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fang5566 edited this page Jan 16, 2014 · 5 revisions

哪里可以找到 Shumway 的技术演示?

The live demos are located at (and also mirrored at These is HTML5 web application and does not require any extensions or add-ons installed.

我可以安装 Shumway 的扩展吗?

Yes, you can. The extension is published at and automatically updated. The extension requires click-to-play enabled (for Firefox 21+) and Flash plugin set to "Ask to Activate" (for Firefox 23+).

It is possible to configure the extension (e.g. when the Flash plugin is not installed) to ignore click-to-play settings and always show the Shumway player. See for more information.

我听说 Shumway 属于 Firefox Nightly 的一部分,我要怎么做才能用上它?

The Shumway code is disabled by default (see bug 904346). You have to enable it by opening the web browser at about:config and changing the preference shumway.disabled to false.

The Nightly downloads can be found at

我的一部 Flash 影片无法在 Shumway 中正常使用,我该怎么提交这个问题?

Yes, but you will be requested to submit the source code. It will be really helpful, if the problematic movie is reduced to the small test case.

构建项目太麻烦了,还有什么办法可以测试我的 SWF 文件?

You can use the inspector located at or See Accessing SWFs from Remote Sites for details.