at least, so far...) and is the suggested version for starting new projects. Enjoy!

What's new in DelphiMVCFramework-3.2.2-nitrogen

  • ⚡New! Support for Delphi 11.x Alexandria

  • ⚡New TMVCRESTClient implementation based on *Net components, the previous one was based on INDY Components (thanks to João Antônio Duarte).

  • ⚡New! MVCJSONRPCAllowGET attribute allows a remote JSON-RPC published object, or a specific method, to be called using GET HTTP Verb as well as POST HTTP Verb. POST is always available, GET is available only if explicitly allowed. IMVCJSONRPCExecutor allows to specify which HTTP Verb to use when call the server JSON-RPC methods. The default verb can be injected in the constructor and each ExecuteRequest/ExecuteNotification allows to override od adhere to the instance default.

  • ⚡New! eLua server side view support added! The View engine requires Lua's dlls so it is not included in the main package but in a sampl project. Check serversideviews_lua sample.

  • ✅ Improved! Under some heavy load circumnstances the logger queue can get full. Now TThreadSafeQueue class uses a cubic function instead of a linear one to wait in case of very high concurrency. This allows a better resiliency in case of high load.

  • ✅ Improved internal architecture of custom type serializers in case of dynamic linked packages.

  • ✅ Improved Swagger/OpenAPI support for System Controllers and improved support for param models.

  • ⚡New TMVCLRUCache implementation. Very efficient implementation of LRU cache borrowed directly from DMSContainer

  • ⚡New TMVCRedirectMiddleware to handle HTTP redirections in a very simple and flexible way.

  • ⚡New! TMVCActiveRecord supports XML field type in PostgreSQL (in addition to JSON and JSONB).

  • ⚡New OnContextCreate and OnContextDetroyed events for TMVCEngine.

  • ⚡New! Added parameter RootNode in BodyFor and BodyForListOf<T> methods, just like the BodyAs* methods.

  • ⚡New! Added NullableTGUID in MVCFramework.Nullables.pas.

  • ⚡New property CustomIntfObject: IInterface in TWebContext. This property can be used to inject custom services factory.

    procedure TMyWebModule.WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
      FMVC := TMVCEngine.Create(Self,
        procedure(Config: TMVCConfig)
          //configuration code
        procedure(const CTX: TWebContext)
          CTX.CustomIntfObject := TServicesFactory.Create; //implements an interface
        procedure(const CTX: TWebContext)
          //do nothing here
  • ✅ Added parameter to set local timeStamp as UTC.

  • ✅ Improved OpenAPI (Swagger) support.

  • ✅ Improved Support for OpenAPI (Swagger) API Versioning (check swagger_api_versioning_primer sample)

  • ✅ Improved! The unit tests fully test PostgreSQL, FirebirdSQL and SQLite while testing MVCActiveRecord framework. The other engines are tested using activerecord_showcase sample project.

  • ✅ Improved! MVCActiveRecord doeas a better job to handle TDate/TTime/TDateTime types for SQLite (it is automatic because SQLite doesn't support date/time types).

  • ✅ Improved! PostgreSQL, FirebirdSQL, Interbase and SQLite now support tablename and fields with spaces.

  • ✅ Improved Nullable Types. Now it's possible to assign nil to a nullable type and to check its state using the new property IsNull which is the negation of the already available property HasValue.

  • ✅ Improved! Now TMVCStaticFileMiddleware is able to manage high-level criteria to show/hide/mask specific files in the documetn web root. Check Issue 548 and the updated sample samples\middleware_staticfiles\ for more info.

  • ✅ Improved! In case of multiple MVCPath, Swagger consider only the first one (Thanks to V. Ferri and our sponsors)

  • ⚡New! Mechanism to customize the JWT claims setup using the client request as suggested in issue495

  • ⚡New! Added TMVCActiveRecord.Merge<T>(CurrentListOfT, ChangesOfT) to allow merge between two lists of TMVCActiveRecord descendants using UnitOfWork design pattern. Check the button "Merge" in demo "activerecord_showcase".

  • ⚡ New! Added default filtering for TMVCActiveRecord descendants (more info ASAP)

  • ⚡ New! Serialization and Deserialization for Pascal set (Thanks to rshuck for his suggestions)

  • ⚡ New! Added partitioning for TMVCActiveRecord descendants (more info ASAP)

  • ✅ Dramatically improved all "JSON-To-DataSet" operations (1 order of magnitude c.a.). Thanks to MPannier and David Moorhouse for their detailed analysis - More info here.

