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nanowebcoder edited this page Mar 7, 2016 · 1 revision

The fastest way to get start is to begin with the VeraHuesBridgeTester application.

The application, on startup, will read values from its configuration file and display them for you. You cannot edit the values in the application, but rather you should edit the Settings.settings file. The configuration variables are described here:

UUID: This provides a unique number to publish the service under. You should not have to worry about this value unless you plan on running multiple instances of this service on your network. In which case, its probably advisable to ensure each service has a different unique ID.

Multicast IP Address: The default, is a standard UDP broadcast address for the local area network. If you need to change this, we suggest you look up the correct way to define this. If you do change it, your Echo may not be able to see the bridge.

Multicast Port: Again, 1900 is the standard port for the SSDP discovery service. We do not recommend changing this.

Local IP Address: This IP address should be the address of your network card. If you have multiple cards, network addresses or want to use an IPv6 address, you are on your own. The IP Address here is used both to host the Webserver and is used to join the MulticastGroup for the SSDP service. It is also used to construct the SSDP service location (http://{local_ip_address}:{local_port}/api/setup.xml.

Local Port: This is the port that the Webserver component will listen on. Remember, no two services can share the same IP and Port at the same time. So if plan on running this on a Windows box with a webserver already on it, be sure to select a different port here.

Respond to SSDP Requests: This boolean value tells the application to either start the SSDPService or not. If the value is false, the checkbox will be unchecked and the application will NOT start the SSDP discovery service. If the service is not running, the application cannot respond to Echo when she is asked to Discover Devices. It may prove useful for folks who might want to run multiple instances of the bridge (but only have one of them responding to Discovery), or for testing purposes.

To start the service, simply verify your settings and hit the Start button. Stopping is as simple as hitting the stop button. If you are running the service from Visual Studio, you will see log output in the console window. If you are running it as an application directly, it will write its log output to a file in the same directory as the executable.