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dniym edited this page Sep 23, 2019 · 1 revision

OFF BY DEFAULT - Obscure or User Requested Feature


There is currently an exploit which affects pretty much any version that includes Shulker Boxes that allows a malicious user (with a hacked client) to create Shulker boxes with bad meta data. This data makes the shulker box appear to hold over 700 items, when a player acquires several of these shulker boxes they become unable to log back in until these shulker boxes are removed. These shulkers can also be dropped say in your spawn area and prevent any player who tries to log in there from being able to log in, TLDR a variant of the book ban that works in newer versions.

This protection REQUIRES the use of a 3rd party plugin to work. You'll need NBT API Installed and running on your server before this protection will work/activate. I do apologize for this but since this exploit potentially affects every version of minecraft with shulkers im relying on NBT API to cover all the NMS code.

If this setting is set to TRUE, and NBT API is present and running, player inventories will be scanned for bad shulkers when they log in, therefore negating/fixing this exploit, likewise any bad shulker found on item scan will be removed and you'll be notified, hopefully you can track down which of your users are creating these. This setting is OFF by default (Requires 3rd party plugin)

To enable / disable this protection use the following command: /istack toggle DestroyInvalidShulkers

  • CheckGroundForBadShulkerAtLogin - Removes any dropped shulker boxes in the world found when a player logs in that contain invalid client crashing data. You should ONLY enable this protection if you know you have areas with bad shulkers in it as the plugin will scan a reasonably large area every time a player logs in.
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