  • ✅ Improved! After a big refactoring ("I love to delete code" -- cit. Daniele Teti), support a new SQLGenerator is just 2 (two) methods away! Just as example, this is the current version of TMVCSQLGeneratorPostgreSQL

      TMVCSQLGeneratorPostgreSQL = class(TMVCSQLGenerator)
        function GetCompilerClass: TRQLCompilerClass; override;
        function CreateInsertSQL(
          const TableName: string;
          const Map: TFieldsMap;
          const PKFieldName: string;
          const PKOptions: TMVCActiveRecordFieldOptions): string; override;
        function GetSequenceValueSQL(const PKFieldName: string;
          const SequenceName: string;
          const Step: Integer = 1): string; override;
  • ⚡ New! Added new default parameter to TMVCActiveRecord.RemoveDefaultConnection and TMVCActiveRecord.RemoveConnection to avoid exceptions in case of not initialized connection.

  • ⚡ New! Added the new MVCOwned attribute which allows to auto-create nested objects in the deserialization phase. This will not change the current behavior, you ned to explocitly define a property (or a field) as MVCOwned to allows the serialization to create or destroy object for you.

  • ✅ Improved! Context.Data property is now created on-demand using a lazy loading approach (expect an overall speed improvement).

  • ✅ Added LogException function in MVCFramework.Logger.pas to easily log exception in standard way.

  • ✅ Improved MVCAREntitiesGenerator project - now it can better handle border cases, field names which collide with Delphi keywords and a big number of tables.

  • ✅ Improved error handling for JSON-RPC APIs (Thanks to David Moorhouse). More info here.

  • ✅ Improved parameter handling for enum and set in JSON-RPC APIs.

  • ⚡ New! Added ActiveRecordConnectionRegistry.AddDefaultConnection(const aConnetionDefName: String). The connection definition must be known by FireDAC. This method simplifies the most common scenario shown below.

      //Use active record classes
  • ⚡ New! Added ToJSONObject and ToJSONArray to the IMVCRESTResponse. These methods automatically parse the response body and return a TJSONObject or a TJSONArray respectively. These methods work as a factory - the client code need to handle returned istances. Is the body is not compatible with the request (a.k.a. is not a JSONObject in case of ToJSONObject, or is not a JSONArray in case of ToJSONArray) an exception is raised.

  • ⚡ New! Added support for primary GUID (UUID) primary keys, attributes and serialization (More info at issue 552). Thanks to Marcelo Jaloto for its important collaboration.

  • ⚡ New! Added TMVCJWTBlackListMiddleware to allow black-listing and (a sort of) logout for a JWT based authentication. This middleware must be registered after the TMVCJWTAuthenticationMiddleware.

    This middleware provides 2 events named: OnAcceptToken (invoked when a request contains a token - need to returns true/false if the token is still accepted by the server or not) and OnNewJWTToBlackList (invoked when a client ask to blacklist its current token). There is a new sample available which shows the funtionalities: samples\middleware_jwtblacklist.

  • ⚡New! MVCFromBody attribute, useful to automatically inject the request body as actual object in the action paramaters. For instance in the following action the body request is automatically deserialized as an object of class TPerson.

    procedure CreatePerson(const [MVCFromBody] Person: TPerson);
    procedure TRenderSampleController.CreatePerson(const Person: TPerson);
      //here you can directly use Person without call Context.Request.BodyAs<TPerson>
      //the Person object lifecycle is automatically handled by dmvcframework, so don't destroy      
      //If the request body ...
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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.1-carbon

27 Nov 15:03
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Overview of DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.1-carbon

This version is the version referenced by the DelphiMVCFramework - The Official Guide book (available in english, portuguese and spanish).

This version introduces new features in many different areas (swagger, server side view, MVCActiveRecord, renders etc.) so there isn't a single-big-feature to talk about. This version contains also a good number of bugfixes. It's not a critical updated, but this is the best version ever (at least, so far...) and is the suggested version for starting new projects. Enjoy!


  • docExpansion parameter for Swagger

  • New Context: TWebContext parameter in JSON-RPC Hooks

    { Called before any actual routing }
    procedure OnBeforeRoutingHook(const Context: TWebContext; const JSON: TJsonObject);
    { Called after routing and before the actual remote method invocation }
    procedure OnBeforeCallHook(const Context: TWebContext; const JSON: TJsonObject);
    { Called after actual remote method invocation, even if the method raised an exception }
    procedure OnAfterCallHook(const Context: TWebContext; const JSON: TJsonObject);
  • When a JSON-RPC Request returns a System.Boolean the result will be a JSON true or false and no 1 or 0 as it was in the 3.2.0-boron.

