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Commands and Permissions

dniym edited this page Sep 23, 2019 · 8 revisions


/Istack protections -Shows the status and allows configuration of all Protections

/Istack toggle -Allows you to toggle a protection on/off by name

/Istack reload -Reloads the config.yml file (only ever needed if you edit config.yml with a text editor)


All permissions for this plugin default to OP, to give your lower staff access to them grant them permissions from the list below.

    description: Allows users to use the /istack protections command
    default: op
    description: Allows users with this perm to use the /istack command
    default: op
    description: Allows users with this perm to receive in game notifications of offenses
    default: op
    description: Any player given this permission will be allowed to have specific 
      overstacked whitelisted items (GroupStack[ <MATERIAL_NAME1>,<MATERIAL_NAME2> ])
    default: op
    description: Allows users with this perm to have items that break the vanilla enchant limits.
    default: op

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