  • IMVCJSONRPCExecutor.ExecuteNotification returns a IJSONRPCResponse. In case of error response contains information about the error, in case of successful execution the response is a Null Object.

  • New React demo (Thanks to Angelo Sobreira da Silva)

  • Serialization support for TList<Integer>, TList<String>, TList<Boolean> and for all TList<T> of simple types.

  • Added method MetadataAsJSONObject(FieldNameCase: TMVCNameCase = ncLowerCase): TJSONObject; in TDataSetHelper. This method returns the dataset field definitions. While this is valid only for Delphi datasets, can be useful to describe a dataset to a Delphi client.

    	"fielddefs": [
            	"datatype": 3,
                "displayname": "ID",
                "fieldname": "id",
                "precision": 0,
                "size": 0
             	"datatype": 24,
                "displayname": "CODE",
                "fieldname": "code",
                "precision": 0,
                "size": 5
             	"datatype": 24,
                "displayname": "DESCRIPTION",
                "fieldname": "description",
                "precision": 0,
                "size": 200
             	"datatype": 37,
                "displayname": "PRICE",
                "fieldname": "price",
                "precision": 18,
                "size": 2

    The static method class procedure TFireDACUtils.CreateDatasetFromMetadata( AFDMemTable: TFDMemTable; AMeta: TJSONObject); gets the previous structure and initialize the fields of AFDMemTable with it. When a TFDMemTable is initialized using this approach, the data can be directly loaded from a jsonarray of jsonobject with the same field names. WARNING: This mechanism works only for Delphi clients. Check sample articles_crud_vcl_client_meta.dproj to understand the involved mechanisms.

  • Added foReadOnly and foWriteOnly as field options in MVCTableField attribute (used by TMVCActiveRecord). Currently available field options are:

    • foPrimaryKey { it's the primary key of the mapped table }
    • foAutoGenerated { not written, read - similar to foReadOnly but is reloaded after insert and update }
    • foTransient { never stored nor read - managed only at run-time }
    • foReadOnly { not written, read }
    • foWriteOnly { written, not read }

    Now it is possible to declare entities like the followings (or with any other combinations):

      TArticleWithWriteOnlyFields = class(TCustomEntity)
        [MVCTableField('ID', [foPrimaryKey, foAutoGenerated])]
        fID: NullableInt32;
        [MVCTableField('description', [foWriteOnly])]
        fDescription: string;
        [MVCTableField('price', [foWriteOnly])]
        fPrice: Integer;
        property ID: NullableInt32 read fID write fID;
        property Description: string read fDescription write fDescription;
        property Price: Integer read fPrice write fPrice;
      TArticleWithReadOnlyFields = class(TCustomEntity)
        [MVCTableField('ID', [foPrimaryKey, foReadOnly])]
        fID: NullableInt32;
        [MVCTableField('code', [foTransient])]
        fCode: NullableString;
        [MVCTableField('description', [foReadOnly])]
        fDescrizione: string;
        [MVCTableField('price', [foReadOnly])]
        fPrice: Currency;
        property ID: NullableInt32 read fID write fID;
        property Code: NullableString read fCode write fCode;
        property Description: string read fDescription write fDescription;
        property Price: Currency read fPrice write fPrice;
  • Added the ability to deserialize an object, or alist of objects, starting from an arbitrary node in the JSON (or other format) present in the request body. Works for BodyAs<T> and for BodyAsListOf<T> (Thanks to Raphaël Emourgeon for the BodyAsListOf<T> implementation).

    procedure TBooksController.CreateBook;
      lBook: TBook;
      //this call deserialize a TBook instance
      //starting from the 'book' node of
      //the request body
      lBook := Context.Request.BodyAs<TBook>('book');
        Render201Created('/api/books/' + lBook.ID.ToString);
  • Improved the primary key type handling for manual handling in MVCActiveRecord.

    procedure TMyBaseEntity.OnBeforeInsert;
      //regardless the name of the PK field
      //the following code fills the PK with a GUID
      //Inheriting the other entities from this, all
      //will inherit this behavior.
      //if the PK was a simple string, the code
      //should be like the following
  • Improved activerecord_showcase sample.

  • Improved TMVCStaticFilesMiddleware. Now is able to correctly serve SPA applications from any subfolder.

  • Added property Context.HostingFrameworkType. This property is of type TMVCHostingFrameworkType and can assume one of the following values: hftIndy (if the service is using the built-in Indy HTTP server) , hftApache (if the project is compiled as Apache module) or hftISAPI (if the project is compiled as ISAPI module).

  • TMVCNameCase got the new ncSnakeCase among the possibles casing (thanks to João Antônio Duarte for its work in this area).

    Now the TMVCNameCase declaration is the following:

    TMVCNameCase = (ncAsIs, ncUpperCase, ncLowerCase, ncCamelCase, ncPascalCase, ncSnakeCase);

    Here's how the new ncSnakeCase works

    Original SnakeCase
    OneTwo one_two
    One__Two one_two
    OneTwo03 one_two_03
  • Support for Mustache partials (Thanks to David Moorhouse and his work about issue 221). Sample \samples\serversideviews_mustache has been updated to show how to use partials.

  • Added dynamic properties access to TMVCActiveRecord descendants. Indexed property Attributes is index using the property name and set/get a TValue representing the property value.

    procedure TMainForm.btnAttributesClick(Sender: TObject);
      lCustomer: TCustomer;
      lID: Integer;
      lCustomer := TCustomer.Create;
        lCustomer.Attributes['CompanyName'] := 'Google Inc.';
        lCustomer.Attributes['City'] := 'Montain View, CA';
        lCustomer.Attributes['Note'] := 'Hello there!';
        lCustomer.Attributes['Code'] := 'XX123';
        lCustomer.Attributes['Rating'] := 3;
        lID := lCustomer.ID;
      lCustomer := TMVCActiveRecord.GetByPK<TCustomer>(lID);
        Assert('Google Inc.' = 
        Assert('Montain View, CA' = 	
        Assert('XX123' = 
        Assert('Hello there!' = 
  • Breaking Change! TMVCStaticFileMiddleware cannot be registered to "/" anymore

    • The suggested solution is to create a simple redirection controller which redirect "/" to the proper path (check this example).
  • Breaking Change! DocumentRoot of TMVCStaticFileMiddleware must be a valid folder. If DocumentRoot doesn't exist an exception is raised.

Bug Fixes

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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron

22 Jul 12:04
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DelphiMVCFramework 3.2.0-boron

  • New! Support for Delphi 10.4 Sydney!

  • New! Added Nullable support in MVCActiveRecord (nullables defined in MVCFramework.Nullables.pas)! Check activerecord_showcase sample.

  • New! Added non autogenerated primary keys in MVCActiveRecord! Check activerecord_showcase sample.

  • New! Complete support for nullable types in the default serializer (nullables defined in MVCFramework.Nullables.pas)

  • New! Added ncCamelCase and ncPascalCase to the available attribute formatters.

    MVCNameCase Property/Field Name Rendered Name
    ncUpperCase Cod_Article COD_ARTICLE
    ncLowerCase Cod_Article cod_article
    ncPascalCase Cod_Article CodArticle
    ncPascalCase CodArticle CodArticle
    ncPascalCase _WITH__UNDERSCORES_ WithUnderscores
    ncCamelCase Cod_Article codArticle
    ncCamelCase CodArticle codArticle
    ncCamelCase _WITH__UNDERSCORES_ WithUnderscores
  • New! Added Swagger support (thanks to João Antônio Duarte and Geoffrey Smith)

  • New! Attribute MVCDoNotDeserialize. If marked with this RTTI attribute, a property or a field is not deserialized and its value remain the same as was before the object deserialization.

  • New! ObjectDict function is the suggested way to render all the most common data types. It returns a IMVCObjectDictionary which is automatically rendered by the renders. Check the renders.dproj sample. Here's some example of the shining new ObjectDict().

Example 1: Rendering a list of objects not freeing them after rendering


procedure TRenderSampleController.GetLotOfPeople;
  Render<TPerson>(GetPeopleList, False);

New approach with ObjectDict

procedure TRenderSampleController.GetLotOfPeople;
  Render(ObjectDict(False).Add('data', GetPeopleList));

Example 2: Rendering a list of objects and automatically free them after rendering


procedure TRenderSampleController.GetLotOfPeople;

New approach with ObjectDict

procedure TRenderSampleController.GetLotOfPeople;
  Render(ObjectDict().Add('data', GetPeopleList));

Example 3: Rendering a list of objects adding links for HATEOAS support


procedure TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOAS;
  p: TPerson;
  People: TObjectList<TPerson>;
  People := TObjectList<TPerson>.Create(True);

{$REGION 'Fake data'}
  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'Daniele';
  p.LastName := 'Teti';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1979, 8, 4);
  p.Married := True;

  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'John';
  p.LastName := 'Doe';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1879, 10, 2);
  p.Married := False;

  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'Jane';
  p.LastName := 'Doe';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1883, 1, 5);
  p.Married := True;

  Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
       .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
       .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
       .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
       .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
       .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
       .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
       .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

New approach with ObjectDict

procedure TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOAS;
  p: TPerson;
  People: TObjectList<TPerson>;
  People := TObjectList<TPerson>.Create(True);

{$REGION 'Fake data'}
  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'Daniele';
  p.LastName := 'Teti';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1979, 8, 4);
  p.Married := True;

  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'John';
  p.LastName := 'Doe';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1879, 10, 2);
  p.Married := False;

  p := TPerson.Create;
  p.FirstName := 'Jane';
  p.LastName := 'Doe';
  p.DOB := EncodeDate(1883, 1, 5);
  p.Married := True;

  Render(ObjectDict().Add('data', People,
    procedure(const APerson: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(APerson).ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + TPerson(APerson).FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

ObjectDict is able to render multiple data sources (datasets, objectlists, objects or StrDict) at the same time using different casing, HATEOAS callbacks and modes.

procedure TTestServerController.TestObjectDict;
  lDict: IMVCObjectDictionary;
  lDict := ObjectDict(false)
    .Add('ncUpperCase_List', GetDataSet, nil, dstAllRecords, ncUpperCase)
    .Add('ncLowerCase_List', GetDataSet, nil, dstAllRecords, ncLowerCase)
    .Add('ncCamelCase_List', GetDataSet, nil, dstAllRecords, ncCamelCase)
    .Add('ncPascalCase_List', GetDataSet, nil, dstAllRecords, ncPascalCase)
    .Add('ncUpperCase_Single', GetDataSet, nil, dstSingleRecord, ncUpperCase)
    .Add('ncLowerCase_Single', GetDataSet, nil, dstSingleRecord, ncLowerCase)
    .Add('ncCamelCase_Single', GetDataSet, nil, dstSingleRecord, ncCamelCase)
    .Add('ncPascalCase_Single', GetDataSet, nil, dstSingleRecord, ncPascalCase)
    .Add('meta', StrDict(['page'], ['1']));

ObjectDict is the suggested way to renders data. However, the other ones are still there and works as usual.

  • New! Added SQLGenerator and RQL compiler for PostgreSQL, SQLite and MSSQLServer (in addition to MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird and Interbase)
  • New! MVCNameAs attribute got the param Fixed (default: false). If Fixed is true, then the name is not processed by the MVCNameCase attribute assigned to the owner type.
  • New! Added support for interfaces serialization - now it is possible to serialize Spring4D collections (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added support for rendering Spring4D Nullable Types - (thanks to João Antônio Duarte)
  • New! Added OnRouterLog event to log custom information for each request (thanks to Andrea Ciotti for the first implementation and its PR)
  • New! Optionally load system controllers (those who provide /, / and / system actions) setting Config[TMVCConfigKey.LoadSystemControllers] := 'false'; in the configuration block.
  • Improved! Now the router consider Accept:*/* compatible for every MVCProduces values.
  • Improved! Greatly improved support for HATEOAS in renders. Check TRenderSampleController.GetPeople_AsObjectList_HATEOS and all the others actions end with HATEOS in renders.dproj sample).
//Now is really easy to add "links" property automatically for each collection element while rendering
Render<TPerson>(People, True,
    procedure(const APerson: TPerson; const Links: IMVCLinks)
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + APerson.ID.ToString)
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json')
        .Add('title', 'Details for ' + APerson.FullName);
        .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
        .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
        .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Datasets have a similar anon method to do the same thing
Render(lDM.qryCustomers, False,
  procedure(const DS: TDataset; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/customers/' + DS.FieldByName('cust_no').AsString + '/orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'orders')
	  .Add(HATEOAS._TYPE, 'application/json');

//Single object rendering allows HATEOAS too!
Render(lPerson, False,
  procedure(const AObject: TObject; const Links: IMVCLinks)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people/' + TPerson(AObject).ID.ToString)
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'self')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.HREF, '/people')
	  .Add(HATEOAS.REL, 'people')
  • Better packages organization (check packages folder)
  • New! TMVCActiveRecord.Count method (e.g. TMVCActiveRecord.Count(TCustomer) returns the number of records for the entity mapped by the class TCustomer)
  • Change! TMVCACtiveRecord.GetByPK<T> raises an exception by default if the record is not found - optionally can returns nil using new parameter RaiseExceptionIfNotFound
  • New! contains clause has been added in the RQL compiler for Firebird and Interbase
  • New! Added support out operator in RQL parser. The RQL out operator is equivalent to the SQL NOT IN operator.
  • New! TMVCAnalyticsMiddleware to do automatic analytics on the API (generates a...
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